update_available 3.2.0 copy "update_available: ^3.2.0" to clipboard
update_available: ^3.2.0 copied to clipboard

Know if there's any update for your Flutter app, based on published versions.

3.2.0 #

  • Allow bigger Kotlin/Gradle versions (fixes #43)
  • Bust iTunes cache when fetching the published plugin version (fixes #45)
    • Thanks to @millerf for the contribution!
  • Upgrade dependencies

3.1.0 #

  • Support for Android namespace
  • Update to Android compileSdkVersion 34
  • Upgrade flutter_lints to ^3.0.2
  • Support for package_info_plus: '>=4.0.2 <9.0.0' on iOS

3.0.1 #

  • Support for package_info_plus: ^5.0 on iOS
  • Upgrade flutter_lints to ^3.0.1

Thanks to @kuhnroyal for these changes!

3.0.0 #

  • Require Dart 3.0 or later
  • Add base, final, and sealed modifiers to some classes
  • Remove when and whenOrElse methods from Availability
    • Now that Availability is sealed, you should use switch instead
  • Use HttpClient instead of the http package, removing the later from the dependencies
  • Provide more tests

2.3.0 #

  • Bumped Kotlin version to 1.5.31, as required by Flutter 2.10 and greater (fixes #28)
    • Because of this, minimum Dart SDK versions is now 2.16
  • Updated some dependencies versions
  • package_info_plus on iOS updated to ^4.0.2

2.2.1 #

  • Fixed critical issue that made the plugin break on Android (#21). Thanks to @kuhnroyal for solving the issue!

2.2.0 #

Warning: This version has a critical issue and won't work on Android (#21). Please, use 2.2.1 instead.

  • Update dependencies
    • Specially, the package package_info_plus version was preventing this package to be used with updated Flutter dependencies
    • Thanks to @otopba for the PR (#15)!
  • Update Android implementation to plugin v2
  • Use federated plugin structure for iOS (#7)
  • Add the parameter iosAppStoreRegion to getAvailability
    • As requested in #10, this parameter allows one to set which region to look for in the AppStore. The default region makes the search fail if your app is published in a different region
    • Thanks to @rkfcccccc for the PR!
  • Fix error that happened when using the package with other packages that used the Google API (#18)
    • Thanks to @otopba for identifying the issue and providing the PR!
  • Set the minimum Flutter SDK version to >= 2.8.0
    • The package didn't work in versions minor tha 2.8.0, but the package was targeted to >= 2.0.0
    • Thanks to @kuhnroyal for identifying the issue and providing the PR!
  • Some improvements in CI/CD and development
    • Thanks to @kuhnroyal for helping with this!

2.1.0 #

  • Replace package_info, which is deprecated, with package_info_plus

2.0.0 #

  • Null-safety bump to stable
  • Dependencies versions bump

Disclaimer: I think that it's correctly working, but as I am not using null-safety in production yet, I couldn't propertly test it. @ashishbeck thinks it's OK to be published as stable, so I am doing it. If you find any issue, please report.

2.0.0-nullsafety #

  • Migration to null-safety
  • Changed version to pub_semver

Disclaimer: I think that it's correctly working, but as I am not using null-safety in production yet, I couldn't propertly test it. I am going to ask to someone to test it for me and, as soon it's safe to be used in production, I publish it as stable.

1.0.0+1c #

  • Added trivial example

1.0.0+1b #

  • Document getUpdateAvailability()

1.0.0+1 #

  • Update README.md

1.0.0 #

  • Initial version


verified publishermateusfccp.me

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Know if there's any update for your Flutter app, based on published versions.

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flutter, update_available_android, update_available_ios, update_available_platform_interface


Packages that depend on update_available