turn_gen 2.1.1 copy "turn_gen: ^2.1.1" to clipboard
turn_gen: ^2.1.1 copied to clipboard

TurnGen is a set of scripts combined into a command line tool to minimize coding and simplify various tasks

TurnGen #

pub package

Welcome to TurnGen!. This project is a set of scripts combined into a command line tool, all scripts are written in dart language and run instantly without using build_runner, they are designed to minimize coding and simplify various tasks such as:

  • Working with Enum classes
  • Creating different methods in the Data class
  • Generating links to all files in the assets folder
  • Create union types from standard constructors

Alt Text

Install #

To use TurnGen, simply add TurnGen to the pubspec.yaml file as dev_dependencies:

For a Flutter project:

flutter pub add --dev turn_gen

For a Dart project:

dart pub add --dev turn_gen

If you are going to use a link generator for files in the resources folder, you can add the path to the output file in pubspec.yami, by default the file is generated in lib/gen/:

  assets_output: "lib/app_gen/" 

If you set show_comments to true in pubspec.yaml, this means that comments on methods and variables will be displayed in your code, which greatly improves its readability and helps you understand what is going on. By default, this setting is disabled.

  show_comments: true

Then run flutter pub get or dart pub get to install the package.

Use #

Automatic detection of the running script #

TurnGen can be run with a single command that searches for files that have a comment:

// turngen

We use the command to start it:

dart run turn_gen

For example, when using the union script:

import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// turngen
/* no: tojson fromJson */
class _ConnectivityState {
  const _ConnectivityState.isDisonnected();
  const _ConnectivityState.isConnected();
  const _ConnectivityState.notDetermined();
// end

For example, when using the data script:

// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// turngen
class DataFio {
  /* init:'' */
  final String surname;
  /* init:'' */
  final String name;
  /* init:'' */
  final String patronymic;
  // end

For example, when using the enum script :

// turngen
enum EnumLang  {
// end


// turngen
enum EnumActivity  {

  const EnumActivity(this.value);
  final int value;
// end

But it takes a bit longer to run this command than to directly call the desired script, which are described below.

Enum Script #

enum_type Text The figure above shows some of the ways in which the enum classes can be used. Turngen adds additional methods for convenient work with enum. At what it is unimportant what type of a variable in the constructor. The main thing is to add the comment // end before the closing brace to understand where the generation starts from. Following is the command to run the script.

dart run turn_gen -t enum -f <path to your file>

If you use VSCode, you can add the task to your tasks.json

      "label": "turn_gen enum",
      "type": "dart",
      "command": "dart",
      "args": ["run", "turn_gen", "-t", "enum", "-f", "${file}"],

After running the script, you will get additional methods and override the standard ones:

  • from...
  • from...OrNull
  • map
  • maybeMap
  • maybeMapOrNull
  • mapValue
  • maybeMapValue
  • maybeMapOrNullValue
  • getListValues
  • compareTo
  • toString


enum Speed implements Comparable<Speed> {

  const Speed(this.value);

  final int value;
  // end

//          --TURN_GEN--
//             (enum)
//  *************************************
//  *************************************

  static Speed fromValue(
    int? value, {
    Speed? fallback,
  }) {
    switch (value) {
      case 0:
        return stop;
      case 5:
        return slow;
      case 10:
        return normal;
      case 20:
        return fast;
        return fallback ??
            (throw ArgumentError.value(
              'Value not found in Speed',

  static Speed? fromValueOrNull(
    int? value,
  ) {
    switch (value) {
      case 0:
        return stop;
      case 5:
        return slow;
      case 10:
        return normal;
      case 20:
        return fast;
        return null;

  T map<T>({
    required T Function() stop,
    required T Function() slow,
    required T Function() normal,
    required T Function() fast,
  }) {
    switch (this) {
      case Speed.stop:
        return stop();
      case Speed.slow:
        return slow();
      case Speed.normal:
        return normal();
      case Speed.fast:
        return fast();

