telegram_client 0.0.6
telegram_client: ^0.0.6 copied to clipboard
telegram client library to make bot or userbot Support Telegram Api and Support Tdlib Telegram Database Library.
Telegram Bot api dart library auto update from official Telegram-Bot-Api, Support All Method Api.
Welcome to Azkadev's profile!
I'm Gibran Alazka, a freshman at THU.
- ⚒ Javascript / Dart / C++
- ✏️ Ubuntu
- 🌱 Taking courses & doing assignments at THU
- 👨 Pronouns: he/him
📃 My Skilss:
I'm Gibran Alazka, a freshman at THU.
- ⚒ Javascript / Dart / C++
- ✏️ Ubuntu
- 🌱 Taking courses & doing assignments at THU
- 👨 Pronouns: he/him
My Social Media
Donate #
ID: Jika Anda Menyukai karya saya dan ingin memberikan dana untuk saya membeli beberapa snack silahkan donasi seberapapun itu akan saya terima dan terima kasih banyak ya.
EN: If you like my work and want to give me funds to buy some snacks, please donate any amount I will accept and thank you very much.
Framework #
ID: Project ini Menggunakan beberapa bahasa framework sebagai berikut.
EN: This project uses several framework as follows.
Language Code #
ID: Project ini Menggunakan beberapa bahasa code program sebagai berikut.
EN: This project uses several programming language languages as follows.
Use This Library #
ID: untuk anda yang ingin mencoba menggunakan source code ini, silahkan ikuti step berikut ini :
EN: for those of you who want to try to using this source code, please follow these steps :
Install Library
dart pub add telegram_client
Quickstart #
- Apps
- Test Tdlib
import 'package:telegram_client/telegram_client.dart';
void main() {
var option = {
'api_id': 1917085,
'api_hash': 'a612212e6ac3ff1f97a99b2e0f050894',
'files_directory': "/home/azkadev/Documents/telegram_client/dart/telegram_client/bin/bot"
var tdl = Tdlib("/home/azkadev/Desktop/azkauserrobot/", option);
tdl.on((update, client) {
if (update["@type"] == "updateNewMessage" &&
update["message"]["@type"] == "message") {
var msg = update["message"];
var chatId = msg["chat_id"];
if (!msg["is_outgoing"]) {
var option = {
"@type": "sendMessage",
"chat_id": chatId,
"input_message_content": {
"@type": "inputMessageText",
"text": {
"@type": "formattedText",
"text": "hello world",
"entitiees": []
"disableWebPagePreview": false,
"clearDraft": false
return tdl.clientSend(option);
"@type": "checkAuthenticationBotToken",
"token": "token_your_bot"
- Test Cli Telegram Api
import 'package:telegram_client/telegram_client.dart';
import 'dart:io';
void main() async {
stdout.write("Paste your token bot from @botfather here: ");
var tokenBot = stdin.readLineSync().toString();
if (tokenBot.isNotEmpty) {
var tg = Telegram(tokenBot);
stdout.write("Enter your chat_id : ");
var chatId = stdin.readLineSync();
if (chatId.toString().isNotEmpty) {
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
var chat_id = chatId;
// request raw auto update library latest
var options = {
"chat_id": chat_id,
"document": tg.api.file(
"caption": "hello world",
"protect_content": true,
"reply_markup": {
"inline_keyboard": [
{"text": "form data nih bos", "url": ""}
try {
try {
await tg.api.request("sendDocument", options, true);
} catch (e) {
await tg.api.sendMessage(chat_id, "hello world", {
"reply_markup": {
"inline_keyboard": [
{"text": "hewlo", "url": ""}
var request = await tg.api.request("getMe");
} catch (e) {
try {
await tg.api.sendMessage(chat_id, e.toString());
} catch (e) {
} else {
print("silahkan ulangin lagi dari awal");
} else {
print("silahkan ulangin lagi dari awal");