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Reading and analyzing the contents of .pbxproj files. Modifying project settings and configurations. Saving changes to .pbxproj files.

codecov xcode_parser License: MIT

Xcode Parser #

Xcode Parser is a package for working with Xcode project files (.pbxproj). This package allows you to read, modify, and save changes in .pbxproj files, which is especially useful for automating iOS development tasks.

Features #

  • Reading and analyzing the contents of .pbxproj files.
  • Modifying project settings and configurations.
  • Saving changes to .pbxproj files.
Dart example.pbxproj
before before

Installation #

Incorporate the package into your Dart or Flutter project by adding it as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

  xcode_parser: ^1.2.1


dart pub add xcode_parser

Index #

Objects #

Pbxproj #

  • Read and analyze project data.
  • Make changes to the project configuration.
  • Save modifications back to the .pbxproj file, ensuring the project is updated according to the changes made.


`open` may take a few seconds, 
if your program needs to continue working 
during parsing, it is recommended to use 
isolates to prevent blocking the main thread.
  • factory Pbxproj.parse(String content, {String path}) - Analyzes the given .pbxproj file content. Parameter path - optional path to the .pbxproj file to be outputted. Returns: Pbxproj — an instance of Pbxproj after analyzing the content
  • static Future<Pbxproj> open(String path) - Opens and analyzes the .pbxproj file at the specified path. Parameter path - path to the .pbxproj file. Returns: Future<Pbxproj> — an asynchronous result that contains an instance of Pbxproj after reading and analyzing the file. Not available on Web.
  • Future<void> save() - Saves the current state of the Pbxproj object back to the .pbxproj file. Not available on Web.
  • String generateUuid() - Generates a unique identifier (UUID), which can be used for new project components.
  • void add(NamedComponent component) - Adds a new component to the project.
  • void remove(String uuid) - Removes a component from the project by its UUID.
  • void replaceOrAdd(NamedComponent component) - Replaces an existing component in the project or adds a new one if a component with such UUID is not found.
  • NamedComponent? operator [](String key) - Allows access to a component by its UUID.


void main() async {
  // Load the project
  var project = await Pbxproj.open('path/to/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj');

  // Add a new build configuration
  var uuid = project.generateUuid();
  var config = MapPbx(
    uuid: uuid,
    children: [
      MapEntryPbx('isa', VarPbx('XCBuildConfiguration')),
      MapEntryPbx('name', VarPbx('"CustomDebug"')),
        uuid: 'buildSettings',
        children: [
          MapEntryPbx('SWIFT_VERSION', VarPbx('5.0')),
          MapEntryPbx('IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET', VarPbx('12.0')),

  // Save changes
  await project.save();

SectionPbx #

SectionPbx is a specialized component within the xcode_parser library that manages sections in Xcode project files (*.pbxproj). Sections in such files usually contain groups of related elements, such as source files, build configurations, resources, etc.


  • void add(NamedComponent component) - Adds a new component to the section.
  • void remove(String uuid) - Removes a component from the section by its UUID.
  • NamedComponent? find(String uuid) - Searches for a component in the section by its UUID.
  • replaceOrAdd(NamedComponent component) - Replaces an existing component in the section or adds a new one if a component with such UUID is not found.
  • find<T extends NamedComponent>(String key) - Searches for a component in the section by its UUID and returns it if found. Returns null if the component is not found.
  • findComment<T extends NamedComponent>(String comment) - Searches for a component by comment. This is useful if components have been marked with comments for further identification.


void main() {
  // Create a section for build settings
  var buildConfigs = SectionPbx(name: 'XCBuildConfiguration');

  // Add a build setting for debug mode
    uuid: 'debugConfig',
    children: [
      MapEntryPbx('name', VarPbx('Debug')),
      MapEntryPbx('buildSettings', VarPbx('{SETTINGS}')),

  // Output information about the section

MapPbx #

MapPbx is a component of the xcode_parser library designed to manage mappings in Xcode project files (*.pbxproj).


