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Country flags made with Flutter - every flag is a Widget, without any assets.

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Every country flag is a Widget #

Flutter library for compact and visually appealing country flag icons. Optimized for rendering sizes from 18 to 48 pixels (height), these flags draw inspiration from circle-flags, OpenMoji, and Twemoji. Over two-thirds of the flags in this library are also suitable for full-scale use.

Each flag is a vector-based CustomPainter, ensuring precise, scalable, and stunning results. Following official color standards and using a declarative design, world_flags allows easy customization of flag shapes, decorations, and aspect ratios without losing quality or breaking flag element proportions.


Features #

  • Fully Customizable: Adjust the shape, size, decoration, aspect ratio, etc. of any flag to fit your UI needs.
  • Efficient: No images, SVGs, fonts, or any other type of assets used - it keeps your app lightweight.
  • Flexible: The declarative approach allows for flags to have different shapes and aspect ratios.
  • High Performance: Optimized CustomPainters ensure smooth rendering across all devices.
  • Easy to Use: Simplified API for adding flags with minimal code.
  • Pure Dart: As these are code-based flags, developers can easily access and manipulate flag colors, aspect ratios, and other properties like any other Dart object.

Package provides 250 small and simplified world country flags, but at the same time, more than 2/3 of these flags can be used as full-dimensional flags.

Getting Started #

To use this package, you will need Flutter version 3.10+. Add world_flags as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  world_flags: any

Usage #

All you need is a WorldCountry instance (either create with factories of that class or just pick some specific one, i.e. const CountryDeu()). Use it in the CountryFlag widget. For example:

import "package:flutter/material.dart";
import "package:world_flags/world_flags.dart";

void main() => runApp(
        home: const Main(),
        theme: ThemeData(
          /// Provide flag decorations globally.
          extensions: const [
              decoration: BoxDecoration(
                borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4)),

class Main extends StatefulWidget {
  const Main({super.key});

  State<Main> createState() => _MainState();

class _MainState extends State<Main> {
  static const size = kMinInteractiveDimension / 2;
  static const countries = WorldCountry.list;

  final _aspectRatio = ValueNotifier(FlagConstants.defaultAspectRatio);

  void dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) => ColoredBox(
        color: Theme.of(context).scaffoldBackgroundColor,
        child: SafeArea(
          minimum: const EdgeInsets.all(size / 2),
          child: ValueListenableBuilder(
            valueListenable: _aspectRatio,
            builder: (_, aspectRatio, __) => Scaffold(
              body: ListView.builder(
                itemBuilder: (_, i) => ListTile(
                  title: Text(countries[i].internationalName),
                  trailing: CountryFlag.simplified(
                    height: size,
                    aspectRatio: aspectRatio,
                itemCount: countries.length,
              bottomNavigationBar: SizedBox(
                height: size * 2,
                child: Slider(
                  value: aspectRatio,
                  onChanged: (newRatio) => _aspectRatio.value = newRatio,
                  min: FlagConstants.minAspectRatio,
                  max: FlagConstants.maxAspectRatio,

Additional information #

For more information on using this package, check out the API documentation. If you have any issues or suggestions for the package, please file them in the GitHub repository. PRs or ideas are always welcome. If you like this package, please give it a star or like.

References and credits #

This package is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details. These package dependency are under their respective licenses (that can be found in their respective folders under LICENSE and NOTICE files).


Why should I use this package over any other country flag package?

  • Every flag is a Widget: This package doesn't use heavy SVG or any other assets, all flags are declarative-style optimized CustomPainters. That means that you don't have to worry about pre-caching, increased app size, platform-dependent look of the flags, etc. And since it's a widget - you can always change its look - shape, decoration, aspect ratio, etc. Just ask yourself for example - how you can easily change the aspect ratio of asset-based flags without stretching/shrinking them.
  • Custom flags: Package provides multiple classes and simple API to create your own flags.
  • Up-to-date flags: This package ensures accurate and timely flag representations, reflecting current designs. Unlike other packages or emoji/font sets that often use outdated flags, this package offers flags with the most recent designs (such as the Afghan flag from 2013 is shown here correctly with a design from year 2021).
  • Sealed classes: This package provides data in the form of sealed classes, allowing you to create your own instances and work with them as with existing ones (for example this is not possible with enums or regular classes (without losing its sealed nature), you can also override existing or add new data, etc.).
  • No 3rd-party dependencies: This package has no third-party dependencies, ensuring that you won't have any issues or conflicts with other dependencies (no even meta here, because of that).
  • Rich data: This package offers far more data than any other package + tons of translations (all GlobalMaterialLocalizations and GlobalCupertinoLocalizations locales and more).
  • Type-safe: The contracts and types in this package are exceptionally strong, ensuring that your code is strongly typed and well-defined.
  • High code coverage: The code in this package has almost 100% code coverage, with more than 1687 (+3140 in underlying Dart packages) tests, providing confidence in its reliability and stability.
  • Comprehensive documentation: This package provides full documentation for every non-code generated public member, usually with examples, ensuring clarity and ease of use.
  • Industry adopted: This package is actively used in production by numerous European companies, ensuring its efficacy and robustness in real-world scenarios.
  • MIT license: This package and sources are released under the MIT license, which is a permissive license that allows users to use, modify, and distribute the code with minimal restrictions. The MIT license is considered better than most other open-source licenses because it provides flexibility and allows users to incorporate the code into their projects without worrying about legal implications.



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Country flags made with Flutter - every flag is a Widget, without any assets.

Repository (GitHub)
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#flags #flag #country-flags #country-flag #coat-of-arms


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, sealed_countries


Packages that depend on world_flags