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Flexible bottom sheet with the ability to scroll content even without a list.
Android implementation of OTP autofill with using User Consent API and Retriever API. Add possibility to receive OTP code from another input.
Set of widgets provides make refresh by using pull down gesture.
Library for getting widget metrics. Uses RenderObject to get the size and position of widgets relative to the screen window, as well as the difference between widgets.
Lint rules for "Surf" company for Dart and Flutter projects.
Interface for working with analytic services. The library is supposed to unify work with various analytic services.
Production-level logger for Dart & Flutter
This is a lightweight fork of the yandex_mapkit package version 3.4.0.
Widget Test Composer is a utility package designed to simplify widget and golden testing processes using golden_toolkit package.
Library for implementing push notifications. The module contains the main work with push notifications.