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Provides a simple yet powerful API for reading, writing and converting audio tags (metadata).

Release taggy Build Status Github Stars MIT License

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Provides a simple yet powerful API for reading, writing and converting audio tags (metadata).

Table of contents:

Features #

Planned features ⏳ #

  • Batches: write to multiple files at the same time.
  • Editing file name: add the option to rename a file based on its track title.
  • TaggyFileResult: all public APIs should return a universal result; a value of TaggyFile type or an error of TaggyError type.
  • Converting tags

Getting started #

  • Install the package.
  • Read the Usage section to explore Taggy's features.
  • For more details: check out the example app.

Installation #

Run the following command:

  dart pub add taggy
copied to clipboard

Usage #

Initialization #

It can be done in two ways:

  • First method:

    import 'package:taggy/taggy.dart';
    void main(){
    copied to clipboard
  • Second method:

    import 'package:taggy/taggy.dart';
    // call this helper function which takes care of loading the library for you.
    copied to clipboard

About TaggyFile #

  • It gives us a little more information about the file we're reading from or writing to, so alongside the list of Tag, we get:

    • the file size (in bytes).
    • a FileType: whether it's (flac, wav, mpeg, etc).
    • an AudioInfo, which is another type, holds the properties of the audio track.
  • you can pretty-print a TaggyFile instance by calling formatAsAString():

    output example
    TaggyFile: {
        size: 12494053 bytes ~ 12.2 MB,
        fileType: FileType.Mpeg
        primaryTagType: TagType.Id3v2,
        tags: {
        count: 1,
          [ Tag(
                tagType: Id3v2,
                trackTitle: Fine Line,
                trackArtist: Eminem,
                trackNumber: 9,
                trackTotal: 1,
                discTotal: null,
                discNumber: null,
                album: SHADYXV,
                albumArtist: Various Artists,
                genre: null,
                language: null,
                year: null,
                recordingDate: null,
                originalReleaseDate: null,
                has lyrics: true,
                pictures: {
                  count: 1,
                  items: [ Picture(
                    picType: PictureType.CoverFront,
                    picData(Bytes): 168312,
                    mimeType: MimeType.Jpeg,
                    width: 1000,
                    height: 1000,
                    colorDepth: 24,
                    numColors: 0,
        audio: AudioInfo(
        channelMask: 3,
        channels: 2,
        sampleRate: 44100,
        audioBitrate: 321,
        overallBitrate: 326,
        bitDepth: null,
        durationSec: 306,
    copied to clipboard

Reading tags #

  • Reading all tags:

    const path = 'path/to/audio/file.mp3';
    final TaggyFile taggyFile = await Taggy.readAll(path);
    // you can use the getter which, under the hood, is [taggyFile.tags.firstOrNull]
    // or easily access all returned tags
    for (var tag in taggyFile.tags) {
    copied to clipboard
  • Reading primary tag:

    final path = 'path/to/audio/file.mp3';
    final TaggyFile taggyFile = await Taggy.readPrimary(path);
    copied to clipboard
  • Reading any tag:

    It's similar to readPrimary except that the returned TaggyFile.tags might be empty.

    const path = 'path/to/audio/file.mp3';
    final TaggyFile taggyFile = await Taggy.readyAny(path);
    // you can also use [formatAsString], we still get a [TaggyFile].
    // you may want to check if it has any tags
    final hasTags = taggyFile.tags.isNotEmpty();
    // Or use the getter
    final Tag? tag = taggyFile.firstTagIfAny;
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Writing tags #

  • About specifying the TagType

    A tag type is required for creating a new Tag instance. You can:

    • check what TagType the file supports based on its type(extension). see this table.

    • Use the function Taggy.writePrimary() and pass it a Tag with a type of TagType.FilePrimaryType, as shown in example below.

  • Example of creating a new Tag
    Tag getTagInstance(TagType tagType){
      return Tag(
        tagType: tagType,
        album: 'Some Album',
        trackTitle: 'some Track',
        trackArtist: 'Some Artist',
        trackTotal: 10,
        trackNumber: 1,
        discNumber: 1,
        discTotal: 2,
        year: 2023,
        recordingDate: '1/3/2019',
        language: 'EN',
        pictures: [
            // zeros are used to demonstrate how to provide a picture's data.
            picData: Uint8List.fromList([0, 0, 0, 0]),
            mimeType: MimeType.Jpeg,
            picType: PictureType.CoverFront,
            width: 1000,
            height: 800,
    copied to clipboard
  • Writing primary tag:

    final path = 'path/to/audio/file.mp3';
    final tagToWrite = getTagInstance(TagType.FilePrimaryType);
    final TaggyFile taggyFile = await Taggy.writePrimary(
      path: path, tag: tagToWrite, keepOthers: false);
    // On Success, [taggyFile.tags] will contain the newly added tag.
    // NOTE: this tag may not contain the same properties of [tagToWrite].
    final pTag = taggyFile.primaryTag;
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  • Writing multiple tags:

    In most use-cases, you'll use Taggy.writePrimary() to add/edit an audio tag metadata, but you can also provide multiple tags to be written to the same file.

    final path = 'path/to/audio/file.mp3';
    final tags = [
    final TaggyFile taggyFile = await Taggy.writeAll(
      path: path, tag: tagToWrite, overrideExistent: true);
    copied to clipboard

Removing tags #

  • Remove a specific Tag

    You can delete a tag from file by specifying its tag type.

    final path = 'path/to/audio/file.mp3';
    // The type of to-remove-tag
    final tagType = TagType.Ape;
    final TaggyFile taggyFile = await Taggy.removeTag(path: path, tagType: tagType);
    copied to clipboard
  • Remove all tags

    final path = 'path/to/audio/file.mp3';
    final TaggyFile taggyFile = await Taggy.removeAll(path: path);
    // output is []
    copied to clipboard

Feed back & Contributions #

  • 🐛 Found an issue or encountered a bug? please check the existing issues or create a new one.

  • 💪🏻 Want to contribute? Thank you, its always welcomed!. You can start by reading the Contributing guide.

  • 🙏🏻 You can also contribute if you ⭐ this repository and 👍🏻 the package on Pub.dev, we do appreciate your love.

Acknowledgement #

  • lofty: a Rust library which provides Taggy with its functionality.

  • Flutter Rust Bridge: connects Rust APIs with Dart & Flutter.



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Provides a simple yet powerful API for reading, writing and converting audio tags (metadata).

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MIT (license)


ffi, flutter_rust_bridge, meta, path, uuid


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