text_indexing 1.0.0 copy "text_indexing: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
text_indexing: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

Dart library for creating an inverted index on a collection of text documents.

1.0.0 #

  • Stable release

0.23.0 #


Breaking changes #

This is a major re-work of the library with a significant simplification of the interfaces:

  • Interface TextTokenizer removed. Use TextAnalyzer.tokenize and TextAnalyzer.tokenizeJson in stead.
  • Mixin InvertedIndexMixin removed.
  • Instance method InvertedIndex.getFtdPostings removed, use static method InvertedIndex.ftdPostingsFromPostings in stead.
  • Instance method InvertedIndex.getIdFtIndex removed, use static method InvertedIndex.idFtIndexFromDictionary in stead.
  • Instance method InvertedIndex.getTfIndex removed, use static method InvertedIndex.tfIndexFromPostings in stead.
  • Instance method InvertedIndex. removed, use static method InvertedIndex. in stead.
  • Extension methods Iterable<DftMapEntry>.sort and Iterable<DftMapEntry>.toList removed.
  • Property InvertedIndex.tokenFilter removed.
  • Class TextIndexerBase removed.
  • Interface method TextIndexer.indexDocumentStream added and implemented in TextIndexerMixin.
  • Interface method TextIndexer.indexCollectionStream added and implemented in TextIndexerMixin.
  • Factories TextIndexer, TextIndexer.stream and TextIndexer.collectionStream removed.
  • Signatures changed of interface methods TextIndexer.indexText, TextIndexer.indexJson and TextIndexer.indexCollection.
  • Interface method TextIndexer.dispose() added.
  • Enum TermSortStrategy removed.
  • Enum TokenizingStrategy removed.
  • Interface TextIndexer implemented in InvertedIndex.
  • Changed signature of TextIndexer.indexText.
  • Changed signature of TextIndexer.indexDocumentStream.
  • Changed signature of TextIndexer.indexJson.
  • Changed signature of TextIndexer.indexCollectionStream.

New #

  • Added InMemoryIndexBase and AsyncCallbackIndexBase to text_indexing library exports.

Bug fix #

  • Fixed keyword postings in indexer.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.23.0-5 #

Bug fix #

  • Fixed keyword postings in indexer.

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.24.0-5.

0.23.0-4 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.24.0-4.

0.23.0-3 #


Breaking changes #

  • Changed signature of TextIndexer.indexText.
  • Changed signature of TextIndexer.indexDocumentStream.
  • Changed signature of TextIndexer.indexJson.
  • Changed signature of TextIndexer.indexCollectionStream.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.23.0-2 #

New #

  • Added InMemoryIndexBase and AsyncCallbackIndexBase to text_indexing library exports.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.23.0-1 #


Breaking changes #

This is a major re-work of the library with a significant simplification of the interfaces:

  • Interface TextTokenizer removed. Use TextAnalyzer.tokenize and TextAnalyzer.tokenizeJson in stead.
  • Mixin InvertedIndexMixin removed.
  • Instance method InvertedIndex.getFtdPostings removed, use static method InvertedIndex.ftdPostingsFromPostings in stead.
  • Instance method InvertedIndex.getIdFtIndex removed, use static method InvertedIndex.idFtIndexFromDictionary in stead.
  • Instance method InvertedIndex.getTfIndex removed, use static method InvertedIndex.tfIndexFromPostings in stead.
  • Instance method InvertedIndex. removed, use static method InvertedIndex. in stead.
  • Extension methods Iterable<DftMapEntry>.sort and Iterable<DftMapEntry>.toList removed.
  • Property InvertedIndex.tokenFilter removed.
  • Class TextIndexerBase removed.
  • Interface method TextIndexer.indexDocumentStream added and implemented in TextIndexerMixin.
  • Interface method TextIndexer.indexCollectionStream added and implemented in TextIndexerMixin.
  • Factories TextIndexer, TextIndexer.stream and TextIndexer.collectionStream removed.
  • Signatures changed of interface methods TextIndexer.indexText, TextIndexer.indexJson and TextIndexer.indexCollection.
  • Interface method TextIndexer.dispose() added.
  • Enum TermSortStrategy removed.
  • Enum TokenizingStrategy removed.
  • Interface TextIndexer implemented in InvertedIndex.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.22.4+15 #