  T mapValue<T>({
    required T stop,
    required T slow,
    required T normal,
    required T fast,
  }) {
    switch (this) {
      case Speed.stop:
        return stop;
      case Speed.slow:
        return slow;
      case Speed.normal:
        return normal;
      case Speed.fast:
        return fast;

  T maybeMap<T>({
    required T Function() orElse,
    T Function()? stop,
    T Function()? slow,
    T Function()? normal,
    T Function()? fast,
  }) =>
        stop: stop ?? orElse,
        slow: slow ?? orElse,
        normal: normal ?? orElse,
        fast: fast ?? orElse,

  T maybeMapValue<T>({
    required T orElse,
    T? stop,
    T? slow,
    T? normal,
    T? fast,
  }) =>
        stop: stop ?? orElse,
        slow: slow ?? orElse,
        normal: normal ?? orElse,
        fast: fast ?? orElse,

  T? maybeMapOrNull<T>({
    T Function()? stop,
    T Function()? slow,
    T Function()? normal,
    T Function()? fast,
  }) =>
        orElse: () => null,
        stop: stop,
        slow: slow,
        normal: normal,
        fast: fast,

  T? maybeMapOrNullValue<T>({
    T? stop,
    T? slow,
    T? normal,
    T? fast,
  }) =>
        orElse: null,
        stop: stop,
        slow: slow,
        normal: normal,
        fast: fast,

  static List<int> getListValue() => Speed.values.map((e) => e.value).toList();

  int compareTo(Speed other) => index.compareTo(other.index);

extension $Speed on Speed {
  bool get isStop => this == Speed.stop;
  bool get isSlow => this == Speed.slow;
  bool get isNormal => this == Speed.normal;
  bool get isFast => this == Speed.fast;

Assets Script #

TurnGen also allows you to generate string constants of all files in the assets folder, with the ability to use different characters and letters in the file name, and, if identical file names are found, to add to the constant name a number

If you need a different path in which to generate the file, use the setting below in pubspec.yaml:

  assets_output: "lib/gen/" 

And to start, we use the command:

dart run turn_gen assets

If you are using VSCode, you can add the task to your tasks.json.

      "label": "turn_gen assets",
      "type": "shell",
      "command": "dart run turn_gen assets",
      "problemMatcher": []

After running the script, you will get all the file paths in one class:

Example Assets generator

class AssetPaths {
  const AssetPaths._();
  /// * Size: 8.8 KB
  /// * File path: _assets/icons/app_icons.ttf
  static const String appIconsIcons = 'assets/icons/app_icons.ttf';
  /// * Size: 24.6 KB
  /// * File path: _assets/image/onboarding_remind_you.svg
  static const String onboardingRemindYouImage = 'assets/image/onboarding_remind_you.svg';
  /// * Size: 60.8 KB
  /// * File path: _assets/image/splash.png
  static const String splashImage = 'assets/image/splash.png';
  /// * Size: 4.8 KB
  /// * File path: _assets/lottie/load_btn.json
  static const String loadBtnLottie = 'assets/lottie/load_btn.json';
    /// List of TTF assets
  static const List<String> valuesTTF = [appIconsIcons];

  /// List of SVG assets
  static const List<String> valuesSVG = [onboardingRemindYouImage, icErrorSvg, icErrorCloseSvg, icInfoSvg, icInfoCloseSvg, icSuccessSvg, icSuccessCloseSvg, icWarningSvg, icWarningCloseSvg, logoSvg, onb1Svg, onb2Svg, onb3Svg, onb4Svg, sortAscSvg, sortDescSvg];

  /// List of PNG assets
  static const List<String> valuesPNG = [splashImage];

  /// List of JSON assets
  static const List<String> valuesJSON = [loadBtnLottie, loadPageLottie, waterDownLottie, waterUpLottie];

