wechat_camera_picker 2.0.0-dev.1 copy "wechat_camera_picker: ^2.0.0-dev.1" to clipboard
wechat_camera_picker: ^2.0.0-dev.1 copied to clipboard


A camera picker which is an extension to wechat_assets_picker, but can be run separately.

Flutter WeChat Camera Picker #

pub package pub package GitHub stars GitHub forks Build status CodeFactor GitHub license FlutterCandies

Language: English | 中文简体

A camera picker which is an extension for wechat_assets_picker. Based on camera for camera functions and photo_manager for asset implementation.

Contributors ✨ #

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Alex Li

💻 🎨 📖 💡 🤔 🚧 💬 👀


💡 🤔




💻 🤔


💻 🤔

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Category 🗂 #

Features ✨ #

  • 💚 99% simillar to WeChat style.
  • 📷 Picture taking support
  • 🎥 Video recording support
    • ⏱ Duration limitation support

Screenshots 📸 #

Preparing for use 🍭 #

Version constraints #

Flutter SDK: >=1.20.0 .


Usage 📖 #

| Name | Type | Description | Default Value | | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - | -------------------------------------- | | enableRecording | bool | Whether the picker can record video. | false | | onlyEnableRecording | bool | Whether the picker can only record video. Only available when enableRecording is true . | false | | enableAudio | bool | Whether Whether the picker should record audio. Only available with recording. | true | | enableSetExposure | bool | Whether users can set the exposure point by tapping. | true | | enableExposureControlOnPoint | bool | Whether users can adjust exposure according to the set point. | true | | enablePinchToZoom | bool | Whether users can zoom the camera by pinch. | true | | maximumRecordingDuration | Duration | The maximum duration of the video recording process. | const Duration(seconds: 15) | | theme | ThemeData | Theme data for the picker. | CameraPicker.themeData(C.themeColor) | | textDelegate | CameraPickerTextDelegate | Text delegate that controls text in widgets. | DefaultCameraPickerTextDelegate | | resolutionPreset | ResolutionPreset | Present resolution for the camera. | ResolutionPreset.max | | cameraQuarterTurns | int | The number of clockwise quarter turns the camera view should be rotated. | 0 | | imageFormatGroup | ImageFormatGroup | Describes the output of the raw image format. | ImageFormatGroup.jpeg | | foregroundBuilder | Widget Function(CameraValue) | The foreground widget builder which will cover the whole camera preview. | null |

Simple usage #

final AssetEntity entity = await CameraPicker.pickFromCamera(context);
pub points


verified publisherfluttercandies.com

A camera picker which is an extension to wechat_assets_picker, but can be run separately.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


camera, device_info, flutter, path_provider, photo_manager, video_player


Packages that depend on wechat_camera_picker