text_analysis 0.24.0 copy "text_analysis: ^0.24.0" to clipboard
text_analysis: ^0.24.0 copied to clipboard

Tokenize text, compute readibility scores for a document and evaluate similarity of terms.

0.24.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Interface TextTokenizer removed. Use TextAnalyzer.tokenize and TextAnalyzer.tokenizeJson in stead.
  • Deleted mixin LatinLanguageAnalyzerMixin.
  • Moved class TermSimilarityBase from text_analysis library.
  • Moved all mixins and base-classes to implementation mini-library.
  • Changed signature of function definition Tokenizer.
  • Changed signature of function definition JsonTokenizer.

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed tokenizer phrase splitter bug.
  • Fixed tokenizer term position bug.

New #

  • Added extension method Map<String, double> toKeywordScores() on terable<Token>.
  • New method TextAnalyzer.tokenize.
  • New method TextAnalyzer.tokenizeJson.
  • New class LatinLanguageAnalyzer.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.24.0-5 #

New #

  • Added extension method Map<String, double> toKeywordScores() on terable<Token>.

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed tokenizer phrase splitter bug.

Updated #

  • Documentation

0.24.0-4 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed tokenizer term position bug.

Updated #

  • Documentation

0.24.0-3 #


Breaking changes #

  • Changed signature of function definition Tokenizer.
  • Changed signature of function definition JsonTokenizer.

Updated #

  • Documentation

0.24.0-2 #


Breaking changes #

  • Interface TextTokenizer removed. Use TextAnalyzer.tokenize and TextAnalyzer.tokenizeJson in stead.
  • Deleted mixin LatinLanguageAnalyzerMixin.
  • Moved class TermSimilarityBase from text_analysis library.
  • Moved all mixins and base-classes to implementation mini-library.

New #

  • New method TextAnalyzer.tokenize.
  • New method TextAnalyzer.tokenizeJson.
  • New class LatinLanguageAnalyzer.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.24.0-1 #


Breaking changes #

  • Interface TextTokenizer removed. Use TextAnalyzer.tokenize and TextAnalyzer.tokenizeJson in stead.
  • Deleted mixin LatinLanguageAnalyzerMixin.
  • Moved class TermSimilarityBase from text_analysis library.
  • Moved all mixins and base-classes to implementation mini-library.

New #

  • New method TextAnalyzer.tokenize.
  • New method TextAnalyzer.tokenizeJson.
  • New class LatinLanguageAnalyzer.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.23.7+14 #

Deprecated #

  • Interface TextTokenizer is deprecated and will be removed from the next stable version. Use TextAnalyzer.tokenize and TextAnalyzer.tokenizeJson in stead.

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed keyword extraction bug.

0.23.7+13 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed keyword extraction bug.

0.23.7+12 #

Bug fixes #

  • Changed signature of TextTokenizer.tokenize and TextTokenizer.tokenizeJson to make parameter nGramRange nullable.

0.23.7+11 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed keyword extraction bug.

0.23.7+10 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed keyword extraction bug.

0.23.7+9 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed keyword extraction bug.

0.23.7+8 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed keyword extraction bug.

0.23.7+7 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed keyword extraction bug.
  • Changed signature of extension method kGrams on String.

0.23.7+6 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed keyword extraction bug.

0.23.7+5 #

Bug fixes #

  • Removed implementation library and added its exports to text_analysis library.

0.23.7+4 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed keyword extraction bug.

0.23.7+3 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed keyword extraction bug.

0.23.7+2 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed keyword extraction bug.

0.23.7+1 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed keyword extraction bug.

0.23.7 #

New #

  • Extension method double cosineSimilarity(Map<Term, num> other) on Map<String, num>.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.23.6 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed keyword extraction bug.

0.23.5 #


Breaking changes #

  • Added field TermSimilarity.startsWithSimilarity.
  • Changed signature of TermSimilarity unnamed factory constructor.
  • Changed calculation of getSuggestions extension method to include startsWithimilarity.

