uptodate 0.5.0 copy "uptodate: ^0.5.0" to clipboard
uptodate: ^0.5.0 copied to clipboard


Keep your repo 'uptodate' by creating issues if a dependency updates.

CI on release

You can use Updater either as a command line tool or an GitHub Action

Content #

Updater V0.3 Action #

This action helps you to keep your repository up to date, by creating issues as soon as your dependencies changed.

Usage #

  1. Create a workflow like this:
name: uptodate

    - cron: "0 0 * * *"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # You have to check out your repo first.
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: fischerscode/uptodate@v0.3
          # The location of the config file.
          # Defaults to '.uptodate.yaml'
          config: ''

          # The token used for creating issues.
          # Defaults to ${{ github.token }}
          token: ''

          # The target repository for new issues.
          # Defaults to ${{ github.repository }}
          repository: ''
  1. Create the config file .uptodate.yaml (Documentation).

Tagger as a command line tool #

Prebuilt executables can be found here.

Usage #

A tool that helps you to keep your repository up to date.

Usage: uptodate <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help                Print this usage information.
-f, --file (mandatory)    The config file.

Available commands:
  check     Check the dependencies in the config file for updates.
  github    Check for updates and create issues in your GitHub repository.
  version   Print uptodate version.

Run "uptodate help <command>" for more information about a command.

Configuration #

Uptodate is configured using a single file where all the dependencies and their currently used versions are stored in.

Config file #

dependencies:   # The unsorted list containing the dependencies.
  - name: testdependency        # The name of the dependency
    type: typ                   # The type of the dependency
    currentVersion: 1.2.3       # The current version of the dependency
    issueLabels:                # The labels added to the issue
      - dependencies
      - test
defaultIssueTitle: "Update $name to $latestVersion"     # The default issue title
defaultIssueBody: "Update $name to $latestVersion"      # The default issue body

In defaultIssueTitle and defaultIssueBody the following variables are allowed:

  • $name: the name of the dependency
  • $currentVersion: the current version of the dependency
  • $latestVersion: the latest available version

Using issueTitle every dependency can be override defaultIssueTitle. Using issueBody every dependency can be override defaultIssueBody.

Dependency types #

There are multiple dependency types.

Web dependency Json web dependency Yaml web dependency GitHub dependency Helm dependency

Web dependency #

An url gets called to receive the latest version of the dependency.

  - name: testdependency        # The name of the dependency. (required)
    type: web                   # The type of the dependency. (required)
    currentVersion: 1.2.3       # The current version of the dependency. (required)
    url: 'http://example.com'   # The url that gets called. (required)

Json web dependency #

An url gets called to receive a json document containing the latest version.

  - name: testdependency          # The name of the dependency. (required)
    type: webjson                 # The type of the dependency. (required)
    currentVersion: 1.2.3         # The current version of the dependency. (required)
    url: 'http://example.com'     # The url that gets called. (required)
    path: args.versions.0.version # The path to the latest version. (defaults to '')
    prefix: v                     # The prefix of the semantic versions. 
                                  # (v1.2.3 instead of 1.2.3)
                                  # Defaults to ''

Yaml web dependency #

An url gets called to receive a (single) yaml document containing the latest version.

  - name: testdependency          # The name of the dependency. (required)
    type: webyaml                 # The type of the dependency. (required)
    currentVersion: 1.2.3         # The current version of the dependency. (required)
    url: 'http://example.com'     # The url that gets called. (required)
    path: args.versions.0.version # The path to the latest version. (defaults to '')
    prefix: v                     # The prefix of the semantic versions. 
                                  # (v1.2.3 instead of 1.2.3)
                                  # Defaults to ''

GitHub dependency #

Uses a GitHub repository to receive the latest version. The version is gathered from the latest (non pre-)release (or tag) that has the right prefix.

  - name: gitdependency            # The name of the dependency. (required)
    type: github                   # The type of the dependency. (required)
    currentVersion: v1.2.3         # The current version of the dependency. (required)
    repo: 'fischerscode/uptodate'  # The repository. (required)
    isTag: true                    # Wether the version is determined by the latest
                                   # tag rather then release (defaults to false)
    path: tag_name                 # The path to the latest version. (defaults to tag_name)
    prefix: v                      # The prefix of the semantic versions. 
                                   # Is set, releases/tags not matching the prefix are ignored.
                                   # (v1.2.3 instead of 1.2.3)
                                   # Defaults to ''

Helm dependency #

Uses a Helm repository to receive the latest version. The version is gathered from by the yaml path.

  - name: helmdependency           # The name of the dependency. (required)
    type: helm                     # The type of the dependency. (required)
    currentVersion: v1.2.3         # The current version of the dependency. (required)
    repo: 'https://helm.traefik.io/traefik'  # The repository. (required)
    chart: traefik                      # The chart. (required)
    prefix: v                           # The prefix of the semantic versions. 
                                        # (v1.2.3 instead of 1.2.3)
                                        # Defaults to ''
    path: 'entries.traefik.0.version'   # The path to the latest version. (defaults to 'entries.$chart.0.version')


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Keep your repo 'uptodate' by creating issues if a dependency updates.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


args, http, version, yaml, yamltools


Packages that depend on uptodate