value_state 1.5.1 value_state: ^1.5.1 copied to clipboard
A dart package that helps implements basic states for BLoC library
A dart package that helps to implement basic states for BLoC library to perform, load and fetch data.
Features #
- Provides all necessary states for data : init, waiting, value/no value and error states,
- Some helpers
to emit intermediate states while an action is intended to update state : the same state is reemitted with attributerefreshing
Usage #
class CounterBehaviorSubject {
var _value = 0;
Future<int> _getCounterValueFromRepository() async => _value++;
Future<void> refresh() => performOnState<int, void>(
state: () => state,
emitter: _streamController.add,
action: (state, emitter) async {
final result = await _getCounterValueFromRepository();
if (result == 2) {
throw 'Error';
} else if (result > 4) {
emitter(const NoValueState());
} else {
final BaseState<int> _state = const InitState();
BaseState<int> get state => _state;
final _streamController = StreamController<BaseState<int>>();
late StreamSubscription<BaseState<int>> _streamSubscription;
Stream<BaseState<int>> get stream =>
Future<void> close() async {
await _streamSubscription.cancel();
await _streamController.close();
main() async {
final counterCubit = CounterBehaviorSubject();
final timer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 500), (_) async {
try {
await counterCubit.refresh();
} catch (error) {
// Prevent stop execution for example
await for (final state in {
if (state is ReadyState<int>) {
print('State is refreshing: ${state.refreshing}');
if (state.hasError) {
if (state is WithValueState<int>) {
print('Value : ${state.value}');
if (state is NoValueState<int>) {
print('No value');
} else {
print('Waiting for value - $state');
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The whole code of this example is available in example.
Models #
State diagram #
Class diagram #
Feedback #
Please file any issues, bugs or feature requests as an issue on the Github page.