New #

  • Extension method double startsWithSimilarity(Term other) on String.
  • Extension method List<String> startsWith(Iterable<String> terms, [int limit = 10]) on String.
  • Extension method Map<String, double> startsWithSimilarityMap(Iterable<String> terms) on String.
  • Extension method List<SimilarityIndex> startsWithSimilarities(Iterable<String> terms) on String.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.23.4d #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed k-gram generation error

0.23.3 #


Breaking changes #

  • Changed signature of String extension method termSimilarities.
  • Changed signature of String extension method termSimilarityMap.
  • Changed signature of String extension method getSuggestions.
  • Changed signature of String extension method matches.
  • Changed signature of static method TermSimilarity.termSimilarities.
  • Changed signature of static method TermSimilarity.termSimilarityMap.
  • Changed signature of static method TermSimilarity.getSuggestions.
  • Changed signature of static method TermSimilarity.matches.
  • Changed calculation of getSuggestions.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Documentation

0.23.2 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed k-gram generation to split phrases into terms before k-gramming.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Documentation

0.23.1 #

Non-breaking changes #

  • Added optional parameters to function defintion Tokenizer.
  • Added optional parameters to function defintion JsonTokenizer.
  • Added optional parameters to function defintion KeywordExtractor.

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed keyword extractor to return all keywords as lower-case.
  • Fixed tokenizer to not return duplicate tokens (same term, zone and termPosition).

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.23.0+1 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed chunking of text to keywords to also chunk at line endings.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.23.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Added and implemented new field TextDocument.zones.

New #

  • Extension method String toSourceText([Iterable<Zone>? fieldNames]) on Map<String, dynamic>.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.22.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Added field TextAnalyzer.phraseSplitter.
  • Added field TextDocument.keywords.
  • Changed signature of TextDocument unnamed factory constructor.
  • Moved export of all mixins and base-classes to implementation mini-library.
  • Changed function definition TermFilter.

New #

  • New enum TokenizingStrategy.
  • New class TermCoOccurrenceGraph.
  • New mixin class LatinLanguageAnalyzerMixin.
  • New type alias Phrase.
  • New function definition KeywordExtractor.
  • New extension method Set<String> toUniqueTerms() on Iterable<List<String>>.
  • New extension method Map<String, List<int>> coOccurenceGraph(List<String> terms) on Iterable<List<String>>.
  • Added optional named parameter TokenizingStrategy strategy to TextTokenizer.tokenize method.
  • Added optional named parameter TokenizingStrategy strategy to TextTokenizer.tokenizeJson method.
  • Implemented method English.KeywordExtractor.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.21.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Static method TextDocument.analyze signature changed. Default for parameter nGramRange changed to NGramRange(1, 1).
  • Static method TextDocument.analyzeJson signature changed. Default for parameter nGramRange changed to NGramRange(1, 1).
  • Method TextTokenize.tokenize signature changed. Default for parameter nGramRange changed to NGramRange(1, 1).
  • Method TextTokenize.tokenizeJson signature changed. Default for parameter nGramRange changed to NGramRange(1, 1).

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed bugs where n-grams would contain repeated words.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.20.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Renamed NGramRange.nMin to NGramRange.min.
  • Renamed NGramRange.nMax to NGramRange.max.
  • Changed signature of TextDocument unnamed factory.
  • Changed signature of TextDocument.analyze factory.
  • Changed signature of TextDocument.analyzeJson factory.
  • Removed field TextDocument.analyzer.

New #

  • Implemented NGramRange.== and NGramRange.hashCode.
  • Added extension method nGrams(NGramRange range) on List<String>.
  • Added typedef NGrammer = List<String> Function(String text, NGramRange range).
  • Added field TextAnalyzer.nGrammer.
  • Implemented field English.nGrammer.
  • Added field TextDocument.syllableCount.
  • Added field TextDocument.nGrams.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.19.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Changed signature of TextTokenizer.tokenize.
  • Changed signature of TextTokenizer.tokenizeJson.
  • Changed TextTokenizer.tokenize algorithm to generate an n-gram for each token, using an n-gram range.
  • Changed signature of Token default constructor by adding unnamed parameter Token.n.

