websafe_platform 1.1.0 copy "websafe_platform: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
websafe_platform: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: universal_platform

Simple abstraction to be able to detect Web, Android, and iOS without a hard reference to `dart:io`

websafe_platform #

Dart Publisher

A Flutter compatible library to detect if the app is Android, iOS, or Web without requiring a hard reference on dart:io. Unfortunately, dart:io is "infectious" in that a single import of it breaks Flutter Web's ability to complile and function.

Using the library #

Add the repo to your Flutter pubspec.yaml file.

  websafe_platform: <<version>> 

Then run...

flutter packages get

Example #

import 'package:websafe_platform/websafe_platform.dart';

var websafePlatform = WebsafePlatform();

var isAndroid = websafePlatform.isAndroid();
var isFuchsia = websafePlatform.isFuchsia();
var isIOS = websafePlatform.isIOS();
var isLinux = websafePlatform.isLinux();
var isMacOS = websafePlatform.isMacOS();
var isWeb = websafePlatform.isWeb();
var isWindows = websafePlatform.isWindows();

Unit Testing #

Because most unit tests for plugins do not run in an Android or iOS environment, this supports adding a global override to be able to simulate different platform return values.

import 'package:websafe_platform/websafe_platform.dart';

void main() {
  group('mock', () {
    tearDownAll(() {

    test('android', () {
      WebsafePlatform.override(_MockWebsafePlatform(android: true));
      var websafePlatform = WebsafePlatform();
      expect(true, websafePlatform.isAndroid());
      expect(false, websafePlatform.isIOS());
      expect(false, websafePlatform.isWeb());

    test('ios', () {
      WebsafePlatform.override(_MockWebsafePlatform(ios: true));
      var websafePlatform = WebsafePlatform();
      expect(false, websafePlatform.isAndroid());
      expect(true, websafePlatform.isIOS());
      expect(false, websafePlatform.isWeb());

    test('web', () {
      WebsafePlatform.override(_MockWebsafePlatform(web: true));
      var websafePlatform = WebsafePlatform();
      expect(false, websafePlatform.isAndroid());
      expect(false, websafePlatform.isIOS());
      expect(true, websafePlatform.isWeb());

class _MockWebsafePlatform implements WebsafePlatform {
    this.android = false,
    this.fuchsia = false,
    this.ios = false,
    this.linux = false,
    this.macos = false,
    this.web = false,
    this.windows = false,

  final bool android;
  final bool fuchsia;
  final bool ios;
  final bool linux;
  final bool macos;
  final bool web;
  final bool windows;

  bool isAndroid() => android;

  bool isFuchsia() => fuchsia;

  bool isIOS() => ios;

  bool isLinux() => linux;

  bool isMacOS() => macos;

  bool isWeb() => web;

  bool isWindows() => windows;
pub points


verified publisherpeifferinnovations.com

Simple abstraction to be able to detect Web, Android, and iOS without a hard reference to `dart:io`

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues






Packages that depend on websafe_platform