syncfusion_flutter_pdfviewer 29.1.33 copy "syncfusion_flutter_pdfviewer: ^29.1.33" to clipboard
syncfusion_flutter_pdfviewer: ^29.1.33 copied to clipboard

Flutter PDF Viewer library is used to display a PDF document seamlessly and efficiently.

[29.1.33] - 03/25/2025 #


  • The compatible version of our Flutter PDF Viewer widget has been updated to Flutter SDK 3.29.0.
  • The Syncfusion® Flutter PDF Viewer example sample have been updated to support kotlin build scripts in Android platform.
  • Provided support for Swift package manager in iOS and macOS platforms.


  • Provided support to load PDF documents from any source using the unified constructor.
  • Now, scrollbars will be displayed for single-page documents on desktop platforms.
  • Now, scrollbars will be displayed in Single Page Layout mode on desktop platforms.

[28.2.7] - 02/25/2025 #


  • The minimum Dart version of our Flutter widgets has been updated to 3.4 from 3.3.
  • Upgraded the intl package to the latest version 0.20.0.


  • Now, the scroll offest value will be accurate when the SfPdfViewer widget is used in Single page layout mode.

[28.2.5] - 02/11/2025 #

  • Now, the application no longer crashes when loading a single-page document created using the syncfusion_flutter_pdf library on specific iOS devices.

[28.1.39] - 01/14/2025 #


  • Now, the PDF document loads properly when using newer versions of the pdf.js library on the web platform.
  • Now, the PDF document with invalid annotation bounds will be loaded properly in the SfPdfViewer widget.

[28.1.38] - 01/07/2024 #


[27.2.5] - 12/03/2024 #


  • Now, 'tel' links in PDF documents open properly in the SfPdfViewer widget.
  • Now, the browser's built-in context menu is only disabled in routes with the SfPdfViewer widget.

[26.2.14] - 09/10/2024 #


  • The compatible version of our Flutter PDF Viewer widget has been updated to Flutter SDK 3.24.0.

[26.2.8] - 08/06/2024 #


  • Now, the second page is rendered properly when loading a two-page PDF document in the SfPdfViewer widget on the Android platform.

[26.2.7] - 07/30/2024 #


  • Now, the multi-line textbox form field will not lose focus as soon as it is focused.

[26.2.4] - 07/24/2024 #


  • Provided text alignment support for form fields in PDF documents.

[26.1.42] - 07/16/2024 #


  • Now, the SfPdfViewer will not crash unexpectedly when loading PDF documents while the device is in landscape orientation.
  • Improved the performance of the SfPdfViewer widget when loading PDF documents with a large number of form fields.


  • Provided support to add, remove, modify, and save sticky note annotations in PDF files.


  • Upgraded the device_info_plus package to the latest version 10.1.0.

[26.1.41] - 07/09/2024 #


  • Now, the soft keyboard will not hide immediately when focusing on the text form field in the SfPdfViewer widget if Scaffold.resizeToAvoidBottomInset is set to false.

[26.1.40] - 07/02/2024 #


  • Now, the PDF document with invalid annotation bounds will be loaded properly in the SfPdfViewer widget.


  • Updated the 'js' package version constraints to '>=0.6.3 <0.8.0' in the syncfusion_pdfviewer_web package.

[26.1.39] - 06/25/2024 #


  • Now, the copied text will correctly match the selected Right-to-Left (RTL) text in the SfPdfViewer widget.

[26.1.35] - 06/11/2024 #


  • Now, the pages being rendered will have good quality at the initial zoom level. The rendering performance of pages in the viewer for large documents has also been improved for all platforms. Especially on the web and Android platforms, we have achieved approximately an 80% deduction in the rendering time for a document of 50 MB size.
  • Provided support to scroll right-to-left (RTL) horizontally in the RTL layout. This will help you accommodate languages that are read from right to left for better continuity in reading.
  • Provided support to customize the visibility of the built-in text selection menu. This can help users design their own customized text selection menu.

[25.2.6] - 05/28/2024 #


  • Now, the soft keyboard will not hide immediately when focusing on the text form field in a particular PDF document.
  • Now, the SfPdfViewer will not crash unexpectedly when loading a particular PDF document on the iOS platform.

[25.2.5] - 05/21/2024 #


  • Now, the page number will be retained when switching the page layout from single page to continuous page layout in the SfPdfViewer widget.

[25.2.3] - 05/08/2024 #


  • Provided support for letter spacing in the textbox form fields.

