very_good_performance 0.0.4
very_good_performance: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard
Utility on top of the Flutter Driver API that facilitates measuring the performance of your app in an automated way
Very Good Performance #
Developed with 💙 by Very Good Ventures 🦄
Utility on top of the Flutter Driver API that facilitates measuring the performance of your app in an automated way
Usage #
Add a new file at root of your project named very_good_performance.yaml
with the following fields.
You can modify these values to match your own performance expectations.
directory: performance/reports
should_fail_build_on_warning: true
should_fail_build_on_error: true
warning: 5
error: 10
warning_time_in_milliseconds: 14.0
error_time_in_milliseconds: 16.0
warning_time_in_milliseconds: 14.0
error_time_in_milliseconds: 16.0
Running tests with FlutterDrive
Simply wrap your FlutterDriver
tests with the method capturePerformanceReport
to start collecting performance information
test('tapping on the Increment button updates the counter', () async {
await driver.capturePerformanceReport(
reportName: 'counter_performance',
action: () async {
await driver.tap(find.byType(FloatingActionButton));
expect(await driver.getText(find.text('1')), '1');
await driver.tap(find.byType(FloatingActionButton));
expect(await driver.getText(find.text('2')), '2');
At the end of the execution, you will see a similar report to this one:
Running the example project
You can find an example
project that showcases how to use this library.
$> cd example
$> flutter drive --target=e2e/e2e.dart --driver=e2e/counter_test.dart -d macos --profile
You should see the Counter app running and, at the end of the execution, it will print the performance overview in the console, and will generate the performance reports under e2e/performance/reports