New #

  • Added class NGramRange.
  • Added field int Token.n.
  • Added optional named parameter NGramRange nGramRange = NGramRange(1, 2) to TextDocument.analyze factory.
  • Added optional named parameter NGramRange nGramRange = NGramRange(1, 2) to TextDocument.analyzeJson factory.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.18.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Removed static method TermSimilarity.editDistance.
  • Removed static method TermSimilarity.editSimilarity.
  • Removed static method TermSimilarity.editSimilaritiesMap.
  • Removed static method TermSimilarity.lengthDistance.
  • Removed static method TermSimilarity.lengthSimilarity.
  • Removed static method TermSimilarity.lengthSimilaritiesMap.
  • Removed static method TermSimilarity.jaccardSimilarity.
  • Removed static method TermSimilarity.jaccardSimilaritiesMap.
  • Removed static method TermSimilarity.termSimilarities.
  • Removed static method TermSimilarity.termSimilarity.
  • Changed signature of String extension method termSimilarities.
  • Changed signature of String extension method termSimilarityMap.
  • Changed signature of String extension method getSuggestions.
  • Changed signature of String extension method matches.
  • Changed signature of static method TermSimilarity.termSimilarities.
  • Changed signature of static method TermSimilarity.termSimilarityMap.
  • Changed signature of static method TermSimilarity.getSuggestions.
  • Changed signature of static method TermSimilarity.matches.

New #

  • Added mixin class TermSimilarityMixin.
  • Added base class TermSimilarityBase.
  • Added class property TermSimilarity.term.
  • Added class property TermSimilarity.other.
  • Added class property TermSimilarity.editDistance.
  • Added class property TermSimilarity.editSimilarity.
  • Added class property TermSimilarity.lengthDistance.
  • Added class property TermSimilarity.lengthSimilarity.
  • Added class property TermSimilarity.jaccardSimilarity.
  • Added class property TermSimilarity.characterSimilarity.
  • Added class property TermSimilarity.similarity.
  • Added class method TermSimilarity.toJson().
  • Added class method TermSimilarity.compareTo(TermSimilarity other).
  • Added extension method sortBySimilarity(bool descending = true) on Iterable<TermSimilarity>.
  • Added extension method limit(int? limit) on Iterable<TermSimilarity>.
  • Added extension method sortBySimilarity(bool descending = true) on Iterable<SimilarityIndex>.
  • Added extension method limit(int? limit) on Iterable<SimilarityIndex>.
  • Added unnamed constructor TermSimilarity.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.17.1 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed sorting error in TermSimilarity.getSuggestions.

0.17.0+1 #

New #

  • Implemented == and hashCode for class SimilarityIndex.

0.17.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Changed algorithm for calculating TermSimilarity.termSimilarity to apply weighting

New #

  • Added class SimilarityIndex.
  • Added String extension method getSuggestions.
  • Added class method TermSimilarity.getSuggestions.
  • Added String extension method lengthSimilarities.
  • Added class method TermSimilarity.lengthSimilarities.
  • Added String extension method editSimilarities.
  • Added class method TermSimilarity.editSimilarities.
  • Added String extension method jaccardSimilarities.
  • Added class method TermSimilarity.jaccardSimilarities.
  • Added String extension method termSimilarities.
  • Added class method TermSimilarity.termSimilarities.
  • Added function definition KGramsMap.
  • Added extension Set<KGram> toKGramsMap([int k = 2]) on Iterable<String>.
  • Added enumeration PartOfSpeech.
  • Added enumeration PoSTag.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.16.1 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.16.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Removed stopWords and abbreviations fields from TextAnalyzer.
  • Changed implementation of TextTokenizer.tokenize to match removal of stopWords and abbreviations from TextAnalyzer.
  • Moved all constants from English to EnglishConstants.
  • Removed parameters stemmer, lemmatizer, stopWords and abbreviations from English. Extend the English class to use different values for these fields.
  • Changed implementation of English.termSplitter.
  • Changed signature of TextTokenizer unnamed factory constructor, now requires analyzer parameter.

New #

  • New mini-library constants.
  • New extension class on String EnglishStringExtensions added to extensions mini-library.
  • New static const TextTokenizer.english shortcut factory method.

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed handling of accented characters in English.syllableCounter.
  • Fixed bugs in English.syllableCounter to improve accuracy when dealing with hyphenated terms, abbreviations and apostrophes of contraction.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Documentation
  • Examples.

