tflite_audio 0.1.8+2 copy "tflite_audio: ^0.1.8+2" to clipboard
tflite_audio: ^0.1.8+2 copied to clipboard


Audio classification Tflite package for flutter (iOS & Android). Can support Google Teachable Machine models.

TFlite Audio Plugin for Flutter #

pub package likes License: MIT style: effective dart

Audio classification Tflite package for flutter (iOS & Android). Can support Google Teachable Machine models.

If you are a complete newbie to audio classification, you can read the tutorial here. Credit to Carolina for writing a comprehensive article.

To keep this project alive, consider giving a star or a like. Contributors are also welcome.

Recording Inference result

Table of Contents #

About This Plugin #

The plugin can support several model types:

  1. Models from Google Teachable Machine

    • For beginners with little to no machine learning knowledge. You can read can read the tutorial here if you are a newbie.
    • Training can be done here
  2. Raw audio inputs.

    • Can recognize the following inputs: float32[recordingLength, 1] or float32[1, recordingLength]
    • For more information on how to train your own model, take a look here.
  3. Supports models with decoded wave inputs.

    • Supports two inputs: float32[recordingLength, 1] and int32[1]
    • For more information on how to train your own model. Take a look here
    • To train a decoded wave with MFCC, take a look here
  4. (Future feature) Spectogram as an input type. Will support model from this tutorial.

  5. (Future feature) Yamnet Models

Known Issues #

a) Model won't load #

You need to configures permissions and dependencies to use this plugin. Please follow the steps below:

b) Inference always matches the sound to the first category/label listed. #

There are two possibilties:

The first possibility is that the detection threshold from this package is ignoring any predictions where it’s probability doesn’t exceed the set value. For example:

If your model's prediction for the label "yes" (40%) and "no" (10%) is lower than the detection threshold (50%), the output will be ignored. Hence the problem where the label matches the first label.

To rectify this issue, you need to train more data into your model to improve its inference performance, or reduce the detection threshold to a lower value.

The second possibility may be due to bufferSize.

Be aware that a higher bufferSize doesn't allow your device enough time to record, hence the problem where it always match the first category. To fix this, simply adjust the bufferSize to a lower value.

Likewise, if your bufferSize is too low, the recording length will be too long and your model may possibly register it as background noise. Simply adjust the bufferSize to a higher value.

Please make sure that you have enabled ops-select on your podfile - step 4 & Xcode - step 5 and build gradle - step 3

If you tried above, please run the example on a device (not emulator). If you still recieved this error, its very likely that theres an issue with cocoapod or Xcode configuration. Please check the issue #7

If you recieved this error from your custom model (not GTM), its likely that you're using unsupported tensorflow operators for tflite, as found in issue #5. For more details on which operators are supported, look at the official documentation here

d) (iOS) App crashes when running Google's Teachable Machine model #

Please run your simulation on actual iOS device. As of this moment, there's limited support for x86_64 architectures from the Tensorflow Lite select-ops framework. If you absolutely need to run it on an emulator, you can consider building the select ops framework yourself. Instructions can be found here

e) (Android) Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0xfffffff4 in tid 5403 #

It seems like the latest tflite package for android is causing this issue. Until this issue is fixed, please run this package on an actual Android Device.

f) Failed to invoke the interpreter with error: Provided data count (number) must match the required count (number). #

Please make that your recording length matches your model input size. For example, google's teachable machine requires recording length is 44032

If you have found any other issues not listed above, please create a new issue.

Please read if you are using Google's Teachable Machine. Otherwise skip. #

BE AWARE: Google's Teachable Machine requires select tensorflow operators to work. This feature is experimental and will cause the following issues:

  1. Increase the overall size of your app. If this is unnacceptable for you, it's recommended that you build your own custom model. Tutorials can be found in the About this plugin section

  2. Emulators for iOS do not work due to limited support for x86_64 architectures. You need to run your simulation on an actual device. Issue can be found here

  3. You will need to manually implement ops-select on your podfile - step 4 & Xcode - step 5 and build gradle - step 3

How to add tflite model and label to flutter: #

  1. Place your custom tflite model and labels into the asset folder.
  2. In pubsec.yaml, link your tflite model and label under 'assets'. For example:
    - assets/decoded_wav_model.tflite
    - assets/decoded_wav_label.txt

How to use this plugin #

Please look at the example on how to implement these futures.

