weatherapi 1.0.2
weatherapi: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard
A plugin for fetching weather forecasting via Works for both Android and iOS.
WeatherAPI example #
First you need an API key from, which can be acquired for free here. Then, import the library:
import 'package:weatherapi/weatherapi.dart';
Create a new request (default language: English):
WeatherRequest wr = WeatherRequest('YOUR_API_KEY');
Alternatively, you can also specify a language:
WeatherRequest wr = WeatherRequest('YOUR_API_KEY', language: Language.italian);
Now you can retrieve weather information.
String cityName = 'Parma';
double latitude = 44.8;
double longitude = 10.33;
Realtime API #
Get realtime weather by city name:
RealtimeWeather rw = await wr.getRealtimeWeatherByCityName(cityName);
print('Condition: ${rw.current.condition.text}');
Get realtime weather by latitude and longitude:
RealtimeWeather rw = await wr.getRealtimeWeatherByLocation(latitude, longitude);
print('Condition: ${rw.current.condition.text}');
Forecast API #
Get forecast weather by city name.
ForecastWeather fw = await wr.getForecastWeatherByCityName(cityName);
print('Tomorrow sunrise: ${fw.forecast[1].astro.sunrise}');
Get forecast weather by latitude and longitude.
ForecastWeather fw = await wr.getForecastWeatherByLocation(latitude, longitude);
print('Tomorrow sunrise: ${fw.forecast[1].astro.sunrise}');
Search/Autocomplete API. #
Get location results by city name.
SearchResults sr = await wr.getResultsByCityName(cityName);
print('First result: ${sr.locations[0].name}');
Get location results by latitude and longitude.
SearchResults sr = await wr.getResultsByLocation(latitude, longitude);
print('First result: ${sr.locations[0].name}');