  /// List of all assets
  static const List<String> valuesAll = [appIconsIcons, onboardingRemindYouImage, splashImage, loadBtnLottie, loadPageLottie, waterDownLottie, waterUpLottie, icErrorSvg, icErrorCloseSvg, icInfoSvg, icInfoCloseSvg, icSuccessSvg, icSuccessCloseSvg, icWarningSvg, icWarningCloseSvg, logoSvg, onb1Svg, onb2Svg, onb3Svg, onb4Svg, sortAscSvg, sortDescSvg];


Data Script #

TurnGen scripts can generate and override additional methods to dart classes, such as

  • toMap/fromJson and fromMap/fromJson/fromDynamicMap for Map/Json serialization and deserialization
  • copyWith - to clone an object with different properties
  • operator == and override hashCode (since TurnGet only works with immutable classes)
  • toString - to display a list of all object properties

Most importantly, we use the standard dart class simply by adding comments to the body for customization, the obligatory comments are shown below:

class RegistrationState {
  final bool isLoad;
  final String? name;
  final List<int> activitySelected;
// end

Now let's describe the basic conditions for using TurnGen:

  • All fields of the class must be - final
  • After declaring all the fields, put a comment at the end - // end

And that's it!

Additional class settings

You can add an additional setting at the beginning of the class, also using comments, for example:

  • There will only be a copyWith method.
/* only: copyWith  */
class RegistrationState {
  • Remove a certain method or several
/* no: fromMap toMap  */
class RegistrationState {
  • Use the equatable library
/* use: equatable  */
class RegistrationState {

In the examples above, you can combine different options from other methods

Additional variable settings

The variable also has settings, we just write our keywords in the comments above the class, for example:

  • You can initialize the variable with any text
  /* init: true */
  final bool isLoad;
  /* init: 'Jon' */
  final String name;
  • If the type of the variable is not defined, TurnGen will try to determine it and prompt you about it, but you can explicitly specify it with the keyword: type: and possible options enum data List<data>
type: enum
init: FormzSubmissionStatus.initial
  final FormzSubmissionStatus status;
type: data
init: const DateRegModel()
  final DateRegModel dateRegModel;
 /* type: List<data> */
  final List<Name> nameList;
  • Override toMap or fromMap methods if TurnGen does not define a variable type
init: const DateRegModel()
fromMap: DateRegModel.fromMap(map['dateRegModel'] as Map<String, dynamic>)
toMap: dateRegModel.toMap()
  final DateRegModel dateRegModel;


And to start, we use the command:

dart run turn_gen
# or
dart run turn_gen -t data -f <path to your file>

If you use VSCode, you can add the task to your tasks.json

      "label": "turn_gen data",
      "type": "dart",
      "command": "dart",
      "args": ["run", "turn_gen", "-t", "data", "-f", "${file}"]

After executing the script you get a typical dart class with new and overridden methods :


import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';

// turngen
class RegistrationState {
  final bool isLoad;
  final String? name;
  final List<int> activitySelected;

// end

//          --TURN_GEN--
//             (data)
//  *************************************
//  *************************************
  const RegistrationState({
    required this.isLoad,
    required this.activitySelected,

  Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
    return <String, dynamic>{
      'isLoad': isLoad,
      'name': name,
      'activitySelected': activitySelected,

  factory RegistrationState.fromMap(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
    return RegistrationState(
      isLoad: map['isLoad'] != null
          ? map['isLoad'] as bool
          : throw Exception(
      name: map['name'] as String?,
      activitySelected: map['activitySelected'] != null
          ? (map['activitySelected'] as List<dynamic>)
              .map((e) => e as int)
          : throw Exception(

  RegistrationState copyWith({
    bool? isLoad,
    String? name,
    List<int>? activitySelected,
  }) {
    return RegistrationState(
      isLoad: isLoad ?? this.isLoad,
      name: name ?? this.name,
      activitySelected: activitySelected ?? this.activitySelected,

  String toJson() => json.encode(toMap());
  factory RegistrationState.fromJson(String source) =>
        json.decode(source) as Map<String, dynamic>,

