whisper_flutter_new 1.0.1
whisper_flutter_new: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
Use whisper.cpp models implementation for Android and iOS
Whisper Flutter New #
Ready to use whisper.cpp models implementation for iOS and Android
- Support AGP8+
- Support Android 5.0+ & iOS 13+ & MacOS 11+
- It is optimized and fast
Supported models: tiny、base、small、medium、large-v1、large-v2
Recommended Models:base、small、medium
All models have been actually tested, test devices: Android: Google Pixel 7 Pro, iOS: M1 iOS simulator,MacOS: M1 MacBookPro & M2 MacMini
Install library #
flutter pub add whisper_flutter_new
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import library #
import 'package:whisper_flutter_new/whisper_flutter_new.dart';
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Quickstart #
// Prepare wav file
final Directory documentDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final ByteData documentBytes = await rootBundle.load('assets/jfk.wav');
final String jfkPath = '${documentDirectory.path}/jfk.wav';
await File(jfkPath).writeAsBytes(
// Begin whisper transcription
/// China: https://hf-mirror.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/resolve/main
/// Other: https://huggingface.co/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/resolve/main
final Whisper whisper = Whisper(
model: WhisperModel.base,
downloadHost: "https://huggingface.co/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/resolve/main"
final String? whisperVersion = await whisper.getVersion();
final String transcription = await whisper.transcribe(
transcribeRequest: TranscribeRequest(
audio: jfkPath,
isTranslate: true, // Translate result from audio lang to english text
isNoTimestamps: false, // Get segments in result
splitOnWord: true, // Split segments on each word
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