Deprecated #

  • Interface TextTokenizer is deprecated and will be removed from the next stable version of text_analysis library. At that time text_indexer will be updated to accomodate the change and issued as version 0.23.0.

0.22.4+14 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7+13.

0.22.4+14 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7+13.

0.22.4+13 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7+12.
  • Changed InvertedIndex.nGramRange to nullable.

0.22.4+12 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7+11.
  • Changed algo for extension method JSON.toSourceText.

0.22.4+11 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7+10.

0.22.4+10 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7+9.

0.22.4+9 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7+8.

0.22.4+8 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7+7.

0.22.4+7 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7+6.

0.22.4+6 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7+5.

0.22.4+5 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7+4.

0.22.4+4 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7+3.

0.22.4+3 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7+3.

0.22.4+2 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7+2.

0.22.4+1 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7+1.

0.22.4 #

Updated #

  • Bumped dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.7.

0.22.3 #

Updated #

  • Dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.6.

0.22.2 #

Bug fixes #

  • Changed TextIndexer.indexText to use index strategy.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

Updated #

  • Dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.5.

0.22.1 #

Updated #

  • Dependency text_analysis to ver 0.23.2.

0.22.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Added method InvertedIndex.getCollectionSize.
  • Implemented InvertedIndex.getCollectionSize.
  • Implemented AsyncCallbackIndex.getCollectionSize.
  • Renamed function definition VocabularyLength to CollectionSizeCallback.
  • Changed signature of factory InvertedIndex.inMemory.
  • Changed signature of unnamed factory constructor InvertedIndex.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.21.1 #

New #

  • Extension method double getIdFt(String term, int n) on DftMap.
  • Extension method DftMap getEntries(Iterable<Term> terms) on DftMap.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.21.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Added field TokenizingStrategy InvertedIndex.strategy.
  • Added field InvertedIndex.keywordExtractor.
  • Added method InvertedIndex.getKeywordPostings.
  • Added method InvertedIndex.upsertKeywordPostings.
  • Changed signature of method TextIndexer.updateIndexes.
  • Changed signature of default InMemoryIndex constructor.
  • Changed signature of default AsyncCallbackIndex constructor.
  • Changed signature of default InvertedIndex factory constructor.
  • Changed signature of default InvertedIndex.inMemory factory constructor.

New #

  • Added typedef KeywordPostingsMap.
  • Added typedef KeyWordPostings.
  • Added function definition KeywordPostingsMapLoader.
  • Added function definition KeywordPostingsMapUpdater.
  • Added base class InMemoryIndexBase.
  • Implemented field AsyncCallbackIndex.strategy.
  • Implemented field InMemoryIndex.strategy.
  • Implemented InMemoryIndex.getKeywordPostings.
  • Implemented InMemoryIndex.upsertKeywordPostings.
  • Implemented InMemoryIndex.keywordExtractor.
  • Implemented AsyncCallbackIndex.getKeywordPostings.
  • Implemented AsyncCallbackIndex.upsertKeywordPostings.
  • Implemented AsyncCallbackIndex.keywordExtractor.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.20.0 #

Updated #

  • Dependency text_analysis to ver 0.21.0.

0.19.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Changed signature of TextIndexer default unnamed factory constructor.
  • Removed field TextIndexer.documentStream.
  • Removed field TextIndexer.collectionStream.
  • Added field InvertedIndex.nGramRange.
  • Changed the signature of InvertedIndex unnamed factory.
  • Changed the signature of InvertedIndex.inMemory factory.
  • Changed the signature of AsyncCallbackIndex default constructor.
  • Changed the signature of InMemoryIndex default constructor.
  • Removed field InvertedIndex.phraseLength.