  1. Import the plugin. For example:
import 'package:tflite_audio/tflite_audio.dart';
  1. To load your model:
        model: 'assets/conv_actions_frozen.tflite',
        label: 'assets/conv_actions_labels.txt',
        numThreads: 1,
        isAsset: true);
  1. To start and listen to the stream for inference results:

Example for Google's Teachable Machine models

  inputType: 'rawAudio',
  sampleRate: 44100,
  recordingLength: 44032,
  bufferSize: 22050,
      //Do something here to collect data
       //Do something here when stream closes

Example for decodedwav models

  inputType: 'decodedWav',
  sampleRate: 16000,
  recordingLength: 16000,
  bufferSize: 2000,
      //Do something here to collect data
       //Do something here when stream closes

Example for advanced users who want to utilise all parameters from this package. Note the values are default.

  inputType: 'rawAudio',
  sampleRate: 44100,
  recordingLength: 44032,
  bufferSize: 22050,
  numOfInferences: 1,
  detectionThreshold: 0.3, 
  averageWindowDuration = 1000,
  minimumTimeBetweenSamples = 30,
  suppressionTime = 1500,
      //Do something here to collect data
       //Do something here when stream closes
  1. To forcibly cancel the stream and recognition while executing:

Rough guide on the parameters #

  • numThreads - Higher threads will reduce inferenceTime. However, will utilise the more cpu resource.

  • numOfInferences - determines how many times you want to loop the recording and inference.

  • sampleRate - A higher sample rate may improve accuracy. Recommened values are 16000, 22050, 44100

  • recordingLength - determines the size of your tensor input. If the value is not equal to your tensor input, it will crash.

  • bufferSize - Make sure this value is equal or below your recording length. Be aware that a higher value may not allow the recording enough time to capture your voice. A lower value will give more time, but it'll be more cpu intensive. Remember that the optimal value varies depending on the device.

  • detectionThreshold - Will ignore any predictions where its probability does not exceed the detection threshold. Useful for situations where you pickup unwanted/unintentional sounds. Lower the value if your model's performance isn't doing too well.

  • suppressionMs - If your detection triggers too early, the result may be poor or inaccurate. Adjust the values to avoid this situation.

  • averageWindowDurationMs - Use to remove earlier results that are too old.

  • minimumTimeBetweenSamples - Ignore any results that are coming in too frequently

Android Installation & Permissions #

  1. Add the permissions below to your AndroidManifest. This could be found in
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
  1. Edit the following below to your build.gradle. This could be found in
aaptOptions {
        noCompress 'tflite'

(Android) If you are using Google's Teachable Machine. Otherwise skip.

  1. Enable select-ops under dependencies in your build gradle.
dependencies {
    compile 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-select-tf-ops:+'

iOS Installation & Permissions #

  1. Add the following key to Info.plist for iOS. This ould be found in
<string>Record audio for playback</string>
  1. Change the deployment target to at least 12.0. This could be done by:

    a. Open your project workspace on xcode

    b. Select root runner on the left panel

    c. Under the info tab, change the iOS deployment target to 12.0

  2. Open your podfile in your iOS folder and change platform ios to 12.

platform :ios, '12.0'

(iOS) If you are using Google's Teachable Machine model. Otherwise skip.

  1. Add `pod 'TensorFlowLiteSelectTfOps' under target.
target 'Runner' do
  pod 'TensorFlowLiteSelectTfOps' #Add this line here. 

  flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))
  1. Force load Select Ops for Tensorflow. To do that:

    a. Open your project on xcode

    b. click on runner under "Targets"

    c. Click on "Build settings" tab

    d. Click on "All" tab

    e. Click on the empty space which is on the right side of "Other Links Flag"

    f. Add: -force_load $(SRCROOT)/Pods/TensorFlowLiteSelectTfOps/Frameworks/TensorFlowLiteSelectTfOps.framework/TensorFlowLiteSelectTfOps

  1. Install the ops-select package to pod. To do this:

    a. cd into iOS folder

    b. Run flutter pub get on terminal

    c. Run pod install on terminal

    d. Run flutter clean on terminal

References #



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Audio classification Tflite package for flutter (iOS & Android). Can support Google Teachable Machine models.

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