0.15.1+1 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.

0.15.1 #

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed error thrown in TermSimilarity.editLength when terms contained characters other than lower-case letters

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.15.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Added field Map<String, String> get abbreviations to TextAnalyzer class.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

New #

  • Implemented field English.abbreviations in English class.

0.14.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Removed library package_exports.
  • The Porter2Stemmer class from the porter_2_stemmer package is exported by the text_indexer library.
  • The Porter2StemmerExtension String extension is exported by the extensions library.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.13.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Added field TextAnalyzer.stemmer to TextAnalyzer class.
  • Added field TextAnalyzer.stopWords to TextAnalyzer class.
  • Added field TextAnalyzer.lemmatizer to TextAnalyzer class.
  • Added field TextAnalyzer.termExceptions to TextAnalyzer class.
  • Removed static field TextTokenizer.defaultTokenFilter.
  • Changed TextTokenizer.tokenize method to apply analyzer.stemmer, analyzer.stopWords, analyzer.lemmatizer an analyzer.termExceptions to all tokens/terms.

New #

  • Implemented field English.stemmer in English class.
  • Implemented field English.stopWords in English class.
  • Implemented field English.lemmatizer in English class.
  • Implemented field English.termExceptions in English class.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.13.0-1 #


Breaking changes #

  • Added field TextAnalyzer.stemmer to TextAnalyzer class.
  • Added field TextAnalyzer.stopWords to TextAnalyzer class.
  • Added field TextAnalyzer.lemmatizer to TextAnalyzer class.
  • Added field TextAnalyzer.termExceptions to TextAnalyzer class.
  • Removed static field TextTokenizer.defaultTokenFilter.
  • Changed TextTokenizer.tokenize method to apply analyzer.stemmer, analyzer.stopWords, analyzer.lemmatizer an analyzer.termExceptions to all tokens/terms.

New #

  • Implemented field English.stemmer in English class.
  • Implemented field English.stopWords in English class.
  • Implemented field English.lemmatizer in English class.
  • Implemented field English.termExceptions in English class.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.12.1+1 #

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.12.1 #

New #

  • Added extension on String editDistanceMap;
  • Added method TermSimilarity.editSimilarityMap.
  • Added method TermSimilarity.editDistanceMap.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.12.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • String extensions extension TermSimilarityExtensions on String removed from text_analysis library. Import the extensions library in stead.
  • Type definitions removed from text_analysis library. Import the type_definitions library in stead.
  • Package export porter_2_stemmer removed from text_analysis library, import the package_exports library in stead.
  • Changed definition/computation of [lengthDistance].
  • Changed definition/computation of [lengthSimilarity].
  • Changed definition/computation of [termSimilarity].

New #

  • Added int term.editDistance(String other) extension on String.
  • Added double term.editDistanceSimilarity(String other) extension on String.
  • Added class TermSimilarity that exposes static methods for comparing terms.

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed issue with tokenizer not incrementing term positions

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.12.0-2 #


Breaking changes #

  • String extensions extension TermSimilarityExtensions on String removed from text_analysis library. Import the extensions library in stead.
  • Type definitions removed from text_analysis library. Import the type_definitions library in stead.
  • Package export porter_2_stemmer removed from text_analysis library, import the package_exports library in stead.
  • Changed definition/computation of [lengthDistance].
  • Changed definition/computation of [lengthSimilarity].
  • Changed definition/computation of [termSimilarity].

New #

  • Added int term.editDistance(String other) extension on String.
  • Added double term.editDistanceSimilarity(String other) extension on String.
  • Added class TermSimilarity that exposes static methods for comparing terms.

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed issue with tokenizer not incrementing term positions

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.12.0-1 #


Breaking changes #

  • String extensions extension TermSimilarityExtensions on String removed from text_analysis library. Import the extensions library in stead.
  • Type definitions removed from text_analysis library. Import the type_definitions library in stead.
  • Package export porter_2_stemmer removed from text_analysis library, import the package_exports library in stead.
  • Changed definition/computation of [lengthDistance].
  • Changed definition/computation of [lengthSimilarity].
  • Changed definition/computation of [termSimilarity].

