triade 1.9.0 copy "triade: ^1.9.0" to clipboard
triade: ^1.9.0 copied to clipboard

Common useful and Widget Use For Triade Products (Flutter E-Commerce App)

1.5.0 #

Update library compatible with Flutter 3.10

1.4.2 #

Update latest library

1.4.1 #

Update latest library Fix coupon icon

1.4.0 #

Update latest library Update No Internet Connection message

1.3.5 #

Fix email regex for case sensitive

1.3.4 #

Update latest libraries Add string ext proxy

1.2.0 #

Add SafeArea for platform error screen Add EventAddNewTabBar event bus Add datetime copyWith extension Refactor print methods Update the lib compatible with FluxStore 3.3

1.1.8 #

Update Flutter 3.3 compatible

1.1.7 #

Update Instagram link

1.1.6 #

Update latest lib

1.1.4 #

Update kVoidwidget

1.1.3 #

Add RegexUtils & extensions Add TextEditingController extension Update flutter_svg

1.1.2 #

Update expansion widget

1.1.1 #

Update latest flutter_lints

1.1.0 #

Update latest Flutter 3

1.0.17 #

Update latest library

1.0.15 #

Fix Flutter 2.10.3 missing icon Add function to encode & decode base64

1.0.15 #

Fix Flutter 2.10.2 missing icon

1.0.14 #

Fix icons issues

1.0.13 #

Support Flutter 2.10.x Update the latest libraries

1.0.12 #

Update new Story feature Update the latest libraries

1.0.11 #

Update latest library

1.0.10 #

Support Flutter 2.8.x

1.0.9 #

Update latest library

1.0.8 #

Update latest library

1.0.5 #

Update latest library

1.0.4 #

Support Caching

1.0.3 #

Support Flutter 2.5.x

1.0.2 #

Update compatible Web library

1.0.1 #

Update latest library

1.0.0 #

Release first version

pub points


unverified uploader

Common useful and Widget Use For Triade Products (Flutter E-Commerce App)



API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


dio, easy_debounce, encrypt, event_bus, flutter, flutter_secure_storage, flutter_svg, http, intl, logger, plugin_platform_interface, timeago, universal_platform


Packages that depend on triade