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Wheel Slider offers a lot of customisation and enables you to scroll around with a wheel-like appearance.

Wheel Slider #

A versatile and highly customizable slider widget for Flutter, with a wheel-like scrolling appearance.

pub package License: MIT

gif of wheel slider gif of wheel slider

Built on top of wheel_chooser for an enhanced experience.

✨ Features #

  • 🔢 Number Display: Show numbers instead of simple lines.
  • ↔↕ Scroll Orientation: Horizontal and vertical scrolling options.
  • 📳 Haptic Feedback: Vibrates during scroll for a tactile experience.
  • 🔧 Custom Widgets: Fully customizable items and pointers.
  • 🖼️ Background Support: Add a widget as the slider's background.
  • 🎨 Styling Options: Easily customize line and pointer colors.

🚀 Getting Started #

Installation #

Add the following to your pubspec.yaml under dependencies:



import 'package:wheel_slider/wheel_slider.dart';

Android Permissions #

Add the vibration permission to your AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>

IOS Compatibility #

Supports vibration with duration and pattern on CoreHaptics devices. On older devices, the pattern is emulated with 500ms long vibrations.

📖 Usage #

To use Line Slider:

    totalCount: _totalCount,
    initValue: _initValue,
    onValueChanged: (val) {
        setState(() {
          _currentValue = val;
    hapticFeedbackType: HapticFeedbackType.vibrate,

To use Line Slider with displaying double value:

    interval: 0.5,  // this field is used to show decimal/double values
    totalCount: _totalCount,
    initValue: _initValue,
    onValueChanged: (val) {
        setState(() {
          _currentValue = val;
    hapticFeedbackType: HapticFeedbackType.vibrate,

To use Number Slider:

    perspective: 0.01,
    totalCount: _nTotalCount,
    initValue: _nInitValue,
    unSelectedNumberStyle: const TextStyle(
        fontSize: 12.0,
        color: Colors.black54,
    currentIndex: _nCurrentValue,
    onValueChanged: (val) {
        setState(() {
          _nCurrentValue = val;
    hapticFeedbackType: HapticFeedbackType.heavyImpact,

To use Number Slider with displaying double value:

    interval: 0.5, // this field is used to show decimal/double values
    perspective: 0.01,
    totalCount: _nTotalCount,
    initValue: _nInitValue,
    unSelectedNumberStyle: const TextStyle(
        fontSize: 12.0,
        color: Colors.black54,
    currentIndex: _nCurrentValue,
    onValueChanged: (val) {
        setState(() {
          _nCurrentValue = val;
    hapticFeedbackType: HapticFeedbackType.heavyImpact,

To use Custom Widget Slider:

    totalCount: 12,
    initValue: 5,
    isInfinite: false,
    scrollPhysics: const BouncingScrollPhysics(),
    children: List.generate(12, (index) => const Center(
        child: FlutterLogo(
            size: 100,
    onValueChanged: (val) {
        setState(() {
          _cCurrentValue = val;
    hapticFeedbackType: HapticFeedbackType.vibrate,
    showPointer: false,
    itemSize: 80,

🛠️ Properties

  • controller - A FixedExtentScrollController that allows you to manage and control the scroll position of the slider.
  • interval - To display decimal values. By default it is set to 1, when changed totalCount also to be updated accordingly.
  • currentIndex - Gets the current value as you scroll the Number Slider.
  • perspective - Change the way you want the slider to look from a flat to a wheel like shape and the value must be <= 0.01.
  • squeeze - Adjust the spacing between each item in the slider.
  • isVibrate - To turn on/off vibration while scrolling.
  • hapticFeedbackType - Allows you to change the vibration type.
  • itemSize - Size of each item in the slider.
  • background - Use any widget to add as a background to the slider.
  • allowPointerTappable:
    • When this is set to false scroll functionality won't work for the occupied region.
    • When using customPointer with GestureDetector/InkWell, set it to false to enable gestures.
    • When using default pointer set it to default state i.e true.


verified publishersrinivasa.dev

Weekly Downloads

Wheel Slider offers a lot of customisation and enables you to scroll around with a wheel-like appearance.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, wheel_chooser


Packages that depend on wheel_slider