tencent_im_sdk_plugin 3.9.3
tencent_im_sdk_plugin: ^3.9.3 copied to clipboard
Instant Messaging (Instant Messaging) is developed based on QQ's underlying IM capabilities. It can easily integrate chat, conversation, group, data management and live barrage capabilities by simply [...]
3.5.0 #
- New interface
- callExperimentalAPI
- clearC2CHistoryMessage
- clearGroupHistoryMessage
- searchLocalMessages
- findMessages
- searchGroups
- searchGroupMembers
- getSignalingInfo
- addInvitedSignaling
- searchFriends
3.5.1 #
- Array out-of-bounds compatible logic
3.5.2 #
- add web support
3.5.3 #
- Added onTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged event
- Added orderkey field to V2TimConversation for session sorting
3.5.4 #
- Added downloadMergeMesasge interface
3.5.5 #
- Architecture adjustment
3.5.6 #
- Fix checkFriend failure problem
- Fix the problem that getC2CHistoryMessageList cannot get follow-up messages
3.6.0 #
- Each module supports multiple registration of listener and multiple callbacks
- Added api markAllMessageAsRead to set all sessions read
- Added combined message parsing
- Upgrade the native version to 5.8.1668
3.6.1 #
- Fix file progress event missing
3.6.2 #
- Fixed removing advanced message not passing uuid
3.6.3 #
- addFriend interface optimization: addType changed from int to FriendTypeEnum
- acceptFriendApplication interface optimization: acceptType changed from int to FriendResponseTypeEnum
- checkFriend interface optimization: checkType changed from int to FriendTypeEnum
- createGroup interface optimization: addOpt changed from int to GroupAddOptTypeEnum
- deleteFromFriendList interface optimization: deleteType changed from int to FriendTypeEnum
- getGroupMemberList interface optimization: filter changed from int to GroupMemberFilterTypeEnum
- getHistoryMessageList interface optimization: type changed from int to HistoryMsgGetTypeEnum
- getHistoryMessageListWithoutFormat interface optimization: type changed from int to HistoryMsgGetTypeEnum
- getGroupMemberList interface optimization: type changed from int to GroupMemberFilterTypeEnum
- getGroupMemberList interface optimization: filter changed from int to GroupMemberFilterTypeEnum
- initSDK interface optimization: loglevel changed from int to LogLevelEnum
- refuseFriendApplication interface optimization: change acceptType from int to FriendApplicationTypeEnum
- sendCustomMessage interface optimization: priority changed from int to MessagePriorityEnum
- sendFaceMessage interface optimization: priority changed from int to MessagePriorityEnum
- sendFileMessage interface optimization: priority changed from int to MessagePriorityEnum
- sendForwardMessage interface optimization: priority changed from int to MessagePriorityEnum
- sendImageMessage interface optimization: priority changed from int to MessagePriorityEnum
- sendLocationMessage interface optimization: priority changed from int to MessagePriorityEnum
- sendMergerMessage interface optimization: priority changed from int to MessagePriorityEnum
- sendSoundMessage interface optimization: priority changed from int to MessagePriorityEnum
- sendTextAtMessage interface optimization: priority changed from int to MessagePriorityEnum
- sendTextMessage interface optimization: priority changed from int to MessagePriorityEnum
- setGroupMemberRole interface optimization: role changed from int to GroupMemberRoleTypeEnum
- Event callback registration return modified to be asynchronous
3.6.4 #
- Fix Android asynchronous registration event no return bug
- Fix the error of removing the basic listener event
- The message progress event adds the uuid of the message being sent
3.6.5 #
- fix java syntax error
3.6.6 #
- Add message reply interface
- Fix the problem of error reporting in release mode on the web side
3.6.7 #
- The ios compilation environment has been upgraded from 8.0 to 9.0
3.6.8 #
- Reply message interface optimization
3.6.9 #
- Reply message parameter optimization
3.7.0 #
- Optimize cloudCustomData unpacking
3.7.1 #
- The message sending progress event returns the id of the created message
- Optimize the callback part, prompting the business side to call back errors that are caught in the SDK and need to be modified by the business side
3.7.5 #
- Upgrade the underlying library to 6.0.1975
- Offline push configuration supports TPNS TOKEN
3.7.7 #
- Fix swift code warning
- Rewrite swift strong unpacking code
- Add the id field to the message instance returned by the sendMessage interface
3.7.8 #
- Fix the exception caused by strong unpacking
3.8.0 #
- Upgrade the underlying interface dependencies
3.8.2 #
- Update group member parameter constraints
3.8.3 #
- Switch the token encoding according to the environment
3.8.4 #
- update interface
3.8.5 #
- Added remove session listener interface
- Add the interface for removing the friend relationship link
3.8.6 #
- Solve the problem that the package cannot be get
3.8.7 #
- Modify add friends enumeration
3.8.8 #
- Monitor registration problem fix
3.8.9 #
- Monitor registration problem fix
3.9.0 #
- Modify grouplistener
3.9.1 #
- Upgrade the underlying library version to 6.1.2155
3.9.2 #
- Upgrade the ios library version to 6.1.2155.1
3.9.3 #
- Upgrade the underlying SDK version to 6.2.x
- Fix the problem that the group ban group tips boolValue is lost
- Fixed the problem that the nameCard field was not parsed for session instances
- Added group read receipt related interface
- flutter for web perfect