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The SDK detects device risks like rooting, VPNs, and remote access, providing insights to enhance fraud protection.

Sign3 SDK Integration Guide for Flutter #

The Sign3 SDK is a fraud prevention toolkit designed to assess device security, detecting potential risks such as rooted devices, VPN connections, or remote access, and much more. By providing insights into the device's safety, it enhances security measures against fraudulent activities and ensures a robust protection system.

Adding Sign3 SDK to Your Project #

Add the latest version to your pubspec.yaml file. #

  1. We continuously enhance our fraud library with new features, bug fixes, and security updates. To stay protected against evolving fraud risks, we recommend updating to the latest SDK version.
    • Visit latest_version for the latest version and check the Changelog for more details.

        testpackage_fraudsdk: ^x.x.x (Refer to the latest version)

Create .env file #

  1. In the root directory of your Flutter project, create a .env file
    • Add the following content to the .env file:

      SIGN3_USERNAME=provided in credential doc
      SIGN3_PASSWORD=provided in credential doc

Using Project Level Gradle Dependency #

  1. Add Sign3 SDK to the Dependency Block
    • In the Android folder of your Flutter project, open the project-level build.gradle file, add the following line, and sync the project. You can collect the username and password from the credentials document.

      def envProperties = new Properties()
      def envFile = rootProject.file("../.env")
      if (envFile.exists()) {
          envFile.withInputStream { stream ->
          println ".env file loaded successfully."
      } else {
          println "Error: .env file not found."
      allprojects {
         repositories {
             def sign3RepoUrl = envProperties['SIGN3_REPO_URL'] ?: ""
             def sign3Username = envProperties['SIGN3_USERNAME'] ?: ""
             def sign3Password = envProperties['SIGN3_PASSWORD'] ?: ""
             if (!sign3RepoUrl.isEmpty() && sign3RepoUrl.startsWith("https://") && !sign3Username.isEmpty() && !sign3Password.isEmpty()) {
                 maven {
                     url sign3RepoUrl
                     credentials {
                         username = sign3Username
                         password = sign3Password
             } else {
                 println "Error: Invalid repository URL or missing credentials in .env file."

Initializing the SDK #

  1. Create an Application class in the Android folder of your Flutter project, initialize the Sign3 SDK in the onCreate() method of the class, and add the Application class to your AndroidManifest.xml file.
  2. This SDK needs 2 required permissions for Android to achieve higher accuracy.
  3. Use the ClientID and Client Secret shared with the credentials document.

For Java #

public class MyApplication extends FlutterApplication {
    public void onCreate() {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
            Sign3IntelligencePlugin sign3IntelligencePlugin = new Sign3IntelligencePlugin();
            if (sign3IntelligencePlugin.stop()) return;
                    OptionsBuilder.ENV_DEV); // For Prod: Options.ENV_PROD, For Dev: Options.ENV_DEV

For Kotlin #

class MyApplication : FlutterApplication() {
    override fun onCreate() {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
            val sign3IntelligencePlugin = Sign3IntelligencePlugin()
            if (sign3IntelligencePlugin.stop()) return
                clientId = "<SIGN3_CLIENT_ID>",
                secret = "<SIGN3_CLIENT_SECRET>",
                env = OptionsBuilder.ENV_DEV  // For Prod: Options.ENV_PROD, For Dev: Options.ENV_DEV

For AndroidManifest.xml #

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">

<!-- Uncomment below line if minSdk is lower than 23 -->
<!-- <uses-sdk tools:overrideLibrary="com.sign3.intelligence.testpackage_fraudsdk"/> -->

        <!-- Add other components like activities here -->


Get Session ID #

  1. The Session ID is the unique identifier of a user's app session and serves as a reference point when retrieving the device result for that session.
  2. The Session ID follows the OS lifecycle management, in line with industry best practices. This means that a user's session remains active as long as the device maintains it, unless the user terminates the app or the device runs out of memory and has to kill the app.
Future<void> getSessionID() async {
 var sessionId = await Sign3Intelligence.getSessionId();

Fetch Device Intelligence Result #

  1. To fetch the device intelligence data refer to the following code snippet.
  2. IntelligenceResponse and IntelligenceError models are exposed by the SDK.
Future<void> getIntelligence() async {
  try {
    var sign3IntelligenceResponse = await Sign3Intelligence.getIntelligence();
    // Do something with the response
  } catch (e) {
    // Handle the error message 

