xsoulspace_foundation 0.0.11 copy "xsoulspace_foundation: ^0.0.11" to clipboard
xsoulspace_foundation: ^0.0.11 copied to clipboard

Shared utils, extensions, and helpers.

This package is a collection of useful utilities, extensions, and helpers that I often use in my projects. It is intended for personal and commercial projects, providing reusable components that enhance productivity and maintainability. Please note: this package is kinda stable, but some parts may be unstable (I've marked them with unstable tag) or lacks documentation.

Usage #

To use the xsoulspace_foundation package in your Flutter project, follow these steps:

  1. Add Dependency: Include the package in your pubspec.yaml file:

      xsoulspace_foundation: ^0.0.1
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  2. Import the Package: Import the necessary files in your Dart code:

    import 'package:xsoulspace_foundation/xsoulspace_foundation.dart';
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  3. Create an instance of AppStoreUtils:

    final appStoreUtils = AppStoreUtils();
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  4. Get the installation source:

    final installSource = await appStoreUtils.getInstallationSource();
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  5. Use the InstallSource enum to check the store source:

    switch (installSource) {
       case InstallSource.androidGooglePlay:
          // Android Google Play specific code
       case InstallSource.androidAppGallery:
          // Android App Gallery specific code
       case InstallSource.androidSamsungGalaxyStore:
          // Android Samsung Galaxy Store specific code
       // etc...
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    if (installSource.isAndroid) {
       // Android-specific code
    } else if (installSource.isAppleIos) {
       // Apple-specific code
    } else if (installSource.isWeb) {
       // Web-specific code
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Overview #

The xsoulspace_foundation package provides a set of utility classes and functions to enhance your Flutter and Dart applications.

Extensions #


Models #


Utils #

Infinite Scroll Pagination Utils - compliments infinite_scroll_pagination package #

The infinite_scroll_pagination_utils compliments infinite_scroll_pagination package and provides fast plug in and play solution. See more in infinite_scroll_pagination_utils/README.md

App Store Utils (Unstable) - TODO #

The app_store_utils module offers a convenient way to determine source from where your app was installed from. Base on store_checker package.

Note: This feature is still in development and may not be fully stable.

This information can be crucial for various reasons:

  1. Analytics: Track which app stores or distribution methods are most popular among your users.
  2. Feature Customization: Enable or disable certain features based on the installation source.
  3. Store-Specific Functionality: Implement store-specific features or behaviors.
  4. Troubleshooting: Identify potential issues related to specific distribution channels.

Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or new features, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

License #

This package is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.