zainpay 0.0.1 copy "zainpay: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
zainpay: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

A flutter package to implement zainpay on your flutter application.

ZainPay Flutter Package #

The Flutter library helps you create seamless payment experiences in your dart mobile app. By connecting to our modal, you can start collecting payment in no time.

Table of Contents #

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Usage

Requirements #

  1. ZainPay for business API Keys
  2. Supported Flutter version >= 1.17.0

Installation process #

  1. Add the dependency to your project. In your pubspec.yaml file add: zainpay: 0.0.1
  2. Run flutter pub get

Usage #

Initializing a Zainpay instance #

To create an instance, you should call the Zainpay constructor. This constructor accepts a mandatory instance of the following:

  • The calling
  • publicKey
  • amount
  • email
  • fullName
  • transactionRef
  • isDebug

It returns an instance of Zainpay which we then call the async method .charge() on.

_handlePaymentInitialization() async { 
final style = FlutterwaveStyle(
 appBarText: "My Standard Blue", 
 buttonColor: Color(0xffd0ebff), 
 appBarIcon: Icon(Icons.message, color: Color(0xffd0ebff)),
 buttonTextStyle: TextStyle( 
     fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, 
     fontSize: 18), 
appBarColor: Color(0xffd0ebff), 
dialogCancelTextStyle: TextStyle(
    color: Colors.redAccent, 
    fontSize: 18
dialogContinueTextStyle: TextStyle(
	    fontSize: 18

final Customer customer = Customer(
	    name: "FLW Developer", 
	    phoneNumber: "1234566677777", 
	    email: ""
final Flutterwave flutterwave = Flutterwave(
	    context: context, 
	    style: style, 
	    publicKey: "Public Key, 
	    currency: "RWF", 
	    redirectUrl: "my_redirect_url" 
	    txRef: "unique_transaction_reference", 
	    amount: "3000", 
	    customer: customer, 
	    paymentOptions: "ussd, card, barter, payattitude", 
	    customization: Customization(title: "Test Payment"),
	    isDebug: true

License #

By contributing to the Flutter library, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its MIT license.

Copyright (c)

Built Using #