type_plus 2.1.1
type_plus: ^2.1.1 copied to clipboard
Give your types superpowers and spice up your generics. Make types great again.
import 'package:type_plus/type_plus.dart';
class Person {}
class Box<T> {}
abstract class Group extends Iterable<Person> {}
void checkType<T>() {
if (T.base == Person) {
} else if (T.base == Box) {
print("Box of ${T.args.first}s");
void printType<T>() {
void main() {
// first, specify all types using this syntax
TypePlus.addFactory((f) => f<Person>());
// or this simple version for non-generic types
// for generic types, use a generic function
TypePlus.addFactory(<T>(f) => f<Box<T>>());
// for extending classes, make sure to put all supertypes
TypePlus.add<Group>(superTypes: [Iterable<Person>]);
// get a type variable
Type personType = Person;
Type boxOfString = Box<String>;
print(personType.name); // the name of the type: Person
print(personType.id); // the id of the type: (some unique number)
print(boxOfString.base); // the base type: Box<dynamic>
print(boxOfString.args); // the type arguments: [String]
checkType<Person>(); // prints "Hi!"
checkType<Box<int>>(); // prints "Box of ints"
// invoke a generic function with the full type
boxOfString.provideTo(printType); // prints: "Box<String>"
// invoke a generic function with the type arguments
printType.callWith(typeArguments: boxOfString.args); // prints: "String"
String boxId = boxOfString.base.id; // id of the base type
String personId = personType.id;
// construct a new type by it's id
Type newType = TypePlus.fromId('$boxId<$personId>');
assert(newType == Box<Person>);
// check if a type implements another type
// or the other way around
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