New #

  • Added factory constructor TextIndexer.collectionStream.
  • Added factory constructor TextIndexer.stream.
  • Changed TextIndexer.indexText

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.18.0 #

Updated #

  • Dependency text_analysis to ver 0.18.0.

0.17.1 #

Updated #

  • Dependency text_analysis to ver 0.17.1.

0.17.0+1 #

Updated #

  • Dependency text_analysis to ver 0.17.0+1.

0.17.0 #

Updated #

  • Dependency text_analysis to ver 0.17.0.

0.16.0+3 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.16.0+2 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.

0.16.0+1 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • License.
  • Documentation.

0.16.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Default k-gram length changed from k =2 to k = 2 in AsyncCallbackIndex and InMemoryIndex constructors and

New #

  • Unnamed factory constructor InvertedIndex returns a [AsyncCallbackIndex] instance.
  • Factory constructor InvertedIndex.inMemory returns a [InMemoryIndex] instance.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation.

0.15.0+1 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Documentation.

0.15.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Renamed the following typedefs:
    • Dictionary to DftMap;
    • DictionaryEntry to DftMapEntry;
    • DictionaryLoader to DftMapLoader;
    • DictionaryUpdater to DftMapUpdater;
    • DictionaryLengthLoader to VocabularySize;
    • KGramIndex to KGramsMap;
    • KGramIndexLoader to KGramsMapLoader;
    • KGramIndexUpdater to KGramsMapUpdater;
    • Postings to PostingsMap;
    • PostingsEntry to PostingsMapEntry;
    • PostingsLoader to PostingsMapLoader;
    • PostingsUpdater to PostingsMapUpdater;
    • FieldPostingsEntry to ZonePostingsMapEntry;
    • ZonePostings to ZonePostingsMap;
    • DocumentPostingsEntry to DocPostingsMapEntry; and
    • DocumentPostings to DocPostingsMap.
  • Removed HiveIndex from the test folder.
  • Removed _asyncIndexerExample from the `example folder.
  • Renamed the text_indexing_extensions mini-library to extensions.
  • Renamed the text_indexing_type_definitions mini-library to type_definitions.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.14.7 #

New: #

  • Added package exports from text_analysis to type_definitions and extensions libraries.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.14.5+1 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.14.5 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.

0.14.4 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.

0.14.3+1 #

Updated #

  • Documentation.

0.14.3 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.14.2 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.14.1+1 #

Updated #

  • Documentation.

0.14.1 #

New: #

  • Added extension property KGramIndex.terms.

Updated #

  • Documentation.

0.14.0+1 #

Updated #

  • Documentation.

0.14.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Removed class TextSource.
  • Removed class Sentence.
  • Removed class TermPair.
  • Removed TextAnalyzerConfiguration.sentenceSplitter from TextAnalyzerConfiguration interface.
  • Changed TextTokenizer.tokenize return value to List<Token>.
  • Changed TextTokenizer.tokenizeJson return value to List<Token>.
  • Re-structured codebase. \

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.13.0+3 #

Updated #

  • Documentation.

0.13.0+2 #

Updated #

  • Documentation.

0.13.0+1 #

Updated #

  • Documentation.

0.13.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Removed TextIndexer.async, TextIndexer.index and TextIndexer.inMemory factory constructors.
  • Added a new unnamed factory constructor for TextIndexer.
  • Re-structured codebase.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.12.0+1 #

Updated dependencies and documentation.

