whatsapp_stickers 0.0.3 copy "whatsapp_stickers: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
whatsapp_stickers: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard


WhatsApp Stickers plugin for Flutter.

whatsapp_stickers #

A Flutter plugin for adding stickers to WhatsApp.

Notes #

  • trayImageFileName uses PNG data whereas stickers use WebP data.

Usage #

To use this plugin, add whatsapp_stickers as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Android #

Add the following option to your app\build.gradle file. This will prevent all WebP files from being compressed.

android {
    aaptOptions {
        noCompress "webp"

iOS #

Do not forget to add following entry to Info.plist with Runner target.


Examples #

Local assets #

Put your stickers in any folder, for example, assets. Do not forget to add this folder to pubspec.yaml.

const stickers = {
  '01_Cuppy_smile.webp': ['☕', '🙂'],
  '02_Cuppy_lol.webp': ['😄', '😀'],
  '03_Cuppy_rofl.webp': ['😆', '😂'],
  '04_Cuppy_sad.webp': ['😃', '😍'],
  '05_Cuppy_cry.webp': ['😭', '💧'],
  '06_Cuppy_love.webp': ['😍', '♥'],
  '07_Cuppy_hate.webp': ['💔', '👎'],
  '08_Cuppy_lovewithmug.webp': ['😍', '💑'],
  '09_Cuppy_lovewithcookie.webp': ['😘', '🍪'],
  '10_Cuppy_hmm.webp': ['🤔', '😐'],
  '11_Cuppy_upset.webp': ['😱', '😵'],
  '12_Cuppy_angry.webp': ['😡', '😠'],
  '13_Cuppy_curious.webp': ['❓', '🤔'],
  '14_Cuppy_weird.webp': ['🌈', '😜'],
  '15_Cuppy_bluescreen.webp': ['💻', '😩'],
  '16_Cuppy_angry.webp': ['😡', '😤'],
  '17_Cuppy_tired.webp': ['😩', '😨'],
  '18_Cuppy_workhard.webp': ['😔', '😨'],
  '19_Cuppy_shine.webp': ['🎉', '✨'],
  '20_Cuppy_disgusting.webp': ['🤮', '👎'],
  '21_Cuppy_hi.webp': ['🖐', '🙋'],
  '22_Cuppy_bye.webp': ['🖐', '👋'],

Future installFromAssets() async {
  var stickerPack = WhatsappStickers(
    identifier: 'cuppyFlutterWhatsAppStickers',
    name: 'Cuppy Flutter WhatsApp Stickers',
    publisher: 'John Doe',
    trayImageFileName: WhatsappStickerImage.fromAsset('assets/tray_Cuppy.png'),
    publisherWebsite: '',
    privacyPolicyWebsite: '',
    licenseAgreementWebsite: '',

  stickers.forEach((sticker, emojis) {
    stickerPack.addSticker(WhatsappStickerImage.fromAsset('assets/$sticker'), emojis);

  try {
    await stickerPack.sendToWhatsApp();
  } on WhatsappStickersException catch (e) {

Remote assets #

const stickers = {
  '01_Cuppy_smile.webp': ['☕', '🙂'],
  '02_Cuppy_lol.webp': ['😄', '😀'],
  '03_Cuppy_rofl.webp': ['😆', '😂'],
  '04_Cuppy_sad.webp': ['😃', '😍'],
  '05_Cuppy_cry.webp': ['😭', '💧'],
  '06_Cuppy_love.webp': ['😍', '♥'],
  '07_Cuppy_hate.webp': ['💔', '👎'],
  '08_Cuppy_lovewithmug.webp': ['😍', '💑'],
  '09_Cuppy_lovewithcookie.webp': ['😘', '🍪'],
  '10_Cuppy_hmm.webp': ['🤔', '😐'],
  '11_Cuppy_upset.webp': ['😱', '😵'],
  '12_Cuppy_angry.webp': ['😡', '😠'],
  '13_Cuppy_curious.webp': ['❓', '🤔'],
  '14_Cuppy_weird.webp': ['🌈', '😜'],
  '15_Cuppy_bluescreen.webp': ['💻', '😩'],
  '16_Cuppy_angry.webp': ['😡', '😤'],
  '17_Cuppy_tired.webp': ['😩', '😨'],
  '18_Cuppy_workhard.webp': ['😔', '😨'],
  '19_Cuppy_shine.webp': ['🎉', '✨'],
  '20_Cuppy_disgusting.webp': ['🤮', '👎'],
  '21_Cuppy_hi.webp': ['🖐', '🙋'],
  '22_Cuppy_bye.webp': ['🖐', '👋'],

Future installFromRemote() async {
  var applicationDocumentsDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
  var stickersDirectory = Directory('${applicationDocumentsDirectory.path}/stickers');
  await stickersDirectory.create(recursive: true);

  final dio = Dio();
  final downloads = <Future>[];

  stickers.forEach((sticker, emojis) {

  await Future.wait(downloads);

  var stickerPack = WhatsappStickers(
    identifier: 'cuppyFlutterWhatsAppStickers',
    name: 'Cuppy Flutter WhatsApp Stickers',
    publisher: 'John Doe',
    trayImageFileName: WhatsappStickerImage.fromAsset('assets/tray_Cuppy.png'),
    publisherWebsite: '',
    privacyPolicyWebsite: '',
    licenseAgreementWebsite: '',

  stickers.forEach((sticker, emojis) {
    stickerPack.addSticker(WhatsappStickerImage.fromFile('${stickersDirectory.path}/$sticker'), emojis);

  try {
    await stickerPack.sendToWhatsApp();
  } on WhatsappStickersException catch (e) {