vector_tile 2.0.0
vector_tile: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
A simple Dart package to encode & decode Mapbox Vector Tile, A implementation of Mapbox Vector Tile specification.
Changelog #
v2.0.0 - 2023-09-7 #
- Updated dependencies
v1.0.0 - 2022-07-28 #
- Add web platform support (#10).
Breaking changes:
- Remove
methods. (Read the migrate guide below to update your code).
Migrate guide:
// Old
final tile = await VectorTile.fromPath(path: '../data/sample-12-3262-1923.pbf');
// New
final tileData = await File('../data/sample-12-3262-1923.pbf').readAsBytes();
final tile = await VectorTile.fromBytes(bytes: tileData);
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// Old
await encodeVectorTile(path: './gen/tile.pbf', tile: tile);
// New
await File('./gen/tile.pbf').writeAsBytes(tile.writeToBuffer());
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// Old
final tile = decodeVectorTile(path: '../data/sample-12-3262-1923.pbf')
// New
final tileData = await File('../data/sample-12-3262-1923.pbf').readAsBytes();
final tile = await VectorTile.fromBuffer(tileData)
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v0.3.2 - 2022-01-21 #
- (Improvement memory usage) Use fixed size lists instead of growable lists. (#8).
v0.3.0 - 2022-01-01 #
- (Breaking change - Improvement memory usage) Change data type for feature's properties from List
v0.1.6 - 2021-04-14 #
- Add check data type for
layer values
when converting data from raw layer.
v0.1.5 - 2021-02-13 #
- Update linter rules.
v0.1.3 - 2021-02-12 #
v0.1.0 - 2021-02-11 #
- Split all to two type of classes:
raw vector tile
andvector tile
. - Add support for decode feature geometry.
- Add support for convert raw feature to GeoJson (only Feature type).