  • void add(NamedComponent component) - Adds a new component to the mapping.
  • void remove(String uuid) - Removes a component from the mapping by its UUID.
  • NamedComponent? find(String uuid) - Searches for a component in the mapping by its UUID and returns it if found. Returns null if the component is not found.
  • replaceOrAdd(NamedComponent component) - Replaces an existing component in the mapping or adds a new one if a component with such UUID is not found.
  • find<T extends NamedComponent>(String key) - Searches for a component in the mapping by its UUID and returns it if found. Returns null if the component is not found.
  • findComment<T extends NamedComponent>(String comment) - Searches for a component by comment. This is useful if components have been marked with comments for further identification.


void main() {
  // Create a MapPbx object for build settings
  var buildSettings = MapPbx(
      uuid: 'buildSettings',
      children: [
        MapEntryPbx('SWIFT_VERSION', VarPbx('5.0')),
        MapEntryPbx('IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET', VarPbx('12.0')),
      comment: 'Main build settings'

  // Add an additional configuration

  // Output information about the mapping

MapEntryPbx #

MapEntryPbx is a component of the xcode_parser library designed to represent individual entries within the mappings of Xcode project files (*.pbxproj). This component is used to store key-value pairs, where each key is represented by a UUID and the value can be any component derived from PbxprojComponent.


  • String toString({int indentLevel = 0, bool removeN = false}) - Converts the MapEntryPbx object to a string representation, which can be used for output or writing to a file. The indentLevel parameter controls the indentation level for better readability, and removeN determines whether to add line breaks.
  • MapEntryPbx copyWith({String? uuid, T? value, String? comment}) - Creates a copy of the MapEntryPbx object with the ability to replace its components. This is useful for modifying existing entries when only part of the data needs to be changed.


void main() {
  // Create a MapEntryPbx object for a build setting
  var swiftVersion = MapEntryPbx(
      comment: 'Swift version for the build configuration'

  // Output information about the entry

  // Create a copy with a changed value
  var updatedSwiftVersion = swiftVersion.copyWith(
      value: VarPbx('5.2'),
      comment: 'Updated Swift version'

  // Output updated information

VarPbx #

VarPbx is a component of the xcode_parser library used to represent parameter values in Xcode project files (*.pbxproj). This component is designed to store simple data such as strings, numbers, or boolean values that are part of the Xcode project configuration.


  • String toString({int indentLevel = 0, bool removeN = false}) - Converts the VarPbx object to a string representation. This method facilitates integrating the VarPbx value into .pbxproj files in the appropriate format.


void main() {
  // Create a VarPbx object to store the Swift version
  var swiftVersion = VarPbx('5.0');

  // Output the Swift version value
  print('Swift Version: ${swiftVersion}');

  // Use VarPbx in a MapEntryPbx for project configuration
  var buildSetting = MapEntryPbx(
      comment: 'Specify the Swift version used for the build'

  // Output the full build setting entry

ElementOfListPbx #

ElementOfListPbx is a component of the xcode_parser library intended to represent elements in a list used in Xcode project files (*.pbxproj). This component is typically used to represent values in lists of parameters, such as a list of source files, resources, and other group settings.


  • String toString({int indentLevel = 0, bool removeN = false}) - Converts the ElementOfListPbx object to a string representation, considering the indentation level and the need to include line breaks. The method is convenient for forming the correct format for recording elements in a .pbxproj file.
  • ElementOfListPbx copyWith({String? value, String? comment}) - Creates a copy of the current list element with the possibility of changing its value or comment. This is useful for modifying existing elements when needed.


void main() {
  // Create a list element with a comment
  var sourceFile = ElementOfListPbx(
      comment: 'Main view controller of the application'

  // Output information about the list element

  // Create a copy of the element with a changed comment
  var updatedSourceFile = sourceFile.copyWith(
      comment: 'Updated main view controller file'

  // Output information about the updated list element

ListPbx #

ListPbx is a component of the xcode_parser library designed to manage lists in Xcode project files (*.pbxproj). This component is used to represent arrays of values, such as files, configurations, and other collections of elements related to the project.


  • operator [](int index) - Provides access to list elements by index.
  • int get length - Returns the number of elements in the list.
  • void add(ElementOfListPbx element) - Adds an element to the list.
  • String toString({int indentLevel = 0, bool removeN = false}) - Returns a string representation of the object, considering the indentation level and the need to remove line breaks. Designed to form a correct output of the list in a .pbxproj file.
  • ListPbx copyWith({String? uuid, List<ElementOfListPbx>? children, String? comment}) - Creates a copy of the current list object with the possibility of replacing its components. This is useful when needing to change the list without affecting the original object.


void main() {
  // Create a list for project files
  var fileList = ListPbx(
      comment: 'List of source files'

  // Add a new file to the list

  // Output information about the file list

  // Create a copy of the list with a changed comment
  var updatedFileList = fileList.copyWith(
      comment: 'Updated list of source files'

  // Output updated information about the list
pub points


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Reading and analyzing the contents of .pbxproj files. Modifying project settings and configurations. Saving changes to .pbxproj files.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)




Packages that depend on xcode_parser