text_analysis 0.3.1 copy "text_analysis: ^0.3.1" to clipboard
text_analysis: ^0.3.1 copied to clipboard


Text analyzer that extracts tokens from text for use in full-text search queries and indexes.

text_analysis #

Text analyzer that extracts tokens from text for use in full-text search queries and indexes.


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Overview #

To tokenize text in preparation of constructing a dictionary from a corpus of documents in an information retrieval system.

The tokenization process comprises the following steps:

  • a term splitter splits text to a list of terms at appropriate places like white-space and mid-sentence punctuation;
  • a character filter manipulates terms prior to stemming and tokenization (e.g. changing case and / or removing non-word characters);
  • a term filter manipulates the terms by splitting compound or hyphenated terms or applying stemming and lemmatization. The termFilter can also filter out stopwords; and
  • the tokenizer converts the resulting terms to a collection of tokens that contain the term and a pointer to the position of the term in the source text.

Text analysis

Refer to the references to learn more about information retrieval systems and the theory behind this library.

Usage #

In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:

  text_analysis: <latest version>

In your code file add the following import:

import 'package:text_analysis/text_analysis.dart';

Basic English text analysis can be performed by using a TextAnalyzer instance with the default configuration and no token filter:

  /// Use a TextAnalyzer instance to tokenize the [text] using the default 
  /// [English] configuration.
  final document = await TextAnalyzer().tokenize(text);

For more complex text analysis:

  • implement a TextAnalyzerConfiguration for a different language or tokenizing non-language documents;
  • implement a custom ITextAnalyzeror extend TextAnalyzerBase; and/or
  • pass in a TokenFilter function to a TextAnalyzer to manipulate the tokens after tokenization as shown in the examples.


The package exposes two interfaces:

The latest version provides the following implementation classes:

  • implementation class English, implements TextAnalyzerConfiguration and provides text analysis configuration properties for the English language; and
  • the TextAnalyzerBase abstract class implements ITextAnalyzer.tokenize; and
  • the TextAnalyzer class extends TextAnalyzerBase and implements ITextAnalyzer.tokenFilter and ITextAnalyzer.configuration as final fields with their values passed in as (optional) parameters (with defaults) at initialization.

TextAnalyzerConfiguration Interface #

The TextAnalyzerConfiguration interface exposes language-specific properties and methods used in text analysis:

  • a TextAnalyzerConfiguration.sentenceSplitter splits the text at sentence endings such as periods, exclamations and question marks or line endings;
  • a TextAnalyzerConfiguration.termSplitter to split the text into terms;
  • a TextAnalyzerConfiguration.characterFilter to remove non-word characters.
  • a TextAnalyzerConfiguration.termFilter to apply a stemmer/lemmatizer or stopword list.

ITextAnalyzer Interface #

The ITextAnalyzer is an interface for a text analyser class that extracts tokens from text for use in full-text search queries and indexes

ITextAnalyzer.configuration is a TextAnalyzerConfiguration used by the ITextAnalyzer to tokenize source text. Provide a ITextAnalyzer.tokenFilter to manipulate tokens or restrict tokenization to tokens that meet criteria for either index or count.

The tokenize function tokenizes source text using the ITextAnalyzer.configuration and then manipulates the output by applying ITextAnalyzer.tokenFilter.

English class #

A basic TextAnalyzerConfiguration implementation for English language analysis.

The termFilter applies the following algorithm:

  • apply the characterFilter to the term;
  • if the resulting term is empty or contained in kStopWords, return an empty collection; else
  • insert the filterered term in the return value;
  • split the term at commas, periods, hyphens and apostrophes unless preceded and ended by a number;
  • if the term can be split, add the split terms to the return value, unless the (split) terms are in kStopWords or are empty strings.

The characterFilter function:

  • returns the term if it can be parsed as a number; else
  • converts the term to lower-case;
  • changes all quote marks to single apostrophe +U0027;
  • removes enclosing quote marks;
  • changes all dashes to single standard hyphen;
  • removes all non-word characters from the term;
  • replaces all characters except letters and numbers from the end of the term.

The sentenceSplitter inserts_kSentenceDelimiter at sentence breaks and then splits the source text into a list of sentence strings (sentence breaks are characters that match English.reLineEndingSelector or English.reSentenceEndingSelector). Empty sentences are removed.

TextAnalyzerBase Class #

The TextAnalyzerBase class implements the ITextAnalyzer.tokenize method:

  • tokenizes source text using the configuration;
  • manipulates the output by applying tokenFilter; and, finally
  • returns a TextSource enumerating the source text, Sentence collection and Token collection.

TextAnalyzer Class #

The TextAnalyzer class extends TextAnalyzerBase:

  • implements configuration and tokenFilter as final fields passed in as optional parameters at instantiation;
  • configuration is used by the TextAnalyzer to tokenize source text and defaults to English.configuration; and
  • provide nullable function tokenFilter if you want to manipulate tokens or restrict tokenization to tokens that meet specific criteria. The default is TextAnalyzer.defaultTokenFilter, that applies thePorter2Stemmer).

Definitions #

The following definitions are used throughout the documentation:

  • corpus- the collection of documents for which an index is maintained.
  • character filter - filters characters from text in preparation of tokenization.
  • dictionary - is a hash of terms (vocabulary) to the frequency of occurence in the corpus documents.
  • document - a record in the corpus, that has a unique identifier (docId) in the corpus's primary key and that contains one or more text fields that are indexed.
  • index - an inverted index used to look up document references from the corpus against a vocabulary of terms. The implementation in this package builds and maintains a positional inverted index, that also includes the positions of the indexed term in each document.
  • lemmatizer - lemmatisation (or lemmatization) in linguistics is the process of grouping together the inflected forms of a word so they can be analysed as a single item, identified by the word's lemma, or dictionary form (from Wikipedia).
  • postings - a separate index that records which documents the vocabulary occurs in. In this implementation we also record the positions of each term in the text to create a positional inverted index.
  • postings list - a record of the positions of a term in a document. A position of a term refers to the index of the term in an array that contains all the terms in the text.
  • term - a word or phrase that is indexed from the corpus. The term may differ from the actual word used in the corpus depending on the tokenizer used.
  • term filter - filters unwanted terms from a collection of terms (e.g. stopwords), breaks compound terms into separate terms and / or manipulates terms by invoking a stemmer and / or lemmatizer.
  • stemmer - stemming is the process of reducing inflected (or sometimes derived) words to their word stem, base or root form—generally a written word form (from Wikipedia).
  • stopwords - common words in a language that are excluded from indexing.
  • text - the indexable content of a document.
  • token - representation of a term in a text source returned by a tokenizer. The token may include information about the term position in the source text.
  • token filter - returns a subset of tokens from the tokenizer output.
  • tokenizer - a function that returns a collection of tokens from the terms in a text source after applying a character filter and term filter.
  • vocabulary - the collection of terms indexed from the corpus.

References #

Issues #

If you find a bug please fill an issue.

This project is a supporting package for a revenue project that has priority call on resources, so please be patient if we don't respond immediately to issues or pull requests.

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verified publishergmconsult.com.au

Text analyzer that extracts tokens from text for use in full-text search queries and indexes.

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