uri_to_file 1.0.0
uri_to_file: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
A Flutter plugin for converting supported uri to file. Supports Android & iOS.
uri_to_file #
A Flutter plugin for converting supported uri to file. Supports Android & iOS.
Supported Uri Schema
- content:// (Android Only)
- Schema supported by File.fromUri(uri)
Get started #
Add dependency #
uri_to_file: ^1.0.0
copied to clipboard
Super simple to use #
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:uri_to_file/uri_to_file.dart';
Future<void> convertUriToFile() async {
try {
String uriString = 'content://sample.txt'; // Uri string
// Don't pass uri parameter using [Uri] object via uri.toString().
// Because uri.toString() changes the string to lowercase which causes this package to misbehave
// If you are using uni_links package for deep linking purpose.
// Pass the uri string using getInitialLink() or linkStream
File file = await toFile(uriString); // Converting uri to file
} catch (e) {
print(e); // Exception
copied to clipboard
Important note #
- Don't pass uri parameter using [Uri] object via uri.toString(). Because uri.toString() changes the string to lowercase which causes this package to misbehave
- If you are using uni_links package for deep linking purpose. Pass the uri string using getInitialLink() or linkStream
- Check out the full example: https://pub.dev/packages/uri_to_file/example
Working example #
Background #
content:// (Android Only) uri_to_file creates a temporary file using the content:// uri with the help of native channel that stores this file in the application directory.
All the others uri are handled by flutter sdk itself with the help of File.fromUri(uri)
Copyright & License #
MIT License
Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.