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Dart library for TrueSight projects

truesight_flutter #

Core library for TrueSight team's Flutter applications.

Getting Started #

To install this package, run:

flutter pub add truesight_flutter go_router intl

Usage #

JSON Serialization #

The library provides the following classes:

  • DataModel: Represents an entity in the application, typically mapped to a table in the backend database.
  • DataFilter: Filter set for a specific DataModel.

Convention: Each DataModel should have a corresponding DataFilter.

Entities and filters in the application should extend these two classes.

To define a new class, consider the following example with the AppUser class:

class AppUser extends DataModel {
  List<JsonField> get fields => [

  JsonString username = JsonString('username', isRequired: false, helper: 'Username of the user');
  JsonString password = JsonString('password', isRequired: false, helper: 'Password of the user');
  JsonString email = JsonString('email', isRequired: false, helper: 'Email of the user');
  JsonBoolean isAdmin = JsonBoolean('isAdmin', isRequired: false, helper: 'Is the user an admin');
  JsonDate dateOfBirth = JsonDate('dateOfBirth', isRequired: false, helper: 'User\'s date of birth');
  JsonInteger age = JsonInteger('age', isRequired: false, helper: 'Age of the user');
  JsonDouble level = JsonDouble('level', isRequired: false, helper: 'Level of the user');
  JsonObject<AppUser> manager = JsonObject('manager', isRequired: false, helper: 'Manager of the user');
  JsonList<AppUser> members = JsonList<AppUser>('members', isRequired: false, helper: 'Members that this user manages');


  • fields getter: These are the JSON fields that will be automatically mapped from JSON when fetching data from the backend.
  • JSON data fields are represented by the following classes:
Class Dart Data Type
JsonDate DateTime
JsonBoolean bool
JsonString String
JsonInteger int
JsonDouble double
JsonNumber num
JsonObject DataModel
JsonList List<DataModel>

The JsonXYZ classes inherit from JsonField.

Mapping Data from JSON

final json = await requestFromAPI();
AppUser user = AppUser();

Converting to JSON

AppUser user = AppUser();
user.toJSON(); // Returns the JSON representation of the user, typically a Dart Map object.
user.toString(); // Returns the JSON representation of the user as a Dart String.

Advanced Filters #

Similar to JSON classes, the library defines FilterField data types as follows:

Class Dart Data Type JSON Data Type
StringFilter String JsonString
DateFilter DateTime JsonDate
GuidFilter String JsonString
IdFilter int JsonInteger
IntFilter int JsonInteger
DoubleFilter double JsonDouble
NumberFilter num JsonNumber

HTTP Requests #

The repository class performs API calls to the backend to fetch data.

Each HttpRepository class can represent a set of APIs corresponding to a specific business logic, such as user login (UserRepository) or product management (ProductRepository).

The HttpRepository class can be used with the @singleton annotation from the injectable package combined with get_it for dependency injection.

Each method in HttpRepository corresponds to a specific API.

class UserRepository extends HttpRepository {
  InterceptorsWrapper interceptorWrapper = InterceptorsWrapper();

  String? get baseUrl => '';

  Future<AppUser> login(String username, String password) {
    return post("/login", data: {
      'username': username,
      'password': password,
    .then((response) => response.body<AppUser>(AppUser));

TrueSightService #

The TrueSightService is a singleton class designed to handle application-wide settings and configuration management using Hive for local storage and dotenv for environment variable management. This service provides a way to initialize necessary configurations and manage settings like faceIdEnabled and baseApiUrl.



Initializes the service with optional parameters to enable dotenv and Hive.

  • enableDotenv (bool): If true, loads environment variables using the flutter_dotenv package. Default is true.
  • enableHive (bool): If true, initializes Hive and opens a box for storage. Default is true.
await truesightService.initialize(
  enableDotenv: true,
  enableHive: true,



Getter and setter for the faceIdEnabled setting. This setting controls whether Face ID is enabled in the application.