0.12.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Added method InvertedIndex.getKGramIndex to InvertedIndex interface.
  • Added method InvertedIndex.upsertKGramIndex to InvertedIndex interface.
  • Added field InvertedIndex.k to InvertedIndex interface.
  • Removed field TextIndexer.postingsStream.
  • Renamed method TextIndexer.emit to TextIndexer.updateIndexes.
  • Added AsyncIndex.k, AsyncIndex.kGramIndexLoader and AsyncIndex.kGramIndexUpdater final fields and parameters to AsyncIndex class.
  • Added InMemoryIndex.k, and InMemoryIndex.kGramIndex final fields and parameters to InMemoryIndex class.

New: #

  • Type alias KGramIndex.
  • Type alias KGramIndexLoader.
  • Type alias KGramIndexUpdater.
  • Extension method void KGramIndex.addTermKGrams(Term term, Iterable<KGram> kGrams).

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.11.0 #

New: #

  • Mixin class AsyncCallbackIndexMixin.
  • Mixin class InMemoryIndexMixin.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.10.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • TextIndexerBase default generative constructor is no longer marked const as it has a method body that initializes listeners to TextIndexer.documentStream and TextIndexer.collectionStream.

New: #

  • Input stream fields TextIndexer.documentStream and TextIndexer.collectionStream added to TextIndexer interface.-
  • Optional named parameter Stream<Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>>? collectionStream added to added to TextIndexer.async, TextIndexer.inMemory and TextIndexer.index factory contructors.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.9.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Renamed InvertedPositionalZoneIndex interface to InvertedIndex.
  • Renamed TextIndexer.instance factory to TextIndexer.index.
  • Parameter dictionaryLengthLoader added to AsynCallbackIndex constructor;
  • Parameter dictionaryLengthLoader added to AsyncIndexer constructor;
  • Parameter dictionaryLengthLoader added to TextIndexer.async factory constructor;
  • Removed class InMemoryIndexer, use factory constructor TextIndexer.inMemory in stead.
  • Removed class AsyncIndexer, use factory constructor TextIndexer.async in stead.

New: #

  • Type definition FtdPostings.
  • Type definition IdFtIndex.
  • Type definition IdFt.
  • Type definition ZoneWeightMap.
  • Field getter Future<int> InvertedIndex.vocabularyLength.
  • Field getter Future<int> Function() AsynCallbackIndex.dictionaryLengthLoader;
  • Field getter int InvertedIndex.phraseLength.
  • Field getter ZoneWeightMap InvertedIndex.zones.
  • Optional named parameter ZoneWeightMap zones added to TextIndexer.async factory.
  • Optional named parameter ZoneWeightMap zones added to TextIndexer.inMemory factory.
  • Method Future<FtdPostings> InvertedIndex.getFtdPostings(Iterable<Term>, int).
  • Method Future<IdFtIndex> InvertedIndex.getIdFtIndex(Iterable<Term>).
  • Method Future<Dictionary> InvertedIndex.getTfIndex(Iterable<Term>).

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.8.0+1 #

Updated dependencies

0.8.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Implementation of TextIndexer.indexText changed to also insert postings for every pair of terms in the source text.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.7.2+1 #

Updated dependencies

0.7.2 #

Updated dependencies

0.7.1 #

Updated dependencies

0.7.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Renamed Postings.documents extension method to Postings.docIds.

New: #

  • Extension method Set<DocId> containsAll(Iterable<Term>)
  • Extension method Set<DocId> containsAny(Iterable<Term>)

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.6.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Changed signature of extension method Postings.termPostingsList(Term) to Postings.termPostingsList([Iterable<Term>?]).
  • Removed field InMemoryIndexer.dictionary. Use InMemoryIndexer.index.dictionary instead.
  • Removed field InMemoryIndexer.postings. Use InMemoryIndexer.index.postings instead.
  • Removed method TextIndexer.upsertDictionary. Use TextIndexer.index.upsertDictionary instead;
  • Removed method TextIndexer.getDictionary. Use TextIndexer.index.getDictionary instead;
  • Removed method TextIndexer.getPostings. Use TextIndexer.index.getPostings instead;
  • Removed method TextIndexer.upsertPostings. Use TextIndexer.index.upsertPostings instead.
  • Removed field InMemoryIndexer.dictionary. Use index.dictionary instead.
  • Removed field InMemoryIndexer.postings. Use index.postings instead.
  • Added new field InvertedIndex.analyzer, changing the signatures of factory constructors TextIndexer.inMemory and 'TextIndexer.async'.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.6.0-2 #


Breaking changes #

  • Changed signature of extension method Postings.termPostingsList(Term) to Postings.termPostingsList([Iterable<Term>?]).

