vendor 0.9.7 copy "vendor: ^0.9.7" to clipboard
vendor: ^0.9.7 copied to clipboard

Utility for vendoring packages into a project and rewriting import/export statements.

Vendoring packages in Dart #

Tool for vendoring packages into a Dart project, and rewriting import/export statements.

Disclaimer: This is not an officially supported Google product.

The pub package eco-system powering Dart and Flutter only supports a single version of each package. This has many benefits, such as:

  • Avoids confusing type errors saying that an object of type Foo is not type Foo; which will happen if two versions of the same library providing Foo are used in the same codebase.
  • Discourages a bloated dependency trees, because these easily cause resolution conflicts.
  • Discourages use of outdated package versions, because these won't work in conjunction with other packages that require the newest version.

However, while it is almost always preferable to use well maintained dependencies that themselves have up-to-date dependencies. It can on occasion be necessary to keep using an unmaintained package or outdated package version. Often this happens if there is no alternative package that is well maintained, or maybe the changes necessary to upgrade are large and requires major refactoring that you're not willing to undertake at this point.

Regardless, of the reasons, when using outdated packages in combination with packages that are kept up-to-date it's easy to run into a version resolution conflict because of mutual dependencies, and the single package version limitation. If the changes between two versions of a package is minor, these resolution conflicts can often be overruled using dependency_overrides. This won't solve incompatibilities, but it can make the version solver ignore them. Just because two version numbers are incompatible doesn't mean the code in the package has breaking changes, or that those breaking changes affect your usecase.

If two versions of a dependency is truly desired then dependency_overrides won't solve the problem. In practice the only solution available is to either fork the package, or copy/paste (vendor) the package into your project. This is what package:vendor can help do: vendor a package into your project.

In short, package:vendor helps to manage vendored packages, that is manage packages that are copied into your source tree.

To set up vendoring create a vendor.yaml file in the project root that specifies which package should be downloaded into lib/src/third_party/<name>/ for a given name, and how import/export declarations in Dart files should be rewritten.

# vendor.yaml
  # Map of rewrites that should be applied to lib/, bin/ and test/ in project.
  # Example:
  #   import "package:<package>/..."
  # is rewritten to:
  #   import "package:myapp/src/third_party/<name>/lib/..."
  # where 'myapp' is the root project name.
  <package>: <name>
  # Specification of which packages to be vendor into:
  #   lib/src/third_party/<name>/
    package: <package>
    version: <version>
      # Rewrites to be applied inside: lib/src/third_party/<name>/
      <package>: <name>
    # Glob patterns for which files to include from the package.
    # For syntax documentation see:
    # If not specified `include` will default to the following list:
    - pubspec.yaml # always renamed vendored-pubspec.yaml
    - lib/**
    - analysis_options.yaml

After creating a vendor.yaml file you'll need a dev_dependency on package:vendor (dart pub add --dev vendor), then running dart run vendor will print changes to be made, prompt for confirmation and apply changes.

A file to track state of vendored packages is created in lib/src/third_party/vendor-state.yaml. This file should be checked into version control. This allows changes to vendor.yaml to be applied without removing all that has already been vendored, and allows import-rewrites to be both added and removed. This means that if necessary patching the contents of vendored packages is not unreasonable.




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Utility for vendoring packages into a project and rewriting import/export statements.

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#tool #dependency-management


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Apache-2.0 (license)


analyzer, args, async, checked_yaml, glob, http, io, json_annotation, logging, meta, path, pub_semver, pubspec_parse, retry, tar, yaml, yaml_edit


Packages that depend on vendor