
  • Packages
Results9 packages owned by darkandjeweled.com
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Simple base16 (hex) encoder. Used to encode bytes to semi-readable String format, e.g. to encode bytes of UUID, ObjectID, etc.
A simple approach to 32-bit bitmasks. Used to send arrays of bools. MongoDB is using bitmasks as its flags parameters.
A simple way to find a daterange in which a datetime is. Used for db queries.
A simple way to convert a DateTime object between UTC and device's local timezones
Simple functions to work with seconds. Used for compact dateTime storage (e.g. in database, or JWT "iat" claim).
A simple way to prevent TCP socket from splitting your data into random chunks
All utf8 one byte english letters and special characters. Used for input validation, random string generators etc.
A 32 bit auto-increment used to distinguish requests/responses by a 'requestID' claim
Analog for the Flutter's listenable (valueNotifier) in pure Dart used for console applications without flutter desktop embedding.