New #

  • Added int term.editDistance(String other) extension on String.
  • Added double term.editDistanceSimilarity(String other) extension on String.
  • Added class TermSimilarity that exposes static methods for comparing terms.

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed issue with tokenizer not incrementing term positions

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.11.2 #

New #

  • Added extension on String List<Term> matches(Iterable<Term> terms, {int k = 2, int limit = 10}).

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.11.1 #

New #

  • Added extension on String double termSimilarity(Term other, [int k = 2]).
  • Added extension on String double termSimilarity(Term other, [int k = 2]).

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.11.0 #


This version sees numerous breaking changes, including the re-naming of the primary interfaces of the library.

Breaking changes #

  • Renamed TextAnalyzer interface to TextTokenizer.
  • Renamed TextAnalyzerConfiguration interface to TextAnalyzer.
  • Added SentenceSplitter get sentenceSplitter to TextAnalyzer interface.
  • Added ParagraphSplitter get paragraphSplitter to TextAnalyzer interface.
  • Added SyllableCounter get syllableCounter to TextAnalyzer interface.
  • Added List<String> paragraphs(SourceText source) to ITextTokenizer interface.
  • Moved class TextTokenizer to a private implementation class _TextTokenizerImpl and renamed ITextTokenizer interface to TextTokenizer.

New #

  • Added mixin class TextTokenizerMixin.
  • Added object model TextDocument.
  • Added typedef SyllableCounter.
  • Added unnamed factory constructor to TextTokenizer that initializes a _TextTokenizerImpl.
  • Added SentenceSplitter get sentenceSplitter to English class.
  • Added ParagraphSplitter get paragraphSplitter to English class.
  • Added SyllableCounter get syllableCounter to English class.
  • Added TextDocument interface.
  • Added TextDocumentMixin mixin class.
  • Added TextDocument unnamed factory with private implementation class.
  • Added TextDocument.analyze factory constructor.
  • Added TextDocument.analyzeJson factory constructor.
  • Added extension on String double lengthDistance(Term other).
  • Added extension on String double lengthSimilarity(Term other).
  • Added extension on String Map<Term, double> lengthSimilarityMap(Iterable<Term> terms).

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.
    Re-organized code repository

0.10.0 #


This version sees numerous breaking changes, including the re-naming of the primary interfaces of the library.

Breaking changes #

  • Renamed TextAnalyzer interface to TextTokenizer.
  • Renamed TextAnalyzerConfiguration interface to TextAnalyzer.
  • Added SentenceSplitter get sentenceSplitter to TextAnalyzer interface.
  • Added ParagraphSplitter get paragraphSplitter to TextAnalyzer interface.
  • Added SyllableCounter get syllableCounter to TextAnalyzer interface.
  • Added List<String> paragraphs(SourceText source) to ITextTokenizer interface.
  • Moved class TextTokenizer to a private implementation class _TextTokenizerImpl and renamed ITextTokenizer interface to TextTokenizer.

New #

  • Added mixin class TextTokenizerMixin.
  • Added object model TextDocument.
  • Added typedef SyllableCounter.
  • Added unnamed factory constructor to TextTokenizer that initializes a _TextTokenizerImpl.
  • Added SentenceSplitter get sentenceSplitter to English class.
  • Added ParagraphSplitter get paragraphSplitter to English class.
  • Added SyllableCounter get syllableCounter to English class.
  • Added TextDocument interface.
  • Added TextDocumentMixin mixin class.
  • Added TextDocument unnamed factory with private implementation class.
  • Added TextDocument.analyze factory constructor.
  • Added TextDocument.analyzeJson factory constructor.
  • Added extension on String double lengthDistance(Term other).
  • Added extension on String double lengthSimilarity(Term other).
  • Added extension on String Map<Term, double> lengthSimilarityMap(Iterable<Term> terms).

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.
  • Re-organized code repository.

0.9.1 #

New #

  • Added extension on String double jaccardSimilarity(Term other, [int k = 2]).
  • Added extension on String double jaccardSimilarity(Term other, [int k = 2]).

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.9.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Removed class TextSource.
  • Removed class Sentence.
  • Removed class TermPair.
  • Removed TextAnalyzer.sentenceSplitter from TextAnalyzer interface.
  • Changed TextTokenizer.tokenize return value to List<Token>.
  • Changed TextTokenizer.tokenizeJson return value to List<Token>.