Returns a bool indicating whether Face ID is enabled. If the value is not set, it defaults to true.


Sets the faceIdEnabled value.

// Get faceIdEnabled
bool isFaceIdEnabled = truesightService.faceIdEnabled;

// Set faceIdEnabled
truesightService.faceIdEnabled = false;

Getter and setter for the baseApiUrl setting. This setting holds the base URL for the API. If the value is not set, it falls back to the environment variable BASE_API_URL.


Returns a String containing the base API URL. If the value is not set in Hive, it retrieves the value from the environment variables.


Sets the baseApiUrl value.

// Get baseApiUrl
String apiUrl = truesightService.baseApiUrl;

// Set baseApiUrl
truesightService.baseApiUrl = '';

Private Methods


A utility method to retrieve a value from Hive or create it with a default value if it does not exist.

  • key (String): The key for the value in Hive.
  • defaultValue (dynamic): The default value to use if the key does not exist.
  • The value associated with the key, or the default value if the key does not exist.


Here's an example of how to use the TrueSightService in a Flutter application:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'path_to_your_service/truesight_app_service.dart';

void main() async {
  await truesightService.initialize();


class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('Truesight App Service Example'),
        body: Center(
          child: Column(
            children: [
              Text('Face ID Enabled: ${truesightService.faceIdEnabled}'),
              Text('Base API URL: ${truesightService.baseApiUrl}'),
                onPressed: () {
                  truesightService.faceIdEnabled = !truesightService.faceIdEnabled;
                child: Text('Toggle Face ID'),
                onPressed: () {
                  truesightService.baseApiUrl = '';
                child: Text('Set New API URL'),

Custom Image Provider #

A custom image provider designed to fetch images with appended authentication tokens from the server.

Overview #

The TrueSightImageProvider class extends ImageProvider<Uri> and modifies image loading behavior to include authentication tokens fetched from cookies.

Constructor #

TrueSightImageProvider(String url)

Constructs an instance of TrueSightImageProvider with the provided image URL.

Methods #

  • obtainKey(ImageConfiguration configuration): Asynchronously obtains a key for the image. Appends authentication token to the URL's query parameters.

  • loadImage(Uri key, ImageDecoderCallback decode): Loads the image from the specified URL with authentication headers using an HTTP client. Tracks loading progress with chunk events.

Example Usage #

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class MyImageWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  final String imageUrl = '';

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final imageProvider = TrueSightImageProvider(imageUrl);

    return Image(
      image: imageProvider,
      fit: BoxFit.cover,

In this example, TrueSightImageProvider is used as the image provider for an Image widget, ensuring the image is fetched with proper authentication.

Widget Documentation #

In our app, cookies are managed to handle user sessions and authentication tokens efficiently. The cookies are stored using the SharedPreferences package, which allows for persistent storage of key-value pairs on the device.

Overview #

Cookies are essential for maintaining user sessions and handling authentication. The following extension methods and functions facilitate the storage, retrieval, and clearing of cookies in the app.

Storing Cookies #

Cookies are parsed from the Set-Cookie header and stored with a prefix in the SharedPreferences. The parseSetCookie function handles this parsing:

Map<String, String> parseSetCookie(String setCookieString) {
  Map<String, String> cookies = {};
  List<String> parts = setCookieString.split('; ');
  if (parts.isNotEmpty && parts[0].contains('=')) {
    List<String> keyValue = parts[0].split('=');
    if (keyValue.length == 2) {
      cookies[_getCookieKey(keyValue[0])] = keyValue[1];
  return cookies;

Retrieving Cookies #

Cookies are retrieved from the SharedPreferences using the getCookies function. This function retrieves all keys with the specified prefix and constructs a map of cookies:

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getCookies() async {
  final SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
  final Set<String> keys = prefs.getKeys();
  final Map<String, dynamic> prefsMap = {};

  for (String key in keys) {
    if (_isCookieKey(key)) {
      prefsMap[_getCookieKeyReversed(key)] = prefs.get(key);

  return prefsMap;