Optional #

  1. You can add optional parameters like UserId, Phone Number, etc., at any time and update the instance of Sign3Intelligence.
  2. Once the options are updated, they get reset. Clients need to explicitly update the options again to ingest them, or else the default value of OTHERS in userEventType will be sent to the backend.
  3. You need to call getIntelligence() function whenever you update the options.
  4. To update the Sign3Intelligence instance with optional parameters, including additional attributes, you can use the following examples.
UpdateOptions getUpdatedOptions() {
  Map<String, String> additionalAttributes = {
    "DEPOSIT": "<AMOUNT>",
    "CURRENCY": "USD/INR/GBP/etc.",
    "TIMESTAMP": DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch.toString(),

  UpdateOptions updateOptions = UpdateOptionsBuilder()
  return updateOptions;

Future<void> updateOptions() async {
  await Sign3Intelligence.updateOptions(getUpdatedOptions());

Future<void> getIntelligence() async {
  try {
    var sign3IntelligenceResponse = await Sign3Intelligence.getIntelligence();
    // Do something with the response
  } catch (e) {
    // Handle the error message 

Sample Device Result Response #

Successful Intelligence Response #

    "requestId": "403ad427-5018-47b9-b6e8-790e17a78201",
    "newDevice": false,
    "deviceId": "43fccb70-d64a-4c32-a251-f07c082d7034",
    "vpn": false,
    "proxy": false,
    "emulator": true,
    "cloned": false,
    "geoSpoofed": false,
    "rooted": false,
    "ip": "",
    "remoteAppProviders": false,
    "remoteAppProvidersCount": 3,
    "mirroredScreen": false,
    "hooking": true,
    "factoryReset": true,
    "appTampering": true,
    "sessionRiskScore": 99.50516,
    "deviceRiskScore": 99.50516,
    "clientUserIds": [
    "sign3UserIds": [
    "gpsLocation": {
        "address": "F2620, Block F, Sushant Lok III, Sector 57, Gurugram, Haryana 122011, India",
        "adminArea": "Haryana",
        "countryCode": "IN",
        "countryName": "India",
        "featureName": "F2620",
        "latitude": "28.420385999999997",
        "locality": "Gurugram",
        "longitude": "77.088926",
        "postalCode": "122011",
        "subAdminArea": "Gurgaon Division",
        "subLocality": "Sector 57"
    "ipDetails": {
        "country": "IN",
        "fraudScore": 27.0,
        "city": "New Delhi",
        "isp": null,
        "latitude": 28.60000038,
        "region": "National Capital Territory of Delhi",
        "asn": "",
        "longitude": 77.19999695
    "simInfo": {
        "simIds": [
                "simSlotIndex": 0,
                "carrierName": "Android",
                "id": 1
        "totalSimUsed": 10
    "additionalData": {}

Error Response #

  "requestId": "7e12d131-2d90-4529-a5c7-35f457d86ae6",
  "errorMessage": "Sign3 Server Error"

Intelligence Response #

The intelligence response includes the following keys:

  • requestId: A unique identifier for the specific request.
  • newDevice: Indicates if the device is new.
  • deviceId: A unique identifier for the device.
  • vpn: Indicates whether a VPN is active on the device.
  • proxy: Indicates whether a proxy server is in use.
  • emulator: Indicates if the app is running on an emulator.
  • remoteAppProviders: Indicates whether any remote applications are installed on the device.
  • mirroredScreen: Indicates if the device's screen is being mirrored.
  • cloned: Indicates if the user is using a cloned instance of the app.
  • geoSpoofed: Indicates if the device's location is being faked.
  • rooted: Indicates if the device has been modified for root access.
  • sessionRiskScore: A score representing the risk level of the session.
  • hooking: Indicates if the app has been altered by malicious code.
  • factoryReset: Indicates if a suspicious factory reset has been performed.
  • appTampering: Indicates if the app has been modified in an unauthorized way.
  • clientUserIds: An array of user IDs assigned by the client that a device has seen till now.
  • gpsLocation: Details of the device's current GPS location, including latitude, longitude, and address information.
  • ip: The current IP address of the device.
  • ipDetails: Object added to capture ip related information and fraudScore related to ip address.
  • sign3UserIds: This will contain Sign3 generated userIds list till now the device has seen. Note: The logic for generating userId will be configured as per your business logic and can be customized.
  • simInfo: It will contain information like total sims used in a phone in its lifecycle, current sim+slot details.
  • remoteAppProvidersCount: The number of remote application providers detected on the device.
  • deviceRiskScore: The risk score of the device. Note: sessionRiskScore is derived from the latest state of the device but deviceRiskScore also factors in the historical state of the device (whether a device was rooted in any of the past sessions).
  • additionalData: Reserved for any extra or custom data not present in the IntelligenceResponse, providing a customized response based on specific requirements.


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The SDK detects device risks like rooting, VPNs, and remote access, providing insights to enhance fraud protection.


API reference


GPL-3.0 (license)




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