0.8.1 #


Bug fixes #

  • Fixed TextTokenizerBase.tokenizeJson would not tokenize documents if Iterable<Zone> zones parameter is empty.

Non-breaking Changes: #

  • TextTokenizerBase.tokenizeJson required non-nullable parameter Iterable<Zone> zones to optional nullable [Iterable<Zone>? zones].

0.8.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Added type definitions for kGram and Trigram.
  • New extension method Set<kGram> Term.kGrams([int k = 2]).
  • New extension method Set<kGram> Iterable<Token>.kGrams([int k = 2]).

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.7.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Renamed FieldName type alias to Zone.
  • Renamed parameter FieldName? field to Zone? zone wherever it is used.

New #

  • Type alias IdFt.
  • Type alias Ft.
  • Type alias ZoneWeightMap.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.6.5+1 #


Minor bug fixes, updated dependencies, tests, examples and documentation.

0.6.5 #


New #

  • Added custom implementation of TermPair.toString().

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.6.4 #


New #

  • Added == operator and hashCode getter to TermPair.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.6.3 #


New #

  • Added object model TermPair.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.6.2 #


New #

  • Added extension getter List<String> get allTerms on Iterable<Token>.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.6.1 #


  • Added type aliases to improve code readability.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.6.0+1 #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.
  • Codebase formatted.

0.6.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Changed parameters for JsonTokenizer type defintion.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.5.0 #


New #

  • Added JsonTokenizer type defintion.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.4.1 #


New #

  • Added optional, nullable FieldName? field optional parameter to Tokenizer definition.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.4.0+1 #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.4.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Added Token.field property to token, breaks default generative constructor.
  • Added FieldName? field optional parameter to TextTokenizer.tokenize method.
  • Removed deprecated property Token.index, use Token.termPosition instead.
  • Removed deprecated property Token.position, use Token.termPosition instead.
  • Removed deprecated extension method Iterable<Token>.maxIndex, use Iterable<Token>.Iterable
  • Removed extension method Iterable<Token>.minIndex, use Iterable<Token>.Iterable

New #

  • Added new method ITextAnalyser,tokenizeJson.
  • Added new tests.
  • Added new examples.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.3.1 #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.3.0+1 #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.3.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • TextAnalyzer.characterFilter changed to non-nullable. Use (phrase) => phrase if no characterFilter is required.
  • TextAnalyzer.termFilter changed to non-nullable. Use (phrase) => [phrase] if no termFilter is required.

New #

  • Added porter_2_stemmer package export so it does not need to be imported separately.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.2.0+1 #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.2.0 #


New #

  • Added abstract class TextTokenizerBase.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.1.0+1 #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.1.0 #


Breaking changes #

  • Added Token.termPosition property to token, breaks default generative constructor.

Deprecated: #

  • Property Token.index, use Token.termPosition instead.
  • PropertyToken.position, use Token.termPosition instead.
  • Extension method Iterable<Token>.maxIndex.

1.0.0+1 #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

1.0.0 #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.12+1 #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.12 #


New #

  • Added == operator to Token, Sentence and TextSource.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.11+build.1.e8af2efb #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.11 #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.11-beta.1 #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.10 #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.9-beta.1 #

Breaking changes #

  • Changed definition of Token.position.

Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.8 #


Breaking changes #

  • Removed relevance extension method from TokenCollectionExtension.

0.0.7 #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.6 #


New #

  • Added TokenCollectionExtension on Iterable<Token>.

0.0.5 #


Breaking changes #

  • added position property to Token class.

0.0.4 #


New #

  • Added Tokenizer type definition.

0.0.3 #


Breaking changes #

  • Stemmer removed from English configuration.
  • Stemmer incorporated into default tokenFilter for TextTokenizer.

0.0.2 #


Updated #

  • Dependencies.
  • Tests.
  • Examples.
  • Documentation.

0.0.1-beta.1 #


Initial version.

pub points


verified publishergmconsult.com.au

Tokenize text, compute readibility scores for a document and evaluate similarity of terms.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


collection, porter_2_stemmer


Packages that depend on text_analysis