tiki_syncchain 0.0.9 copy "tiki_syncchain: ^0.0.9" to clipboard
tiki_syncchain: ^0.0.9 copied to clipboard


TIKI's local chain backup/sync (aka sync chain)

Sync Chain #

Dart native implementation of TIKI's backup strategy for localchains

  • Uses s3 for immutable hosted storage.

How to Use #

  • Construct and init the syncchain using
await TikiSyncChain(
    {Httpp? httpp,
    required Database database,
    TikiKv? kv,
    String s3Bucket = 'tiki-sync-chain',
    Future<void> Function(void Function(String?)? onSuccess)? refresh,
    required Future<Uint8List> Function(Uint8List message) sign})
    {String? address,
    String? accessToken,
    String? publicKey,
    void Function(Object)? onError});`

Note: If any of your project's dependencies uses sqflite (e.g: cached_network_image, flutter_cache_manager...), then for iOS to link correctly the SQLCipher libraries you need to override it in your pubspec.yaml file:

      url: https://www.github.com/davidmartos96/sqflite_sqlcipher.git
      path: sqflite
      ref: fmdb_override
  • To sync a block use
void syncBlock(
    {String? accessToken,
    required Uint8List hash,
    required SyncChainBlock block,
    void Function(SyncChainBlock)? onSuccess,
    void Function(Object)? onError})
  • Get a block by its hash
void getBlock(
    {required Uint8List hash,
    String? version,
    void Function(SyncChainBlock)? onSuccess,
    void Function(Object)? onError})
  • Read the chain using
void getBlocks(
    {void Function(SyncChainBlock)? onSuccess,
    void Function(Object)? onError})

How to contribute #

Thank you for contributing with the data revolution!
All the information about contribution can be found in CONTRIBUTE

License #

MIT license