tweener 2.2.3
tweener: ^2.2.3 copied to clipboard
Tweener is a simple and lightweight flutter animation tool. Anyone can easily learn to use it.
Tweener #
Tweener is a simple and lightweight flutter animation tool. Anyone can easily learn to use it.
Features #
- Does one thing and one thing only: tween properties
- Very simple to use, but it can achieve a lot of effects
- Easing functions are reusable outside of Tween
Installation #
Install the Tweener #
You should ensure that you add the following dependency in your Flutter project.
tweener: ^2.2.2
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install packages from the command line:
flutter packages get
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Useage #
import class
import 'package:tweener/tweener.dart';
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use Tweener
Tweener({"x": 0, "y": 0, "alpha": 0, "custom_prop_abc": 123})
.to({"x": 100, "y": 500, "alpha": 1, "custom_prop_abc": 321}, 2000)
.onUpdate((obj) {
setState(() {
_x = obj["x"];
_y = obj["y"];
_alpha = obj["alpha"];
_abc = obj["custom_prop_abc"];
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var tween1 = new Tweener(sprite)
.to({x: 700, y: 200, rotation: 359}, 2000)
var tween2 = new Tweener(sprite)
.to({x: 10, y: 20, rotation: 30}, 2000)
copied to clipboard
Thanks #
Tweener refers to the implementation code of tween.js. They are really great. I want to pay tribute to the original author!