
  • Packages
Results16 packages owned by timsmart.co
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A utility library to automate mobile emulators. Wraps `xcrun` for iOS and the Android CLI tools.
Contentful Delivery API client for Dart. This Dart package is a small abstraction on top of the Contentful Delivery API.
A toolkit for writing software in dart. Effect-system, dependency management and more!
Pull based async iterator with offset tracking. An alternative to Stream.
An atomic dependency and state management toolkit - fast, simple and composable.
Helper functions for creating RiverPod providers for OffsetIterator's.
A collection of functions and monads for functional programming in dart.
Helper package for using bloc_stream with Flutter. Includes BlocStreamProvider and BlocStreamBuilder.
Adds persistence to the `bloc_stream` package.
Extension methods for offset_iterator, for working with dart:io and friends.