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A plugin for fetching weather forecasting via Works for both Android and iOS.

WeatherAPI #

This package uses the API to get weather information.

You can retrieve the weather data by supplying either geographical coordinates or the name of a city.

pub package

Installation (Flutter) #

Add the package to your Flutter project by following these steps:

  1. Open your project's pubspec.yaml file.
  2. Locate the dependencies section in the file.
  3. Add weatherapi as a dependency. You can specify the version, too.
    sdk: flutter
  weatherapi: ^1.1.0
  1. After adding the dependency, save the pubspec.yaml file.
  2. Run flutter pub get in your terminal or use the relevant option in your IDE to fetch the new dependency.

For help on adding dependencies, view the pubspec documenation.

Permissions #

This package does not require any permissions. However, if you intend to retrieve the device's geolocation, it is recommended to use the geolocator plugin.

Usage #

First you need an API key from, which can be acquired for free here. Then, import the library.

import 'package:weatherapi/weatherapi.dart';

Next, an instance of a WeatherRequest must be created using the obtained API key.

WeatherRequest wr = WeatherRequest('YOUR_API_KEY');

Alternatively, you can also specify a language for the weather results.

WeatherRequest wr = WeatherRequest('YOUR_API_KEY', language: Language.italian);

For all the supported languages, see the Languages section.

Realtime API (current weather) #

For specific documentation on the Realtime API, see the WeatherAPI docs.

Realtime weather API allows a user to get up to date current weather information. The data is returned as a RealtimeWeather object.

The current weather can be queried either through a city name or through a latitude and longitude.

WeatherRequest wr = WeatherRequest('YOUR_API_KEY');

String cityName = 'Parma';

RealtimeWeather rw = await wr.getRealtimeWeatherByCityName(cityName);
WeatherRequest wr = WeatherRequest('YOUR_API_KEY');

double latitude = 44.8;
double longitude = 10.33;

RealtimeWeather rw = await wr.getRealtimeWeatherByLocation(latitude, longitude);

Forecast API #

For specific documentation on the Forecast API, see the WeatherAPI docs.

Forecast weather API allows a user to get up to date current weather forecast. The data is returned as a ForecastWeather object.

The forecast weather can be queried either through a city name or a through latitude and longitude.

WeatherRequest wr = WeatherRequest('YOUR_API_KEY');

String cityName = 'Parma';

ForecastWeather fw = await wr.getForecastWeatherByCityName(cityName);
WeatherRequest wr = WeatherRequest('YOUR_API_KEY');

double latitude = 44.8;
double longitude = 10.33;

ForecastWeather fw = await wr.getForecastWeatherByLocation(latitude, longitude);

Search/Autocomplete API #

For specific documentation on the Search/Autocomplete API, see the WeatherAPI docs.

Search/Autocomplete API allows a user to get a list of locations matching a provided search query. The data is returned as a SearchResults object.

The results can be queried either through a city name or through a latitude and longitude.

WeatherRequest wr = WeatherRequest('YOUR_API_KEY');

String cityName = 'Parma';

SearchResults sr = await wr.getResultsByCityName(cityName);

for (LocationResultData location in sr.locations) { /* ... */ }
WeatherRequest wr = WeatherRequest('YOUR_API_KEY');

double latitude = 44.8;
double longitude = 10.33;

SearchResults sr = await wr.getResultsByLocation(latitude, longitude);

for (LocationResultData location in sr.locations) { /* ... */ }

Exceptions #

An exception will be thrown in the following cases:

  • The provided key is invalid.
  • A bad response was given by the API.

Languages #

The supported languages are as follows:

  • arabic
  • bengali
  • bulgarian
  • chineseSimplified
  • chineseTraditional
  • czech
  • danish
  • dutch
  • finnish
  • french
  • german
  • greek
  • hindi
  • hungarian
  • italian
  • japanese
  • javanese
  • korean
  • mandarin
  • marathi
  • polish
  • portuguese
  • punjabi
  • romanian
  • russian
  • serbian
  • sinhalese
  • slovak
  • spanish
  • swedish
  • tamil
  • telugu
  • turkish
  • ukrainian
  • urdu
  • vietnamese
  • wuShanghainese
  • xiang
  • yueCantonese
  • zulu

The default language is English.




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A plugin for fetching weather forecasting via Works for both Android and iOS.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, http


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