[25.1.41] - 04/23/2024 #


  • Now, the page will be rendered properly after switching the device orientation from portrait to landscape or vice versa in the SfPdfViewer widget.

[25.1.38] - 04/02/2024 #


  • Now, the SfPdfViewer will not crash unexpectedly due to the high memory usage when loading and unloading the large and high-resolution PDF documents frequently.

[25.1.35] - 03/15/2024 #


  • Provided support for loading the PDF document on a specified page.
  • Provided support for active viewport rendering. That is, at a higher zoom level, this feature renders only the part of the PDF document that is visible on the screen, ignoring the parts that are outside the viewport.
  • Provided support to undo and redo the data filled in PDF forms.


  • Provided the Material 3 theme support.

[24.2.9] - 03/05/2024 #


  • Upgraded the js package to the latest version 0.7.1 in the syncfusion_pdfviewer_web package.

[24.2.8] - 02/27/2024 #


  • Now the page will be centered while zooming out in landscape orientation with pinch gestures in Single Page layout mode.

[24.2.7] - 02/20/2024 #


  • Provided support to check and uncheck the grouped checkbox form fields that behave like a radio button in the PDF document.

[24.2.5] - 02/13/2024 #


  • Now, the SfPdfViewer will not crash unexpectedly when closing the application before the PDF document is loaded on iOS and macOS platforms.

[24.1.47] - 01/23/2024 #


  • Now, when viewing a single-page document in a continuous page layout, the user can fully zoom out of the document with a pinch gesture in the SfPdfViewer widget.

[24.1.46] - 01/17/2024 #


  • Now, the application will not crash when switching the PDF document in the SfPdfViewer widget on the Windows platform.


  • Upgraded the intl package to the latest version 0.19.0.

[24.1.45] - 01/09/2024 #


  • Now, the SfPdfViewer will render the PDF pages considering the crop box value in iOS.
  • Now, when using German locale, the 'Open' label in the hyperlink and password dialogs will be translated properly.

[24.1.41] - 18/12/2023 #


  • Now, the SfPdfViewer will be properly deployed without namespace errors when built with a Gradle version greater than 8.x.


  • Provided support to add, remove, modify, and save text markup annotations in PDF files. The available text markups are highlight, underline, strikethrough, and squiggly.
  • Provided support to scroll vertically in single-page layout mode.

[23.2.6] - 11/28/2023 #


  • Now, the SfPdfViewer will render the PDF pages considering the crop box value in iOS.
  • Now, the position is maintained in the zoomed document when performing panning in SfPdfViewer.
  • Now, the focus of the text form field is maintained when scrolling is performed in SfPdfViewer.


  • Enhanced the user experience of the scroll head by increasing its size in SfPdfViewer.

[23.2.4] - 11/20/2023 #


  • Now, the SfPdfViewer will trigger the onTap callback when there is a slight touch slop too.

[23.1.44] - 11/07/2023 #


  • Now, the SfPdfViewer does not trigger the onTap callback when performing a double-tap zoom.
  • Now, in the single-page layout mode, the page position is maintained properly in landscape orientation when performing zoom in a specific PDF document.


  • Support to render the background color in the form fields has been provided.

[23.1.42] - 10/24/2023 #


  • Now, the form fields are properly rendered in a document with a different page size in SfPdfViewer.


  • Provided support to render digital signatures in existing PDF documents in a non-interactive way to avoid data loss while viewing. The document's integrity is preserved if no editing operation is performed.

[23.1.40] - 10/10/2023 #


  • Now, the default selection of the first item in the radio button form fields has been removed.


  • Provided the support to restrict the text form field editing based on its maximum length.

[23.1.38] - 09/26/2023 #


  • Now, the PDF page content will be clear on iOS when zoomed in.


  • Provided support for the continueImportOnError option in the importFormData method.

[23.1.36] - 09/15/2023 #


  • Now, the pagePosition property in PdfGestureDetails will return the tapped position in the PDF page coordinates.

[22.2.10] - 08/22/2023 #


  • Now, the AlertDialog or DatePicker dialog is properly closed when invoked in the onFormFieldFocusChange callback.


  • Enhanced the user experience of the combo box form field by switching the PopupMenuButton with a DropdownButton widget in SfPdfViewer.
  • Support for localization for the texts in the built-in signature pad dialog has been provided.

[22.2.5] - 07/27/2023 #


  • The multi-line text form fields will now have the proper font size.


