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Dart library for creating an inverted index on a collection of text documents.

text_indexing #

Dart library for creating an inverted index on a collection of text documents.


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Overview #

This library provides an interface and implementation classes that build and maintain an (inverted, positional) index for a collection of documents or corpus (see definitions).

Index construction flowchart

The TextIndexer constructs two artifacts:

  • a dictionary that holds the vocabulary of terms and the frequency of occurrence for each term in the corpus; and
  • a postings map that holds a list of references to the documents for each term (the postings list).

In this implementation, our postings list is a hashmap of the document id (docId) to an ordered list of the positions of the term in the document to allow query algorithms to score and rank search results based on the position(s) of a term in the results.

Index artifacts

Refer to the references to learn more about information retrieval systems and the theory behind this library.

Usage #

In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the text_indexing dependency.

  text_indexing: <latest version>

In your code file add the text_indexing import.

import 'package:text_indexing/text_indexing.dart';

For small collections, instantiate a InMemoryIndexer, passing empty Dictionary and Postings hashmaps, then iterate over a collection of documents.

  // - initialize a [InMemoryIndexer]
  final indexer = InMemoryIndexer(dictionary: {}, postings: {});

  // - iterate through the sample data
  await Future.forEach(documents.entries, (MapEntry<String, String> doc) async {
    // - index each document
    await indexer.index(doc.key, doc.value);

The examples demonstrate the use of the InMemoryIndexer and PersistedIndexer.


The API exposes the TextIndexer interface that builds and maintain an index for a collection of documents.

Three implementations of the TextIndexer interface are provided:

  • the TextIndexerBase abstract base class implements the TextIndexer.index and TextIndexer.emit methods;
  • the InMemoryIndexer class is for fast indexing of a smaller corpus using in-memory dictionary and postings hashmaps; and
  • the PersistedIndexer class, aimed at working with a larger corpus and asynchronous dictionaries and postings.

TextIndexer Interface #

The text indexing classes (indexers) in this library implement TextIndexer, an interface intended for information retrieval software applications. The design of the TextIndexer interface is consistent with information retrieval theory and is intended to construct and/or maintain two artifacts:

  • a hashmap with the vocabulary as key and the document frequency as the values (the dictionary); and
  • another hashmap with the vocabulary as key and the postings lists for the linked documents as values (the postings).

The dictionary and postings can be asynchronous data sources or in-memory hashmaps. The TextIndexer reads and writes to/from these artifacts using the TextIndexer.loadTerms, TextIndexer.updateDictionary, TextIndexer.loadTermPostings and TextIndexer.upsertTermPostings asynchronous methods.

The TextIndexer.index method indexes text from a document, returning a list of PostingsList that is also emitted by TextIndexer.postingsStream. The TextIndexer.index method calls TextIndexer.emit, passing the list of PostingsList.

The TextIndexer.emit method is called by TextIndexer.index, and adds an event to the postingsStream.

Listen to TextIndexer.postingsStream to handle the postings list emitted whenever a document is indexed.

Implementing classes override the following fields:

  • TextIndexer.tokenizer is the Tokenizer instance used by the indexer to parse documents to tokens;
  • TextIndexer.postingsStream emits a list of PostingsList instances whenever a document is indexed.

Implementing classes override the following asynchronous methods:

  • TextIndexer.index indexes text from a document, returning a list of PostingsList and adding it to the TextIndexer.postingsStream by calling TextIndexer.emit;
  • emit is called by index, and adds an event to the postingsStream after updating the dictionary and postings data stores;
  • TextIndexer.loadTerms returns a DictionaryTerm map for a collection of terms from a dictionary;
  • TextIndexer.updateDictionary passes new or updated DictionaryTerm instances for persisting to a dictionary data store;
  • TextIndexer.loadTermPostings returns a PostingsEntry map for a collection of terms from a postings source; and
  • TextIndexer.upsertTermPostings passes new or updated PostingsEntry instances for upserting to a postings data store.

TextIndexerBase Class #

The TextIndexerBase is an abstract base class that implements the TextIndexer.index and TextIndexer.emit methods.

Subclasses of TextIndexerBase may override the override TextIndexerBase.emit method to perform additional actions whenever a document is indexed.

InMemoryIndexer Class #

The InMemoryIndexer is a subclass of TextIndexerBase that builds and maintains in-memory dictionary and postings hashmaps. These hashmaps are updated whenever InMemoryIndexer.emit is called at the end of the InMemoryIndexer.index method, so awaiting a call to InMemoryIndexer.index will provide access to the updated InMemoryIndexer.dictionary and InMemoryIndexer.postings maps.

The InMemoryIndexer is suitable for indexing a smaller corpus. An example of the use of InMemoryIndexer is included in the examples.

PersistedIndexer Class #

The PersistedIndexer is a subclass of TextIndexerBase that asynchronously reads and writes dictionary and postings data sources. These data sources are asynchronously updated whenever PersistedIndexer.emit is called by the PersistedIndexer.index method.

The PersistedIndexer is suitable for indexing a large corpus but may incur some latency penalty and processing overhead. Consider running PersistedIndexer in an isolate to avoid slowing down the main thread.

An example of the use of PersistedIndexer is included in the package examples.

Definitions #

The following definitions are used throughout the documentation:

  • corpus- the collection of documents for which an index is maintained.
  • dictionary - is a hash of terms (vocabulary) to the frequency of occurence in the corpus documents.
  • document - a record in the corpus, that has a unique identifier (docId) in the corpus's primary key and that contains one or more text fields that are indexed.
  • index - an inverted index used to look up document references from the corpus against a vocabulary of terms. The implementation in this package builds and maintains a positional inverted index, that also includes the positions of the indexed term in each document.
  • postings - a separate index that records which documents the vocabulary occurs in. In this implementation we also record the positions of each term in the text to create a positional inverted index.
  • postings list - a record of the positions of a term in a document. A position of a term refers to the index of the term in an array that contains all the terms in the text.
  • term - a word or phrase that is indexed from the corpus. The term may differ from the actual word used in the corpus depending on the tokenizer used.
  • text - the indexable content of a document.
  • token - representation of a term in a text source returned by a tokenizer. The token may include information about the term such as its position(s) in the text or frequency of occurrence.
  • tokenizer - a function that returns a collection of tokens from text, after applying a character filter, term filter, stemmer and / or lemmatizer.
  • vocabulary - the collection of terms indexed from the corpus.

References #

Issues #

If you find a bug please fill an issue.

This project is a supporting package for a revenue project that has priority call on resources, so please be patient if we don't respond immediately to issues or pull requests.

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verified publishergmconsult.com.au

Dart library for creating an inverted index on a collection of text documents.

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meta, rxdart, text_analysis


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