
  • Packages
Results11 packages owned by evilrattechnologies.com
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Zoom SDK from ZOOM ported to flutter as plugin with all necessary features and with Null Safety which is implementation by EvilRATT
Instamojo SDK from Instamojo ported to flutter as plugin with all necessary features and with Null Safety which is implementation by EvilRATT
A modern HTTP server application framework, ORM and OAuth2 provider with OpenAPI 3.0 integration. Foundation for REST, RPC or GraphQL services.
Common classes shared by tridev projects.
Data structures for OpenAPI (Swagger) specification. Reads and writes JSON specifications.
A safe and convenient way to read YAML configuration files.
Utilities for writing tests to validate file system and Dart project directory operations.
A serialization library for converting dynamic, structured data (JSON, YAML) into Dart types.
This library contains types that allow for executing code in a spawned isolate, perhaps with additional imports.