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.6.0-1 #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.5.0 #



  • Field InMemoryIndexer.dictionary is deprecated. Use index.dictionary instead.
  • Field InMemoryIndexer.postings is deprecated. Use index.postings instead.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.4.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Renamed method TextIndexer.index to TextIndexer.indexText.
  • Renamed class PersistedIndexer to AsyncIndexer.

New: #

  • InvertedIndex interface and implementation.
  • TextIndexer.index field getter.
  • TextIndexer.index factory constructor.
  • TextIndexer.async factory constructor.
  • TextIndexer.inMemory factory constructor.


  • Method TextIndexer.upsertDictionary is deprecated. Use TextIndexer.index.upsertDictionary instead;
  • Method TextIndexer.getDictionary is deprecated. Use TextIndexer.index.getDictionary instead;
  • Method TextIndexer.getPostings is deprecated. Use TextIndexer.index.getPostings instead;
  • Method TextIndexer.upsertPostings is deprecated. Use TextIndexer.index.upsertPostings instead.
  • Field InMemoryIndexer.dictionary is deprecated. Use index.dictionary instead.
  • Field InMemoryIndexer.postings is deprecated. Use index.postings instead.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.3.2 #

New: #

  • JSON and JsonCollection type aliases.
  • TextIndexer.indexCollection method.
  • PostingsExtension.documents getter.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.3.1 #

New: #

  • JSON and JsonCollection type aliases.
  • implemented TextIndexer.indexCollection method.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.3.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Removed interface Document.

0.2.0 #


New: #

  • ZonePostings, DocumentPostings, and FieldPostingsEntry type definitions.
  • Ft, Pt, TermPositions and DocId type aliases.
  • interface Document.

Breaking changes #

  • Replaced object-model class PostingsEntry with typedef PostingsEntry.
  • Replaced object-model class DocumentPostingsEntry with typedef DocumentPostingsEntry.
  • Replaced object-model class DictionaryEntry with typedef DictionaryEntry.

Restructured and simplified the codebase.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.1.0 #

New: #

  • ITextIndexer.indexJson method.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.2+1 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.2 #

New: #

  • text_analysis package to exports.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.1+10 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.1+9 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.1+8 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.1+7 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.1+6 #

New: #

  • Re-worked private methods to suit changes in text_analysis package.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.1+5 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.

0.0.1+4 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.1+3 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.1+2 #

Updated #

  • Documentation.

0.0.1+1 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.1 #


Interfaces finalized (see breaking changes)

Breaking changes #

  • TermDictionary renamed Dictionary.
  • DocumentPostingsEntry renamed Postings.
  • PostingsMapEntry renamed PostingsEntry.
  • Term renamed DictionaryEntry.
  • TermPositions renamed DocumentPostingsEntry.
  • AsyncIndexer implementation.
  • TextIndexerBase implementation.
  • InMemoryIndexer implementation.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.1-beta.4 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.1-beta.3 #


New: #

  • AsyncIndexer class.

Breaking changes #

  • TextIndexerBase implementation.
  • InMemoryIndexer implementation.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.1-beta.2 #

New: #

  • TextIndexerBase.
  • InMemoryIndexer.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.1-beta.1 #

Initial version.

pub points


verified publishergmconsult.com.au

Dart library for creating an inverted index on a collection of text documents.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


collection, meta, rxdart, text_analysis


Packages that depend on text_indexing