vyuh_cli 0.0.4
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A command-line interface for the Vyuh Framework to generate Vyuh projects, features and schemas.
Vyuh Framework
Build Modular, Scalable, CMS-driven Flutter Apps
vyuh_cli #
A command-line interface for the Vyuh Framework to generate Vyuh projects from predefined templates.
Documentation 📝 #
For official documentation, please visit https://docs.vyuh.tech/
Quick Start 🚀 #
Installing 🧑💻 #
dart pub global activate vyuh_cli
Or install a specific version using:
dart pub global activate vyuh_cli <version>
If you haven't already, you might need to set up your path.
When that is not possible (eg: CI environments), run vyuh
commands via:
dart pub global run vyuh_cli:vyuh <command> <args>
Commands ✨ #
vyuh create
Create a Vyuh project in seconds based on the predefined template. Each template has a corresponding sub-command (
e.g.,vyuh create project

Creates Vyuh projects, features, and CMS schemas.
Usage: vyuh create <subcommand> <item-name> [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
Available subcommands:
feature A Vyuh feature created by Vyuh CLI.
schema A Vyuh feature CMS schema created by Vyuh CLI.
project A Vyuh Flutter project created by Vyuh CLI.
Run "vyuh help" to see global options.
Usage #
Create projects #
Creates a new Vyuh project with the given name.
vyuh create project <project-name>
A Vyuh Flutter project created by Vyuh CLI.
Usage: vyuh create project <project-name> [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-o, --output-directory The desired output directory when creating a new project.
--description The description for this new project.
(defaults to "A Vyuh Flutter project created by Vyuh CLI.")
--cms The content management system for this new project.
(defaults to "sanity")
--org-name The organization for this new project.
(defaults to "com.example.vyuh")
--application-id The bundle identifier on iOS or application id on Android. (defaults to <org-name>.<project-name>)
Create features #
Creates a new Vyuh feature with the given name.
vyuh create feature <feature-name>
A Vyuh feature created by Vyuh CLI.
Usage: vyuh create feature <feature-name> [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-o, --output-directory The desired output directory when creating a new feature.
Create schemas #
Creates a new Vyuh feature CMS schema with the given name.
vyuh create schema <feature-name>
A Vyuh feature CMS schema created by Vyuh CLI.
Usage: vyuh create schema <feature-name> [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-o, --output-directory The desired output directory when creating a new feature.
--cms The content management system for this new schema.
(defaults to "sanity")
Contact #
Follow us, stay up to date or reach out on:
License #
FSL Licensed.