xml 6.5.0 copy "xml: ^6.5.0" to clipboard
xml: ^6.5.0 copied to clipboard

A lightweight library for parsing, traversing, querying, transforming and building XML documents.


Dart XML Examples #

This package contains examples to illustrate the use of Dart XML. A tutorial and full documentation is contained in the package description and API documentation.

currencies #

This example looks up currencies from floatrates.com and prints a table of all exchange rates. Pass two or more currency codes on the command line:

dart example/currencies.dart usd eur gbp cad aud chf

ip_lookup #

This example performs an API call to ip-api.com to search for IP and domain meta-data. If no query is provided the current IP address will be used. Various options can be changed over the command line arguments.

dart example/ip_api.dart --help
dart example/ip_api.dart --fields=query,city,country

feeds #

Simple RSS feed reader that manages a list of feeds in feeds.xml and that can retrieve and print them to the command line.

dart example/feeds.dart --help
dart example/feeds.dart read

xml_flatten #

This example contains a command-line application that flattens an XML documents from the file-system into a list of events that are printed to the console. For example:

dart example/xml_flatten.dart example/books.xml

xml_grep #

This example contains a command-line application that reads XML documents from the file-system and prints matching tags to the console. For example:

dart example/xml_grep.dart -t title example/books.xml

xml_pos #

This example contains a command-line application that uses XML events that collects the positions of each XML node while parsing. This allows printing line and column information in the original document.

dart example/xml_pos.dart example/books.xml

xml_pp #

This example contains a command-line application that reads XML documents from the file-system and pretty prints and syntax highlights the formatted document to the console.

dart example/xml_pp.dart example/books.xml


verified publisherlukas-renggli.ch

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A lightweight library for parsing, traversing, querying, transforming and building XML documents.

Repository (GitHub)


#parser #sax #xml #xpath


API reference


MIT (license)


collection, meta, petitparser


Packages that depend on xml