tarsier_websocket_client 1.0.0 copy "tarsier_websocket_client: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
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A Dart package for managing WebSocket connections and real-time event handling.

Tarsier WebSocket Client


Tarsier WebSocket Client is a Dart package for managing WebSocket connections and real-time event handling. It is designed to be compatible with the Pusher WebSocket protocol used by pusher.com. This package extends the functionality of the pusher_client package to support the Windows platform, while maintaining compatibility with other platforms.

This package has been tested with Laravel WebSockets from BeyondCode. Although not explicitly tested with Pusher.com, it is expected to work with Pusher due to protocol compatibility.

✨ Features #

  • WebSocket Connection Management: Connect, disconnect, and manage state seamlessly.
  • Channel Types:
    • Public Channels: Basic channels without authentication.
    • Private Channels: Secure channels requiring authentication.
    • Presence Channels: Channels for tracking online users and presence data.
    • Private Encrypted Channels: Secure and encrypted channels for sensitive data.
  • Event Handling: Bind, unbind, and handle custom events.
  • Authentication: Secure private and presence channels with authentication options.
  • Encryption: Support for encrypted channels using SecretBox for secure communication.
  • Windows Platform Support: Extends the pusher_client package to work on Windows
  • Reconnection Logic: Automatic reconnection with configurable retry attempts and intervals.
  • Logging: Configurable logging for debugging and monitoring.

👋 Disclaimer #

This package is designed to work with the Pusher WebSocket protocol. It has been thoroughly tested with Laravel WebSockets but not explicitly with the official pusher.com service. If it works with Laravel WebSockets, it is likely to work with pusher.com due to protocol compatibility. Feedback from developers testing it with Pusher.com is highly appreciated.

🚀 Installation #

Add the package to your pubspec.yaml:

  tarsier_websocket_client: ^1.0.1
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Install it by running:

flutter pub get
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Import it in your Dart code:

import 'package:tarsier_websocket_client/tarsier_websocket_client.dart';
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📒 Usage #

  • Basic Setup

    Here's an example of setting up and using the Tarsier WebSocket Client:

import 'package:tarsier_websocket_client/tarsier_websocket_client.dart';

void main() {
  final client = TarsierWebsocketClient(
    options: PusherOptions(
      key: 'your-app-key',
      authOptions: PusherAuthOptions(
        endpoint: 'https://example.com/auth',
        headers: {
          'Authorization': 'Bearer your-token',

  // Log event when there's an error on connection
  client.onConnectionError((error) {
    print("Connection error: $error");
  client.onError((error) {
    print("Error: $error");
  client.onDisconnected((data) {
    print("Disconnected: $data");

  // Connect to the WebSocket server

  // Subscribe to a public channel
  final channel = client.subscribe<Channel>('my-channel');
  channel.bind('my-event', (data) {
    print('Event received: $data');

  // Subscribe to a private channel
  final privateChannel = client.private('private-my-channel');
  privateChannel.bind('my-private-event', (data) {
    print('Private event received: $data');

  // Disconnect when done
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  • Presence Channel Example
final presenceChannel = client.presence('presence-my-channel');
presenceChannel.bind('user-joined', (data) {
  print('A new user joined: $data');
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  • Logging

Enable logging for debugging:

final client = TarsierWebsocketClient(
  options: PusherOptions(
    key: 'your-app-key',
    enableLogging: true, //Set to true if you want to enable logging
    authOptions: PusherAuthOptions(endpoint: 'https://example.com/auth'),
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⚒️ API Reference #

Classes #

  • TarsierWebsocketClient: Main entry point for managing WebSocket connections.
  • PusherOptions: Configures connection options such as authentication, encryption, and timeouts.
  • PusherAuthOptions: Authentication options for private and presence channels.
  • Channel: Base class for public channels.
  • PrivateChannel: Secure channels requiring authentication.
  • PresenceChannel: Channels with presence tracking.
  • PrivateEncryptedChannel: Secure and encrypted channels.

Methods #

  • connect(): Establishes a connection to the WebSocket server.
  • disconnect(): Closes the connection.
  • subscribe(channelName): Subscribes to a channel by name.
  • unsubscribe(channelName): Unsubscribes from a channel.
  • unsubscribeAll(): Unsubscribes from all channels.
  • bind(event, listener): Binds a listener to an event.
  • unbind(event, listener): Unbinds a listener from an event.

🎖️ License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

🐞 Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or file an issue for any bugs or feature requests on GitHub.



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2024.09.11 - 2025.03.26

A Dart package for managing WebSocket connections and real-time event handling.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


async, crypto, http, meta, pinenacl, stream_channel, uuid


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