unified_apple_vision 1.2.3 copy "unified_apple_vision: ^1.2.3" to clipboard
unified_apple_vision: ^1.2.3 copied to clipboard


A plugin for using Apple Vision Framework with Flutter, designed to integrate multiple APIs into one plugin and process multiple analysis requests at once.

unified_apple_vision 🍎 #

License: MIT Pub Version Completed Feature

A plugin for using Apple Vision Framework with Flutter, designed to integrate multiple APIs into one plugin and process multiple analysis requests at once.

Features ⚙️ & Requirements 🧩 #

Minimum Requirements: iOS: 13.0+, macOS: 15.0+


[*] Note that this differs from the VisionAPI minimum requirements.

Status: ✅ Complete ⚠️ Problematic 👨‍💻 In Progress ❌ Not Yet

Vision API Request Status iOS macOS description
Still Image Analysis Classify Image 13.0+ 10.15+ A request to classify an image.
Generate Image Feature Print 13.0+ 10.15+ An image-based request to generate feature prints from an image. (FeaturePrint — vector image descriptor similar to a word vector)
Image Sequence Analysis Generate Person Segmentation 15.0+ 12.0+ Produces a matte image for a person it finds in the input image.
Generate Person Instance Mask 17.0+ 14.0+ Produces a mask of individual people it finds in the input image.
Detect Document Segmentation 15.0+ 12.0+ Detects rectangular regions that contain text in the input image.
Saliency Analysis Generate Attention Based Saliency Image 13.0+ 10.15+ Produces a heat map that identifies the parts of an image most likely to draw attention.
Generate Objectness Based Saliency Image 13.0+ 10.15+ Generates a heat map that identifies the parts of an image most likely to represent objects.
Object Tracking Track Rectangle ⚠️ *11.0+ *10.13+ Tracks movement of a previously identified rectangular object across multiple images or video frames.
Track Object ⚠️ *11.0+ *10.13+ Tracks the movement of a previously identified object across multiple images or video frames.
Rectangle Detection Detect Rectangle *11.0+ *10.13+ Finds projected rectangular regions in an image.
Face and Body Detection Detect Face Capture Quality 13.0+ 10.15+ Produces a floating-point number that represents the capture quality of a face in a photo.
Detect Face Landmarks *11.0+ *10.13+ Finds facial features like eyes and mouth in an image.
Detect Face Rectangles *11.0+ *10.13+ Finds faces within an image.
Detect Human Rectangles 13.0+ 10.15+ Finds rectangular regions that contain people in an image.
Body and Hand Pose Detection Detect Human Body Pose 14.0+ 11.0+ Detects a human body pose.
Detect Human Hand Pose 14.0+ 11.0+ Detects a human hand pose.
3D Body Pose Detection Detect Human Body Pose 3D 17.0+ 14.0+ Detects points on human bodies in three-dimensional space, relative to the camera.
Animal Detection Recognize Animals 13.0+ 10.15+ Recognizes animals in an image. (Now only dogs and cats are supported.)
Animal Body Pose Detection Detect Animal Body Pose 17.0+ 14.0+ Detects an animal body pose.
Trajectory Detection Detect Trajectories 14.0+ 11.0+ Detects the trajectories of shapes moving along a parabolic path.
Contour Detection Detect Contours 14.0+ 11.0+ Detects the contours of the edges of an image.
Optical Flow Generate Optical Flow 14.0+ 11.0+ Generates directional change vectors for each pixel in the targeted image.
Track Optical Flow 17.0+ 14.0+ Determines the direction change of vectors for each pixel from a previous to current image.
Barcode Detection Detect Barcodes *11.0+ *10.13+ Detects barcodes in an image.
Text Detection Detect Text Rectangles *11.0+ *10.13+ Finds regions of visible text in an image.
Text Recognition Recognize Text 13.0+ 10.15+ Finds and recognizes text in an image.
Horizon Detection Detect Horizon *11.0+ *10.13+ Determines the horizon angle in an image.
Image Alignment Translational Image Registration *11.0+ *10.13+ Determines the affine transform necessary to align the content of two images.
Track Translational Image Registration 17.0+ 14.0+ An image analysis request, as a stateful request you track over time, that determines the affine transform necessary to align the content of two images.
Homographic Image Registration *11.0+ *10.13+ Determines the perspective warp matrix necessary to align the content of two images.
Track Homographic Image Registration 17.0+ 14.0+ An image analysis request, as a stateful request you track over time, that determines the perspective warp matrix necessary to align the content of two images.
Image Background Removal Generate Foreground Instance Mask 17.0+ 14.0+ Generates an instance mask of noticable objects to separate from the background.


If you have a request, please make an issue.

Install 📦 #

Add this to your pubspec.yaml:

unified_apple_vision: ^latest
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Usage 🕹 #

// initialize
final vision = UnifiedAppleVision();

// create input image
final input = VisionInputImage(
  bytes: image.bytes,
  size: image.size,

// analyze
  image: input,
  requests: [
    // add requests you wish to perform
      onResults: (results) {
        final observations = results.ofRecognizeTextRequest; // get casted results
        // some action
      onError: (error) {
        // handle error
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Documents 📘 #

Contributing 🤝 #

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

Adding New Request or Observation #

If you want to add a new request or observation class, you can use the tools.py script to generate the boilerplate code for you.

python3 tools.py request --name VNDetectRectanglesRequest --ios 11.0 --macos 10.13
python3 tools.py observation --name VNRectangleObservation --extends VNDetectedObjectObservation
copied to clipboard

License 📜 #

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.



verified publisherdrdng.dev

Weekly Downloads

2024.08.06 - 2025.02.18

A plugin for using Apple Vision Framework with Flutter, designed to integrate multiple APIs into one plugin and process multiple analysis requests at once.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)




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