swagger_parser 0.3.1 copy "swagger_parser: ^0.3.1" to clipboard
swagger_parser: ^0.3.1 copied to clipboard

Generate REST clients and data classes from swagger json file

Swagger Parser #

pub package Style Star on Github Tests

Dart package that generates REST clients and data classes from swagger json file #

Features #

Installation #

Add dependency #

In your pubspec.yaml, add the following dependencies:

  # ...
  dio: ^4.0.0
  json_annotation: ^4.7.0
  retrofit: ^3.3.0

  # ...
  swagger_parser: ^0.3.0
  build_runner: ^2.3.0
  json_serializable: ^6.5.0
  retrofit_generator: ^4.2.0

Obs: versions above are just an initial reference and can be removed if conflicting with your versions.

Create swagger_parser.yaml #

This is the configuration file that will be read for running the parser according to your needs.

  json_path: assets/swagger.json # Required. Sets the json path directory for api definition
  output_directory: lib/api # Required. Sets output directory for generated files (api clients and models)
  language: dart # Optional. Sets the programming language. Current available languages are: dart, kotlin. Default: dart
  squish_clients: true # Optional. Set 'true' to put all clients in one folder. Default: false
  client_postfix: ApiClient # Optional. Set postfix for client folder and Class. Works if there is only a single class or squish is true. Default: Client
  freezed: false # Optional (dart only). Set 'true' to generate data classes using freezed package. Default: false

Compile your generator locally #

If you are using Flutter, you can replace all "dart run" calls with "flutter pub run".

To generate boilerplate code, run the generate program inside directory where your pubspec.yaml file is located:

dart run swagger_parser:generate

Add your OpenApi json file configuration to your pubspec.yaml or create a new config file called swagger_parser.yaml. An example of YAML is shown below

If you name your configuration file something other than swagger_parser.yaml or pubspec.yaml you will need to specify the name of the YAML file as an argument.

dart run swagger_parser:generate -f <path to your config file>

Now run the builder for retrofit, json_serializable and freezed:

dart run build_runner build
pub points


verified publishercarapacik.dev

Generate REST clients and data classes from swagger json file

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


args, collection, path, yaml


Packages that depend on swagger_parser