thyi 1.0.11 copy "thyi: ^1.0.11" to clipboard
thyi: ^1.0.11 copied to clipboard

thyi annotations

How to use #

  • First define a bean class
class User {
    var username = "";
    var nickname = "";
  • Add the json_serializable dependency The json_serializble usage please see it's doc. And then add JsonSerialzble to User class
class User {
    var username = "";
    var nickname = "";
  • Then define the Api class wich define your api interface. Example api.dart.
/// the api.dart file
class API {
  Future<User> getUser(@PARAM("id") int id);
  • Run flutter pub run build_runner build to generate api impl, by generate the api_thyi.dart file.

  • New the api

/// the API_thyiImpl is the generate class(in api_thyi.dart file).
var api = new API_thyiImpl(Thyi(rootUrl));