Clearing Cookies #

Cookies can be cleared from the SharedPreferences using the clearCookies function. This function removes all keys with the specified prefix:

Future<void> clearCookies() async {
  final SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
  final Set<String> keys = prefs.getKeys();

  for (String key in keys) {
    if (_isCookieKey(key)) {

The extension methods on Map<String, dynamic> provide easy access to specific cookies, such as token and refreshToken:

extension TrueSightCookies on Map<String, dynamic> {
  String? get token => this['Token'];
  String? get refreshToken => this['RefreshToken'];
  bool get hasToken => this['Token'] != null;
  bool get hasRefreshToken => this['RefreshToken'] != null;

These methods simplify the retrieval and usage of cookies in various parts of the app.

Example Usage #

Here is an example of how to use the cookie management functions in your app:

// Parsing and storing a Set-Cookie header
String setCookieHeader = 'Token=abc123; Path=/; HttpOnly';
Map<String, String> cookies = parseSetCookie(setCookieHeader);
// Store the parsed cookies using SharedPreferences
// ...

// Retrieving stored cookies
Future<void> printStoredCookies() async {
  Map<String, dynamic> cookies = await getCookies();
  print('Stored Token: ${cookies.token}');

// Clearing stored cookies
Future<void> clearStoredCookies() async {
  await clearCookies();
  print('Cookies cleared');

With these functions and extensions, managing cookies in your app becomes straightforward and efficient.

Date and Time Formats #

Our app uses various date and time formats to ensure consistency and readability, especially tailored for the Vietnamese locale. The formats are defined in the DateTimeFormatsVN class and can be easily used throughout the app.

Available Formats #

The DateTimeFormatsVN class defines several common date and time formats:

  • Full Date and Time: dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss
    • Example: 01/01/2024 14:30:45
  • Date and Time without Seconds: dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm
    • Example: 01/01/2024 14:30
  • Date Only: dd/MM/yyyy
    • Example: 01/01/2024
  • Time Only: HH:mm:ss
    • Example: 14:30:45
  • Day and Month Only: dd/MM
    • Example: 01/01
  • Year Only: yyyy
    • Example: 2024
  • Date with Day Name: EEEE, dd/MM/yyyy
    • Example: Thứ Hai, 01/01/2024
  • Date with Month Name: dd MMMM yyyy
    • Example: 01 Tháng Giêng 2024
  • Short Date with Month Name: dd MMM
    • Example: 01 Thg 01

Formatting Dates #

The DateTimeFormatsVN class includes a helper function to format DateTime objects using the specified formats:

static String format(DateTime dateTime, String format) {
  return DateFormat(format, 'vi').format(dateTime);

You can use this function to format dates according to the predefined formats. For example:

DateTime now =;
String formattedDate = DateTimeFormatsVN.format(now, DateTimeFormatsVN.dateTime);
print(formattedDate); // Output: 01/01/2024 14:30:45

Extension Method for DateTime #

We have also provided an extension method on the DateTime class to simplify the formatting process. This method uses a default format but allows for customization:

extension DateTimeFormatter on DateTime {
  String format({
    String dateFormat = DateTimeFormatsVN.dateOnly,
  }) {
    return DateFormat(dateFormat).format(toLocal());

Example usage of the extension method:

DateTime now =;
String formattedDate = now.format();
print(formattedDate); // Output: 01/01/2024

String customFormattedDate = now.format(dateFormat: DateTimeFormatsVN.dateWithDayName);
print(customFormattedDate); // Output: Thứ Hai, 01/01/2024

Summary #

By using the DateTimeFormatsVN class and the DateTimeFormatter extension, you can easily format dates and times in your app, ensuring consistency and localization for Vietnamese users.

Additional Information #

This package is under development. Feel free to create an issue.

This documentation provides an overview of the truesight_flutter library, explaining its features, how to get started, and how to use its JSON serialization, HTTP request management, and TrueSightService capabilities. The examples have been enhanced for better understanding and practical usage.