  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
    return identical(this, other) ||
        (other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
            other is RegistrationState &&
                ) ||
                other.isLoad == isLoad) &&
                ) ||
                other.name == name) &&
            const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(

  int get hashCode => Object.hashAll([
        const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(

  String toString() {
    return 'RegistrationState(isLoad: $isLoad, name: $name, activitySelected: $activitySelected, )';

Union Script #

TurnGen scripts can generate "union types" by creating a class with named constructors, but this requires making a fake private class. This class is not used anywhere, but it is useful for modifying the generated code. And add a // end comment at the end of the class, like in the example below:

import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';

// turngen
class _Union {
  _Union.success({required List<User> listUser});
  _Union.init([String hello = 'Hello world']);
  _Union.error({String msg = ''});

// end


And to start, we use the command:

dart run turn_gen
# or
dart run turn_gen -t union -f <path to your file>

If you use VSCode, you can add the task to your tasks.json

      "label": "turn_gen union",
      "type": "dart",
      "command": "dart",
      "args": ["run", "turn_gen", "-t", "union", "-f", "${file}"]

After running the script, you will get additional methods and override the standard ones:

  • map
  • maybeMap
  • mapOrNull
  • when
  • compareTo
  • toString, operator ==, hashCode

toJson fromJson

Added the ability to convert a Union class to a JSON string and vice versa. When performing the initial conversion, you need to provide a tag. However, for subsequent conversions, the tag parameter is optional.

// union class example

// turngen
class _ApiLoanSchedule {
  /// Creates a successful API loan schedule.
  const _ApiLoanSchedule.success({
    List<ApiLoanScheduleItem> list = const [],

  /// Creates an error API loan schedule.
  const _ApiLoanSchedule.error({
    String message = '',
    String error = '',
    String code = '',

// ... other code

// Deserialize the class
return response.statusCode == 200
          ? ApiLoanSchedule.fromJson(
          : ApiLoanSchedule.fromJson(

// how to use

      success: (v) {
// Something to do
      error: (v) {
// Something to do

// Data serialization
  final loanScheduleJson = loanScheduleModel.toJson();

Example of generated file

class _Union {
  _Union.success({required List<User> listUser});
  _Union.init([String hello = 'Hello world']);
  _Union.error({String msg = ''});
// end

//          --TURN_GEN--
//  *************************************
//           GENERATED CODE 
//  *************************************
class Union {
  const Union.success({required List<User> listUser}):
        _tag = _UnionTag.success,
        _listUser_success = listUser,
        _hello_init = null,
        _msg_error = null;
  const Union.load():
        _tag = _UnionTag.load,
        _listUser_success = null,
        _hello_init = null,
        _msg_error = null;
  const Union.init([String hello = 'Hello world']):
        _tag = _UnionTag.init,
        _listUser_success = null,
        _hello_init = hello,
        _msg_error = null;
  const Union.error({String msg = ''}):
        _tag = _UnionTag.error,
        _listUser_success = null,
        _hello_init = null,
        _msg_error = msg;

  T? mapOrNull<T>({
    T? Function(_UnionSuccess v)? success,
    T? Function(_UnionLoad v)? load,
    T? Function(_UnionInit v)? init,
    T? Function(_UnionError v)? error,
  }) {
    switch (_tag) {
      case _UnionTag.success:
        return success?.call(_UnionSuccess(_listUser_success!));
      case _UnionTag.load:
        return load?.call(const _UnionLoad());
      case _UnionTag.init:
        return init?.call(_UnionInit(_hello_init!));
      case _UnionTag.error:
        return error?.call(_UnionError(_msg_error!));

  T map<T>({
    required T Function(_UnionSuccess v) success,
    required T Function(_UnionLoad v) load,
    required T Function(_UnionInit v) init,
    required T Function(_UnionError v) error,
  }) {
    switch (_tag) {
      case _UnionTag.success:
        return success(_UnionSuccess(_listUser_success!));
      case _UnionTag.load:
        return load(const _UnionLoad());
      case _UnionTag.init:
        return init(_UnionInit(_hello_init!));
      case _UnionTag.error:
        return error(_UnionError(_msg_error!));