  • Support for filling out the list box form field has been provided.
  • Support for filling or editing form fields programmatically has been provided.
  • Provided focus change and value change callback support for form fields.
  • Provided the support for the onTap callback to retrieve the page number, position, and page position when tapping on the SfPdfViewer.

[22.1.34] - 06/21/2023 #


  • Support for filling out the form fields, such as text boxes, dropdown menus, checkboxes, radio buttons, and signatures, has been provided. It also offers additional features, such as the ability to save, export, and import the form data.
  • Support for loading the pages with the width fitted on the Windows and Web platforms has been provided.


  • Upgraded the http package to the latest version 1.0.0.
  • Upgraded the device_info_plus package to the latest version 9.0.2.

[21.2.4] - 05/09/2023 #


  • Now, the SfPdfViewer does not execute the onDocumentLoaded callback before the Pdf document loads.

[21.2.3] - 05/03/2023 #


  • Support for customising the visibility of the page loading busy indicator has been provided.

[21.1.38] - 04/04/2023 #


  • Now, the SfPdfViewer does not cause excessive widget rebuilding when no actions are performed on the PDF.

[20.4.55] - 03/21/2023 #


  • Now, the SfPdfViewer does not cause text fields to lose focus when scrolling is active on an Android tablet or the iPad.
  • Now, the keyboard shortcut navigation on the web platform works properly.


  • Support to set and adjust the maximum zoom level has been provided.

[20.4.51] - 02/21/2022 #

  • The password dialog is now displayed properly in the SfPdfViewer when localized.

[20.4.43] - 01/10/2022 #

  • Support for scrolling via remote button clicks on Android TV has been provided.

[20.3.58] - 11/22/2022 #


  • Now, the PDF page will not be zoomed while performing a mouse scroll in the mobile view of the web platform.


  • Support for the text web link navigation has been provided.

[20.3.52] - 10/26/2022 #

  • When copying PDF content from the SfPdfViewer widget, spacing between the words is now added properly.

[20.3.47] - 09/29/2022 #


  • Now, text search will be performed asynchronously on mobile and desktop platforms.
  • Now, the busy indicator will be displayed before rendering the pages.

Breaking changes

  • The searchText method will now return just the PdfTextSearchResult object instead of the Future<PdfTextSearchResult>. Since the search will be performed asynchronously, the results will be returned periodically on a page-by-page basis, which can be retrieved using the addListener method in the application.
  • When we navigate to a particular page and perform a search, then the first instance to be highlighted will be the document's first one instead of the navigated page's first instance.

[20.2.44-beta] - 08/16/2022 #

  • Now, the scrolling works with the appropriate scrolling animation on a document with the default zoom level.

[20.2.43-beta] - 08/08/2022 #


  • Now, the PDF pages are positioned properly when setting the initialZoomLevel.
  • Now, the cache memory will be cleared properly after loading a PDF document in the SfPdfViewer widget.

[20.2.36-beta] - 06/30/2022 #


  • Open URLs or website links in the default browser just by clicking them. Also, hide or customize the built-in hyperlink navigation dialog.
  • Now, the SfPdfViewer supports changing the user interface and functionalities like text search and copying text to suit the RTL languages.
  • Enhanced the performance of the scroll fling animation to provide smoother and fluid scrolling. That is, the time taken by scroll fling action has been reduced up to 60%.


  • The application will no longer crash while loading a high-quality document in the SfPdfViewer widget.
  • Now, the PDF pages will be rendered properly while switching the device orientation from portrait to landscape or vice versa.

[20.1.57-beta] - 05/24/2022 #


  • Now, the application will not close unexpectedly when scrolling the specific PDF document on the iOS device.
  • Now, the clarity of the PDF page is updated properly when changing the orientation.

[20.1.56-beta] - 05/17/2022 #

  • Resolved linter warnings due to Flutter 3 SDK upgradation.

[20.1.47-beta] - 04/04/2022 #


  • Windows platform support has been provided.


  • The scrolling and panning performance in zoomed documents has now been improved.

Breaking changes

The following platform packages have been renamed. No changes in your pubspec.yaml is required since these changes will be reflected automatically.

Old package name New package name
syncfusion_flutter_pdfviewer_platform_interface syncfusion_pdfviewer_platform_interface
syncfusion_flutter_pdfviewer_web syncfusion_pdfviewer_web
syncfusion_flutter_pdfviewer_macos syncfusion_pdfviewer_macos

[19.4.55-beta] - 03/08/2022 #

  • Now, the SfPdfViewer widget won't be crashed when scrolling continuously over the zoomed document.

