vdotok_stream 0.0.11 copy "vdotok_stream: ^0.0.11" to clipboard
vdotok_stream: ^0.0.11 copied to clipboard


By using this package you can connect with vdotok and use vdotok services. you can make one 2 one, many 2 many, Group calls , broadcast etc.

vdotok_stream #

A new Flutter plugin.

Getting Started #

iOS #

Add the following entry to your Info.plist file, located in

<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) Camera Usage!</string>
<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) Microphone Usage!</string>

Android #

Ensure the following permission is present in your Android Manifest file, located in

    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Create Client Instance: #

First we need to create an instance of signaling client.

SignalingClient signalingClient = SignalingClient.instance; 

Add listeners: #

Below described main helpful callbacks and listeners:

signalingClient.onConnect = (String msg) { 


signalingClient.inError= (int code, String reason) { 

// called in case of getting any error. 


signalingClient.onRegister= (Map<String, dynamic> res) { 

// called when user get register successfully 


signalingClient.onLocalStream = (stream) { 

// called when local media stream completely prepared 


signalingClient.onRemoteStream = (stream, String refID) { 

// called when remote media stream received from opponent 


signalingClient.onReceiveCallFromUser = (String from, String mediaType) { 

// called when call received from opponent 


signalingClient.onParticipantsLeft = (String refID) { 

// called when a participant left the call.  


signalingClient.onCallRejectedByUser = () { 

// called when received 'reject' signal from opponent 


signalingClient.onCallAcceptedByUser = () { 

// called when received 'accept' signal from opponent 


signalingClient.onCallHungUpByUser = () { 

// called when received 'HungUP' signal from opponent 


signalingClient.onCallBusyCallback = () { 

// called when received 'busy' signal from opponent 


SignalingClient.onAudioVideoStateInfo = (int audioFlag, int videoFlag) { 

// called when audio or video states get changed. 


SDK Methods: #

Connection: #

Use this method to connect socket.

SignalingClient.connect(String auth_token, String project_id); 

Register: #

Use this method to register user

SignalingClient.register(Map<String, dynamic> userData, String project_id); 

Initiate a call: #

Use this method to initiate call. Make sure you are providing the following params in this method.

    String from,  
    String to,  
    String mcToken,  
    String mediaType,  
    String callType,  
    String sessionType); 

Accept a call: #

Use this method to accept the call.

SignalingClient.createAnswer(String incommingFrom_refID); 

Reject a call: #

Use this method if you want to reject / decline the call.

SignalingClient.declineCall(String refID, String mcToken); 

End a call: #

Use this method to stop the call.

SignalingClient.stopCall(String mcToken); 

Switch Camera: #

Use this method to switch the camera.


Switch Speaker: #

Use this method to switch the speaker.

signalingClient.switchSpeaker(bool flag); 

Enable and Disable Camera: #

Use this method to enable and disable the camera.

signalingClient.enableCamera(bool flag); 

Mute and Unmute Mic: #

Use this method to mute and unmute the Mic.

signalingClient.muteMic(bool flag); 

pub points


verified publishervdotok.com

By using this package you can connect with vdotok and use vdotok services. you can make one 2 one, many 2 many, Group calls , broadcast etc.


unknown (license)


connectivity_plus, crypto, dart_ipify, device_info, flutter, flutter_device_type, flutter_foreground_plugin, http, media_projection_creator, path_provider, permission_handler, replay_kit_launcher, web_socket_channel, wifi_info_flutter


Packages that depend on vdotok_stream