wialon 2.0.2 copy "wialon: ^2.0.2" to clipboard
wialon: ^2.0.2 copied to clipboard

Wialon Remote API wrapper for Dart Language. For more information about the Remote API please visit https://sdk.wialon.com/


import 'package:wialon/wialon.dart';

void main(List<String> arguments) async {
  // Example token from https://sdk.wialon.com/playground/demo/get_units
  String token =
  await oauthLogin("wialon_user", "wialon_password");
  await tokenLogin(token);
  await getUnits(token);
  await reverseGeocoding(token);

Future<void> oauthLogin(String username, String password) async {
  WialonSdk sdk = WialonSdk();
  Map<String, dynamic> loginResult =
      await sdk.oauthLogin(username: username, password: password);

  /// !Important note:
  /// - We don't recommend use this method more than one time in your project, because Wialon has restrictions on the number of tokens generated.
  /// - If you don't want to create algorithms to store the Wialon session, we suggest to perform the logout method at the end of the program.
  await sdk.logout();

Future<void> tokenLogin(String token) async {
  WialonSdk sdk = WialonSdk();
  Map<String, dynamic> loginResult = await sdk.tokenLogin(token: token);

  /// !Important note:
  /// If you don't want to create algorithms to store the Wialon session, we suggest to perform the logout method at the end of the program.
  await sdk.logout();

Future<void> getUnits(String token) async {
  WialonSdk sdk = WialonSdk();
  await sdk.tokenLogin(token: token);

  Map<String, dynamic> result = await sdk.call(
    method: 'core/search_items',
    parameters: {
      'spec': {
        'itemsType': 'avl_unit',
        'propName': 'sys_name',
        'propValueMask': '*',
        'sortType': 'sys_name',
        'or_logic': true,
      'force': 1,
      'flags': 1,
      'from': 0,
      'to': 0

  /// Your units should will come in [result['items']]

  await sdk.logout();

Future<void> reverseGeocoding(String token) async {
  WialonSdk sdk = WialonSdk();
  await sdk.tokenLogin(token: token);

  String result = await sdk.reverseGeocoding(latitude: 0, longitude: 0);

  /// If your reverse server configured in Wialon can handle your coordinates
  /// (For this example, [latitude] and [longitude] are 0), you should get a result.
  /// Otherwise, you should get an empty string.
  /// If you run this script (Placing your token, of course), the response will be an empty string.

  await sdk.logout();
pub points


verified publishergoldenm.com

Wialon Remote API wrapper for Dart Language. For more information about the Remote API please visit https://sdk.wialon.com/

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