weak 1.0.0+1 copy "weak: ^1.0.0+1" to clipboard
weak: ^1.0.0+1 copied to clipboard

Weak referenced collections - WeakHashMap, WeakHashSet, WeakList, and WeakReferenceQueue implemented with WeakReference and Finalizer.

Weak Referenced Collection Classes #

WeakHashMap, WeakHashSet, WeakList, and WeakReferenceQueue implemented with [WeakReference] and [Finalizer]

Features #

  • [WeakHashMap]: A hash-table based implementation of [Map] with weak referenced keys. An entry in this weak hash map will be automatically removed when its key is garbage collected.

  • [WeakHashSet]: A hash-table based implementation of [Set] with weak referenced elements. An element in this weak hash set will be automatically removed when the element is garbage collected.

  • [WeakList]: An ordered [List] implementation with weak referenced elements. An element in this weak list will be automatically nullified when the element is garbage collected.

  • [WeakReferenceQueue]: A queue that maintains payload of its associated weak referenced target. The payload registered in this class will be appended into the queue when its associated target is garbage collected. Then you can call [WeakReferenceQueue.poll] method to retrieve back the payloads from the queue and do some after-garbage-collected process.

Getting started #

Add this weak package to your pubspec.yaml dependencies

Usage #

import 'package:weak/weak.dart';

// ...
final weakMap = WeakHashMap();
final weakSet = WeakHashSet();
final weakList = WeakList();
final weakReferenceQueue = WeakReferenceQueue();

// ...
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Weak referenced collections - WeakHashMap, WeakHashSet, WeakList, and WeakReferenceQueue implemented with WeakReference and Finalizer.

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BSD-3-Clause (license)


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