
  • Packages
Results15 packages owned by drafakiller.com
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An intuitive Event-based system, inspired by NodeJS's Event Emitter. Allows for multiple data types with type safety events. Based on JavaScript and suitable for Dart and Flutter.
Widget to swipe to the sides, adding different funcionalities.
A flexible code scanner for QR codes, barcodes and many others. Using Google's ML Kit. Use it as a Widget with a camera or use the methods provided, with a camera controller.
A simple Isolated Thread wrapped with a type-safe Event Emitter for easier asynchronous communication. Setup events for the thread to reply to, or compute tasks individually.
A console for debugging Flutter apps. Check the console for prints and errors, while you're testing it, all within your app. Make your own logging and check the StackTraces.
Control the flow of asynchronous operations by signaling all the waiting tasks whether they should wait or continue at a specific point. Lock and unlock the flow.
Generates a Regular Expression that matches a range of numbers or characters. Use the generated RegExp or pattern.
A simple Markdown parser for Dart. Create your own custom Markdown syntax.
Allows to position widgets fixed along with a scroll. Can be positioned relative to the parent, or the absolute position. Best used with a Scrollable, but can be used on its own.
A console markdown for formatting and color, using chalk as a dependency. No setup required, quick and easy to use.