websocket_channel_wrapper 1.1.4 websocket_channel_wrapper: ^1.1.4 copied to clipboard
Wrapper for web_socket_channel package lightweight and isomorphic lib with socket.io-like event handling, Future-based requests.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:websocket_channel_wrapper/websocket_channel_wrapper.dart';
const PORT = 42069;
main() {
WebSocketChannelWrapper socket = WebSocketChannelWrapper('ws://$PORT',
headers: {'id': '1234567890qwertyuiop'});
var onReady = socket.onConnect.first;
onReady.timeout(Duration(seconds: 5), onTimeout: () => print('Server could not be reach, trying to re-connect'));
socket.onConnect.skip(1).listen((_) => print('Successful re-connection to server'));
socket.onDone.listen((_) => print(socket.autoReconnect ? 'Connection lost, trying to re-connect!' : 'Connection ended!'));
onReady.then((_) async { // [onConnect] It's called every time the WebSocket reconnect
socket.emit('msg', ['DART_WEBSOCKET_WRAPPER', 'Hello, World!']);
socket.on('serverTime').listen((time) => print('Time: $time')); // Time: 2019-07-29T14:00:32.635Z
socket.request('userCount').then((n) => print('# users: $n')); // # users: 1
socket.request('checkError').catchError((e) => print(e)); // Yep, errors work
var filename = '/path/to/file/image.jpg';
sendFile(filename, socket); // Send binary file over socket
Timer(Duration(seconds: 10), () { // Close the socket after 1 minute
var reason = 'break time';
print('Close reason: $reason');
socket.close(closeReason: reason);
sendFile(String filename, socket) async {
var image = File(filename);
var contents = await image.readAsBytes();
final stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start(); // Start timer to measure speed
socket.request('transferFile', [filename, contents]).then((_) { // Send first file name then the bytes
final speed = contents.length / stopwatch.elapsedMicroseconds;
print('File sended in ${stopwatch.elapsed} at $speed MB/s'); // File sended in 0:00:00.058191 at 1.63 MB/s
}).catchError((e) => print(e));