[19.4.48-beta] - 01/31/2022 #

Breaking changes

  • searchTextHighlightColor property has been deprecated, instead use the currentSearchTextHighlightColor and otherSearchTextHighlightColor for customizing the search text highlight color.

[19.4.40-beta] - 12/28/2021 #

  • Now, PDF document will be loaded from the page of first occurrence when searchText is performed in onDocumentLoaded callback.

[19.4.38-beta] - 12/17/2021 #


  • Support for loading password-protected or encrypted documents has been provided.
  • Now, Page regions will be rendered in high resolution when a user zooms in on the page.


  • Now, PDF pages won't be overlapped when multi PDFs are placed inside IndexedStack

[19.3.57-beta] - 12/07/2021 #

  • DisplayMetrics deprecation warnings for Android R SDK in Android Plugin has been cleared now.

[19.3.56-beta] - 11/30/2021 #

  • Now, Linefeed will be included while copying PDF content in desktop platforms.

[19.3.55-beta] - 11/23/2021 #

  • PDF page clarity has been improved now when smaller page width document is loaded.

[19.3.53-beta] - 11/12/2021 #

  • Now, PDF pages can be panned when text selection is disabled.

[19.3.46-beta] - 10/19/2021 #

  • Support for text selection in multi-column PDF has been provided.

[19.3.45-beta] - 10/12/2021 #

  • Now, Network images won't be reloaded when rebuilding the SfPdfViewer widget.

[19.3.43-beta] - 09/30/2021 #


  • Support for screen reading has been provided.
  • Now, PDF document can be viewed page by page horizontally.
  • Horizontal scrolling support has been provided.
  • Support for text selection and text search in rotated document has been provided.

[19.2.57-beta] - 08/24/2021 #

  • Now, SfPdfViewer widget won't be rebuilding continuously without any user interaction.

[19.2.51-beta] - 08/03/2021 #

  • Now, searchText method works properly in onDocumentLoaded callback.

[19.2.46-beta] - 07/06/2021 #

  • Now, Grayscale images will be displayed properly in a PDF document while viewing in iOS 14.1 or later versions.

[19.2.44-beta] - 06/30/2021 #

  • The macOS platform support has been provided.

[19.1.56-beta] - 04/13/2021 #

  • Added headers parameter in
  • Now, PDF document will be displayed properly inside the SizedBox or Container Widgets in Web platform.

[19.1.55-beta] - 04/06/2021 #


  • The Web platform support has been provided.
  • Support to view the rotated PDF documents in the iOS platform has been provided.

[18.4.48-beta] - 03/16/2021 #

  • Now, the computeDryLayout has been implemented and SfPdfViewer widget will be compatible in all channels of Flutter SDK.

[18.4.42-beta] - 02/09/2021 #

Breaking changes

  • Now, the text selection color and handle color can be customized using selectionColor and selectionHandleColor properties of TextSelectionTheme respectively.

[18.4.31-beta] - 12/22/2020 #


  • Now, the highlighted search instance in the zoomed document will be navigate properly.

[18.4.30-beta] - 12/17/2020 #


  • Text Search - Select text presented in a PDF document.
  • Text Selection - Search for text and navigate to all its occurrences in a PDF document instantly.
  • Document Link Annotation - Navigate to the desired topic or position by tapping the document link annotation of the topics in the table of contents in a PDF document.
  • Support to adjust the space between the pages has been provided.
  • Provided initialScrollOffset and initialZoomLevel property to display the PDF document loaded with the specified scroll offset and zoom level respectively.

[18.3.53-beta] - 12/08/2020 #


  • Page storage support has been provided, which preserves scroll offset and zoom level.
  • Now, the async operation will be cancelled in case widget is being disposed and added mounted checks.

[18.3.47-beta] - 11/05/2020 #


  • Now, the temporary PDF file created by Syncfusion® Flutter SfPdfViewer will be inaccessible.

[18.3.35-beta] - 10/01/2020 #

Initial release.


  • Virtual Scrolling - Easily scroll through the pages in the document with a fluent experience. The pages are rendered only when required to increase the loading and scrolling performance.
  • Magnification - The content of the document can be efficiently zoomed in and out.
  • Page navigation - Navigate to the desired pages instantly.
  • Bookmark navigation - Bookmarks saved in the document are loaded and made ready for easy navigation. This feature helps navigate the topics bookmarked already within the PDF document.
  • Themes - Easily switch between light and dark themes.
  • Localization - All static text within the PDF Viewer can be localized to any supported language.