  T maybeMap<T>({
    T Function(_UnionSuccess v)? success,
    T Function(_UnionLoad v)? load,
    T Function(_UnionInit v)? init,
    T Function(_UnionError v)? error,
      required T Function() orElse,
  }) {
    switch (_tag) {
      case _UnionTag.success:
        if(success != null) return success(_UnionSuccess(_listUser_success!));
        return orElse();
      case _UnionTag.load:
        if(load != null) return load(const _UnionLoad());
        return orElse();
      case _UnionTag.init:
        if(init != null) return init(_UnionInit(_hello_init!));
        return orElse();
      case _UnionTag.error:
        if(error != null) return error(_UnionError(_msg_error!));
        return orElse();

  T when<T>({
    required T Function (List<User> listUser) success,
    required T Function () load,
    required T Function (String hello) init,
    required T Function (String msg) error,
}) {
    switch (_tag) {
      case _UnionTag.success:
        return success(_listUser_success!);
      case _UnionTag.load:
        return load();
      case _UnionTag.init:
        return init(_hello_init!);
      case _UnionTag.error:
        return error(_msg_error!);

  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
    switch (_tag) {
      case _UnionTag.success:
        return identical(this, other) ||
        (other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
            other is Union  &&  
 const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other._listUser_success, _listUser_success,)); 
      case _UnionTag.load:
        return identical(this, other) ||
        (other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
            other is Union ); 
      case _UnionTag.init:
        return identical(this, other) ||
        (other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
            other is Union  &&  
 (identical(other._hello_init, _hello_init) || other._hello_init == _hello_init)); 
      case _UnionTag.error:
        return identical(this, other) ||
        (other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
            other is Union  &&  
 (identical(other._msg_error, _msg_error) || other._msg_error == _msg_error));   
  int get hashCode {
    switch (_tag) {
      case _UnionTag.success:
        return Object.hashAll([runtimeType, const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_listUser_success)]);
      case _UnionTag.load:
        return Object.hashAll([runtimeType]);
      case _UnionTag.init:
        return Object.hashAll([runtimeType, _hello_init]);
      case _UnionTag.error:
        return Object.hashAll([runtimeType, _msg_error]);  
  String toString() {
    switch (_tag) {
      case _UnionTag.success:
        return 'Union.success(listUser: $_listUser_success)';
      case _UnionTag.load:
        return 'Union.load()';
      case _UnionTag.init:
        return 'Union.init(hello: $_hello_init)';
      case _UnionTag.error:
        return 'Union.error(msg: $_msg_error)';  
  final _UnionTag _tag;
  final List<User>? _listUser_success;
  final String? _hello_init;
  final String? _msg_error;


enum _UnionTag {
class _UnionSuccess extends Union {
  const _UnionSuccess(this.listUser) : super.success(listUser: listUser);
  final List<User> listUser;
class _UnionLoad extends Union {
  const _UnionLoad() : super.load();
class _UnionInit extends Union {
  const _UnionInit(this.hello) : super.init( hello);
  final String hello;
class _UnionError extends Union {
  const _UnionError(this.msg) : super.error(msg: msg);
  final String msg;

Update all files #

In case it is necessary to update all files where TurnGen was used, and these are files with text:

//          --TURN_GEN--
//             (data)
//  *************************************
//         GENERATED CODE 
//  *************************************

It is enough to run the command:

dart run turn_gen build

TurnGen will find all the files and update them, this command is similar to the build_runner command, but relatively faster.

Help #

If you encounter any issues please report them here.

License #

Copyright 2023 TurnGen

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.



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TurnGen is a set of scripts combined into a command line tool to minimize coding and simplify various tasks

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MIT (license)


args, cli_util, path, yaml


Packages that depend on turn_gen