youtube_shorts 0.4.1 copy "youtube_shorts: ^0.4.1" to clipboard
youtube_shorts: ^0.4.1 copied to clipboard

A youtube shorts displayer.

A package for displaying youtube shorts. #

You can choose you shorts by passing a list of shorts url's, or by passing a channel name. Under the hood the package is using youtube_explode_dart to get youtube video info and media_kit for as the player for videos.

Configurations and native permissions #

Since the package uses media_kit as it's video player engine, the native configurations of this package are the same configurations of media_kit package. Click here to access the media_kit package native configuration. Please do the configurations for the platforms you pretend to use.

That configurations also includes calling MediaKit.ensureInitialized(); in the main function. Please check documentation.

Basic how to use #

First, you will need to create a VideosSourceController that will controll all the video source. There are two constructor of the source controller. From a list of url or from the channel name. Examples are bellow:

By list of youtube url's (example): #

late final ShortsController controller;

void initState() {
  controller = ShortsController(
    youtubeVideoInfoService: VideosSourceController.fromUrlList(
      videoIds: [

By channel name (example): #

late final ShortsController controller;

void initState() {
  controller = ShortsController(
    youtubeVideoInfoService: VideosSourceController.fromYoutubeChannel(
      channelName: 'fcbarcelona',

Now, we need too add the widget that shows the shorts and use the controller you just created.

Shorts page use (minimal example): #

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return ShortsPage(
    controller: controller,

Don't forget to dispose the controller after closing the page.

void dispose() {